72 filmų

Puikus Adam Shankman'o filmas. Drama aišku apie meilę, jaunų žmonių santykius. Vienas pagrindinių veikėjų - mokyklos merginų dievaitis Lendonas - nepriklausomas, gražus ir brutalus. Savaime suprantama, kad jis nekreipia jokio dėmesio į kuklią Jamie, kuriai rūpi tik mokslai. Kai, iškrėtęs eilinę šunybę, jaunuolis įkliūva, Landon’as priverstas dalyvauti užklasinėje veikloje - suvaidinti mokyklos spektaklyje. Dabar Lendonui prireikia geriausios klasės mokinės pagalbos. Jamie sutinka padėti su sąlyga, kad jis jos neįsimylės. Savimi pasitikintis vaikinas pažada, tačiau jis įsimyli Jamie, kuri turi vieną paslaptį.

Nojaus Baumbacho įžvalgus ir užjaučiantis žvilgsnis į santuokos iširimą ir šeimos buvimą kartu.

Teatro užkulisiuose dramaturgas tampa savo naujausios pjesės visiškai nepavykusio spektaklio liudininku. Teatro vadovas reikalauja parašyti kažką naujo ir kaip įmanoma greičiau. Džeimsas Metju Baris Kensingtono parke sutinka Deivisų šeimą - jauną mamą Silviją ir keturis jos berniukus. Stebėdamas smagiai žaidžiančius ir į jokias problemas dėmesio nekreipiančius vaikus rašytojas pradeda dėlioti idėjų pamatus naujam kūriniui. Netrukus rašytojas tampa geru šeimos draugu. Berniukams patinka Džeimsas ir jie vadina rašytoją pačiu geriausiu pasaulyje dėde, tuo tarpu našlė Silvija aiškiai parodo, kad nėra pasiruošusi naujam meilės romanui. Pernelyg dažni vizitai pas Devisų šeimą sukelia tikrą įtarimų bangą… Tačiau būtent šie svetimi keturi berniukai įkvepia dramaturgą parašyti garsiąją pjesę apie Niekados šalį, fėją, piratus ir vaikus, kurie gali skraidyti. Tai dramos, fantazijos, romantikos, tragedijos ir jaudinančių akimirkų kupinas filmas, kurį galima vadinti pasaka suaugusiems.

1998 gruodžio 11

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

2001 kovo 8

When Berke Landers, a popular high school basketball star, gets dumped by his life-long girlfriend, Allison, he soon begins to lose it. But with the help of his best friend Felix's sister Kelly, he follows his ex into the school's spring musical. Thus ensues a love triangle loosely based upon Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream", where Berke is only to find himself getting over Allison and beginning to fall for Kelly.

In occupied Paris, an actress married to a Jewish theater owner must keep him hidden from the Nazis while doing both of their jobs.

A man rescues a mermaid in Paris and slowly falls in love with her.

Taking place thirty years before the events of Ringu, Ringu 0 provides the shocking background story of how the girl on the video became a deadly, vengeful spirit.

As children in the loving Ekdahl family, Fanny and Alexander enjoy a happy life with their parents, who run a theater company. After their father dies unexpectedly, however, the siblings end up in a joyless home when their mother, Emilie, marries a stern bishop. The bleak situation gradually grows worse as the bishop becomes more controlling, but dedicated relatives make a valiant attempt to aid Emilie, Fanny and Alexander.

1987 vasario 8

While a group of young actors rehearse a new musical about a mass murderer, a notorious psychopath escapes from a nearby insane asylum.

Four young people escape Athens to a forest where the king and queen of the fairies are quarreling, while meanwhile, a troupe of amateur actors rehearses a play. When the fairy Puck uses a magic flower to make people fall in love, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...

2015 lapkričio 4

While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.

A group of teenagers living in a housing project in the outskirts of Paris rehearse a scene from Marivaux's play of the same name. Krimo is determined not to take part, but after developing feelings for Lydia, he quickly assumes the main role and love interest in the play.

1943 gegužės 1

After one member of their group is murdered, the performers at a burlesque house must work together to find out who the killer is before they strike again.

2018 rugpjūčio 10

Madeline has become an integral part of a prestigious physical theater troupe. When the workshop's ambitious director pushes the teenager to weave her rich interior world and troubled history with her mother into their collective art, the lines between performance and reality begin to blur. The resulting battle between imagination and appropriation rips out of the rehearsal space and through all three women's lives.

2004 gegužės 30

Impelled by a spirit which still preserves a patina of idealism, Alfredo arrives to Madrid with the intention to create "a performance that is free, straight from the heart, capable of making people feel alive". His concept of what acting should be begins beyond the stage, out in the streets face to face with the public. Outdoors, in any town square, in a park or in the city's most commercial street, Alfredo and his troupe November start the show; demons to provoke passers-by, displays of social conscience, actions taken to the extreme to put the forces of law and order on full alert. There are no limits, no censorship; only ideas which are always valid so long as the public ceases to be the public and becomes part of the show swept by surprise, fear, tears or laughter. Theater as life, life as theater… there is no longer any difference.

2021 gruodžio 13

The story of the De Filippo brothers, children of Eduardo Scarpetta.

2023 birželio 30

January 1942, in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. Thousands of Jews have been confined to the Warsaw ghetto for more than a year. Outside, life goes on; inside, they struggle to survive another day. Still, on a cold winter night, a group of Jewish actors manage to stage a lively musical comedy.

2023 spalio 20

A troubled marriage is tested by the couple's involvement in a theatrical production of Racine’s Andromaque.

1996 vasario 9

Out of work actor Joe volunteers to help try and save his sister's local church for the community by putting on a Christmas production of Hamlet, somewhat against the advice of his agent Margaretta. As the cast he assembles are still available even at Christmas and are prepared to do it on a 'profit sharing' basis (that is, they may not get paid anything) he cannot expect - and does not get - the cream of the cream. But although they all bring their own problems and foibles along, something bigger starts to emerge in the perhaps aptly named village of Hope.

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