19 本の映画



A young boy finds a powerful otherworldly weapon, which he uses to save his older adoptive brother from a crew of thugs. Before long, the two of them are also pursued by federal agents and mysterious mercenaries aiming to reclaim their asset.

来るロサンゼルスオリンピックに向けてのテロ対策と警備強化を名目に、カリフォルニア州当局は陸軍と合同で秘密裏に攻撃ヘリコプター「ザ・スペシャル」ことブルーサンダーを開発し、ロサンゼルス市警察に配備した。 州当局の意向で運用試験のパイロットに選ばれたベトナム帰りの警察航空隊員フランク・マーフィーは、コンビを組む航空観測員・ライマングッドを伴ったブルーサンダーのテスト飛行中に、連邦地方庁舎の一室で行なわれていた州政府関係者の密議を盗聴、録画してしまう。それは、ブルーサンダーの能力をアピールするためのヒスパニック地区での暴動煽動、また反対派を暗殺する「ソア(THOR= Tactical Helicopter Offensive Response 戦術ヘリ攻撃対応)計画:騒乱鎮圧への軍用ヘリ活用」に関するものだった。しかも、ベトナム時代の上官でブルーサンダーの開発にも携わる陸軍大佐・コクランが陰謀に一枚噛んでおり、直前に起きていた市議会委員長殺害事件に絡む謎の言葉“THOR”はこの陰謀の事だった。 コクランらは証拠隠滅のためにライマングッドを殺害、マーフィーにその容疑がかけられる。マーフィーはブルーサンダーを強奪して逃走すると、別居中の妻ケイトにライマングッドが死の直前に隠した密議の録画ビデオをテレビ局の報道キャスター・ヒューイットに渡すよう託し、自らはロサンゼルス上空で権力と、そしてコクランの乗る軍用ヘリとの孤独な闘いを繰り広げる。



His high school teacher issues an ultimatum: turn in a science project or flunk. So Mike Harlan scavenges a military base's junk pile for a suitable gizmo. He finds one... and unwittingly unleashes the awesome power and energy of the unknown. Twisted dimensions. Time warps. A fantastic realm where the past, present, and future collide in a whirling vortex of startling adventure and superlative special effects.


Prosthetics scientist Abi and her adulterous husband Paul adjust to life outside the city as Abi begins working for high-tech company Integrate, developing a humanoid AI - T.I.M.


This made-for-TV documentary introduces the layperson to concepts and technologies that were emerging in computer interface design in the late 1980s and early 1990s: hypertext, multimedia, virtual assistants, interactive video, 3D animation, and virtual reality.

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism or crime, the major powers have embarked on a dangerous race for surveillance technologies. Facial recognition cameras, emotion detectors, citizen rating systems, autonomous drones… A security obsession that in some countries is giving rise to a new form of political regime: numerical totalitarianism. Orwell's nightmare.


In a world where the future is for sale, a grieving man visits a mysterious Time Spa, seeking a glimpse of his future. However, he discovers that some truths are more challenging than the past he's desperate to escape.

Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned a piece to decorate the reception at his office.


A group of college kids try to help their friend when he discovers a mysterious phone app that turns users into werewolves.


After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.

When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Europe, America and China are involved in an intense commercial struggle to dominate this sector that is so strategic for the future. From Taiwan to Shanghai, via Brussels and San Francisco, investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci went to meet the most influential players in this microchip war, which is redefining world geopolitics.


The year is 2050. Doctors have been replaced by a machine called Sherlock, a kind of super-scanner that not only diagnoses but also heals depending on the patients' means. Doctors have now become financial advisers who sell health insurance and solutions that are more or less drastic.


Imagine to be suddenly able to control your car, your bank account and all the electronics in your life just by thinking about it. What would you do with this power? What would you compromise for it?


After 10 years of tests and 12 billion Euros invested, the state-of-the-art Airbus jet completed its first commercial flight in January 2015. We will discover how it was conceived and built, and explore its technological innovations every step of the way.


Imagine driving along the smooth slope of the highway. Car in cruise control with the landscape just flashing by as you make your way to your destination. Then out of nowhere comes a massive, slow truck. In this moment, everything changes! Research has showed that for every dead truck driver there are nine fatally injured passengers. Why is this so?



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