142 部电影

2016 年 12 月 30 日

Kenny Wells, a modern-day prospector, hustler, and dreamer, is desperate for a lucky break. Left with few options, Wells teams up with an equally luckless geologist to execute a grandiose, last-ditch effort: to find gold deep in the uncharted jungle of Indonesia.

2024 年 01 月 09 日

Presumed dead, master con artist and recovering amnesiac Dorothy is discovered by Shanghai Longu-bang, a mob who wants payback for her conning them. With no memories and nowhere to go, she must rely on a local crime underboss to elude Taipei's criminal underworld all while tracking down leads to her mysterious past.

外號「華爾街之狼」的佐頓貝福,由一個正直的華爾街初哥,搖身一變成為叱吒華爾街的股票推手和新股認購獵人。26 歲已靠炒作仙股賺得百萬週薪,花不完的金錢,讓他任意揮霍豪花狂洗,更沉迷性愛毒品,迷失在紙醉金迷的世界,永遠在追求更多更多和更多,貪婪和權力不斷擴張,金錢遊戲愈玩愈大,因而捲入詐騙和洗黑錢的魔鬼交易,泥足深陷難以自拔⋯⋯

2004 年 05 月 14 日


2009 年 07 月 24 日

A weak con man panics when he learns he's going to prison for fraud. He hires a mysterious martial arts guru who helps transform him into a martial arts expert who can fight off inmates who want to hurt or love him.

2006 年 09 月 15 日

America's coolest heroes Teen Titans head to Japan as they spring into action when a new threat, the dichromatic ninja Saico-Tek, appears in their city. A chase across the city ensues, ending at Titans Tower. Saico-Tek is interrogated by Robin with the aid of a translation program, and reveals the identity of the one who sent him. The ninja then escapes his bonds and vanishes after destroying a fire sprinkler, and the Titans' only lead is to search for his mysterious master - the shadowy figure known as Brushogun.

1987 年 12 月 10 日

A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider whom takes the youth under his wing.

2015 年 12 月 11 日

2008年美國經濟泡沫不斷膨脹,全球性金融崩潰即將來臨。銀行、傳媒及政府坐視不理之際,投資經理米高布利 研究大量資料後,卻發現地產市場非穩如泰山,可惜上司及多數同行都認為他可笑至極。銀行家謝域韋納 與他見面後有所啟發,隨後更極力游說對沖基金經理馬克鮑姆 團隊聯手與銀行對賭。另一邊廂,前銀行家賓歷格 憑著自己在華爾街廣闊的人脈網絡,為兩個資金未達門檻但亦洞悉先機的年輕投資經理鋪橋搭路。幾個旁觀者看透當中的危與機,把握時勢,針對銀行業的弱點,進行一次超級沽空,誓要成為金融危機中的勝利者!

2012 年 07 月 12 日


Firefighters Chuck Ford and Larry Valentine are guy's guys, loyal to the core—which is why when widower Larry asks Chuck to pose as his lover so that he can get domestic partner benefits for his kids, his buddy agrees. However, things get dicey when a bureaucrat comes calling, and the boys are forced to present a picture of domestic bliss.

2010 年 08 月 27 日

After years of performing “exorcisms” and taking believers’ money, Reverend Marcus travels to rural Louisiana with a film crew so he can dispel what he believes is the myth of demonic possession. The dynamic reverend is certain that this will be another routine “exorcism” on a disturbed religious fanatic but instead comes upon the blood-soaked farm of the Sweetzer family and a true evil he would have never thought imaginable.

1976 年 04 月 09 日

Spiritualist Blanche Tyler and her cab-driving boyfriend encounter a pair of serial kidnappers while trailing a missing heir in California.

2013 年 02 月 08 日

愛美(朗妮瑪娜 飾)自嫁予華爾街金融才俊馬田(卓寧泰坦 飾)後,本來生活奢華無憂,但馬田因牽涉內幕交易而被捕入獄,美好的日子不再!馬田飽受牢獄之苦,愛美亦在等待丈夫出獄的四年間,患上抑鬱及焦慮症,需接受詩柏醫生(嘉芙蓮薛達鍾絲 飾)的診治。然而,她的病情日益加深,於一次自殺不遂後,愛美改為接受精神科醫生班斯(祖迪羅 飾)的治療。雖然班斯不斷作心理輔導及以藥物控制她的情緒,但愛美的病情依然並無起色。眼見馬田出獄在即而愛美病情仍沉重,班斯毅然勸愛美試服一種未經全面認可的新藥物,以求盡快獲得療效。豈料,愛美在新藥物影響下,闖出彌天大禍!一顆藥丸,竟然徹底把四個人的命運扭曲。究竟是藥物副作用引起的問題?還是心魔作祟的結果?

油腔滑調的Ulysses ,頭腦簡單的Delmar及大貪的Pete,三人決定聯手越獄回家。展開這漫長旅途的他們,最後能重獲自由嗎?

2024 年 01 月 24 日

After losing her laundry store to a fire incident, a single mom Duk-hee receives a call from a bank offering a generous upfront loan so she takes it right away. But soon after, she finds out that she has become a victim of a voice phishing scheme. Devastated, Duk-hee turns to the police for help, only to be more disappointed that there is no hope of retrieving her money. At the moment of despair, Jae-min, the phisher who tricked her, rings her phone once again to tip Duk-hee off about the criminal organization that locked him up and coerced him to make voice phishing calls from China. With that call, Duk-hee makes up her mind to investigate this case for herself and take a plane to China with her friends.

2010 年 10 月 08 日

爲什麽沒有任何華爾街人士要承擔法律責任? 爲什麽始作俑者拿著大筆花紅安然無恙的離開? 爲什麽政府的監管措施仍然沒有重大的改變? 因爲政府仍然由華爾街操控… 2008 年,全球金融海嘯,多國陷入金融危機,損失高達20萬億美元,數以百萬計人加入失業大軍,甚至喪失家園… 《Inside Job》通過詳盡的資料搜集,追訪全球金融業界猛人、政客、財經記者,披露金融大鱷的崛興之路,公開業內和學界貪污腐敗的政策背後的驚人真相。

1987 年 10 月 11 日

A psychiatrist comes to the aid of a compulsive gambler and is led by a smooth-talking grifter into the shadowy but compelling world of stings, scams, and con men.

2021 年 04 月 29 日

Catherine Clare reluctantly trades life in 1980 Manhattan for a remote home in the tiny hamlet of Chosen, New York, after her husband George lands a job teaching art history at a small Hudson Valley college. Even as she does her best to transform the old dairy farm into a place where young daughter Franny will be happy, Catherine increasingly finds herself isolated and alone. She soon comes to sense a sinister darkness lurking both in the walls of the ramshackle property—and in her marriage to George.

1996 年 10 月 25 日

Laurel Ayres is a businesswoman trying to make it but unfortunately she works at a investment firm where she does all the work but all the senior investors like Frank Peterson grab all the credit. She then leaves and starts her own firm. While trying to find clients Laurel pretends that she has a male partner named Robert Cutty. And when she starts to do well all of her clients wants to meet Cutty which is difficult since he doesn't exist.

1998 年 05 月 01 日

Two con artists hire an unwitting medical-school student (Kate Beckinsale) as a secretary for their latest scam.



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