43 部电影

1987 年 11 月 13 日

该片延续了施瓦辛格一贯的英雄风格。在2019年,美国已经成为了一个独裁国家,在这里,不容许有不同的声音出现。本(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)是一名警察,因对当局的命令不满,拒不执行命令而被判有罪遭到逮捕。现在只有一个机会能让本重获自由,那就是参加电视台的“过关斩将”节目并最终获胜。这个节目肆意歪曲事实,误导观众,节目里的有识之士被扭曲形象,遭到杀害。本千辛万苦从电视台逃出来后,联合了一班正义之士,准备杀回电视台拆穿这个节目的骗局!

故事讲述 18 岁青年,一个在印度孟买贫民窟长大的孤儿,只差一个问题就能拿到令全国观众疯狂的节目《百万富翁》二千万卢布奖金时却被捕,他被怀疑作弊 ─ 没受过教育的孤儿为何能答对所有连博士专家都没把握全中的问题?为了证明自己的清白,他向警察讲述了他奇妙又令人不可置信的成长故事,以及他深爱的女孩。

1995 年 10 月 20 日

  TS(杰瑞米·伦敦 Jeremy London 饰)的一句戏言导致女友博兰蒂不得不参加她父亲的电视相亲节目,而这也使他们的旅行计划泡汤,愤怒的TS甩手而去,找到老友鲍迪(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)寻求安慰。鲍迪的情况也很糟糕,女友蕾娜厌倦了他无所事事沉迷于漫画和电子游戏,果断分手去寻找浪漫爱情。失意的TS与鲍迪选择逛商场排遣烦闷,然而这里也不让人舒畅!博兰蒂父亲的电视节目正在这里搭台准备录制,正在追求蕾娜的时装店经理也处处找鲍迪的不痛快。决定反击的二人找来恶作剧二人组杰伊(杰森·缪斯 Jason Mewes 饰)和鲍勃(凯文·史密斯 Kevin Smith 饰)破坏搭台,与此同时,漫画大师、执着于3D图像的胖子、从事性学研究的少女等异人也在商场中悉数登场,TS和鲍迪要在一片混乱中发起自己的爱情保卫战。

1994 年 09 月 16 日



2023 年 02 月 11 日

In a surreal universe where bananas fire laser beams and soup cans are used as grenades, a wacky cast of gangsters are thrown into a deadly game to battle it out over a mystical longboard in this trippy take on the Tarantino crime genre.

1989 年 07 月 21 日

The eccentric new manager of a UHF television channel tries to save the station from financial ruin with an odd array of programming.

1992 年 08 月 14 日


不久奇怪的事情发生了:男主人和妻子相继被吸入电视, 成为电视中的角色经历种种危险,后来在孩子的帮助下终于解脱出来

2022 年 02 月 09 日

Daniel and Stéphane, two salesmen working in the same store but who cannot stand each other, decide despite everything to team up to participate in television games so they can pay their debts.

1980 年 09 月 19 日


2018 年 06 月 29 日

Alex Trebek hosts a documentary about television game shows featuring interviews with a number of game show hosts and producers.

2007 年 03 月 16 日

Martín's lucky hit when he wins the most lucrative prize in television history puts his life upside down.

1987 年 06 月 19 日

The Grand Knockout Tournament (colloquially also known as It's a Royal Knockout) was a one-off charity event which was shown on British television on 19 June 1987. It followed the format of It's a Knockout, a slapstick TV gameshow which was broadcast in the UK until 1982. The event was staged on the lakeside lawn of the Alton Towers stately home-cum-theme park.

2007 年 05 月 20 日

The King is the story of Graham Kennedy, Australia's first and greatest home grown TV superstar. It traces his rise from working class Balaclava kid, through radio, TV, film, and back to TV again. It also tracks Kennedy's personal tragedies - the loneliness, the unrealised ambitions and the terrible pressures of being Australia's first homegrown superstar in the 1950s and 60s.

In this satire, a police detectiveis investigating the disappearance and kidnapping of the host of a television dance show. However, instead of finding his man, he is trapped into becoming a contestant on a children's quiz show. What's worse is that he becomes a very successful contestant.

2018 年 09 月 21 日

Famed composer Michael Giacchino catapults a hapless Patton Oswalt (as himself) into an outrageous series of challenges in his infectiously silly tribute to the eccentricities of Japanese game shows.

2003 年 05 月 08 日

Footage from the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" is examined to reveal how a contestant almost cheated his way to the jackpot.

1980 年 05 月 23 日

A week in the life of "The Gong Show" host and creator Chuck Barris.

1956 年 04 月 27 日

An electric shock enables Satch to predict numbers, so the Bowery Boys are off to Las Vegas to win enough money at the roulette wheels to let their landlady buy an apartment building. Witnessing his winning streak, some gangsters decide to move in and find out his "system" for beating the odds.

1984 年 11 月 20 日

A man and a woman participate in a new game show where partners have to choose between love and money.



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