83 部电影

2010 年 04 月 10 日

风光秀丽,细腰丰胸,委内瑞拉亚马逊河流域的奥里诺科河上响彻着欢快热情的歌声。美国大使阿诺德·里吉斯与委内瑞拉外交部长瑟吉奥·科多巴正在进行政治磋商,但是好景不长,他们突然遭到食人鱼群的袭击。血雨腥风,无人生还。不久大使遇害的消息传到美国,国务卿鲍勃·格莱迪(贝瑞·威廉姆斯 Barry Williams 饰)立刻派出特种兵杰森·菲奇(保罗·罗根 Paul Logan 饰)前往调查。


2023 年 04 月 15 日

Simón, a Venezuelan freedom fighter exiled in Miami, copes not only with trauma, but also deep guilt over a choice he must make: stay in Miami and start a new life, or return home to the losing fight against a tyrannical regime.

  马里奥(伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand 饰)是一个游手好闲的混混,在那个小镇里,所有的人都在找工作,可是没有一个人有正式的工作。就是这样一个贫穷的地方,每天还有无数人前来淘金,落魄的商人吉奥(查尔斯·文恩 Charles Vanel 饰)就是其中的一员。同时,命不久矣的鲁奇(Folco Lulli 饰)和嚣张跋扈的班巴(彼得·范·埃克 Peter van Eyck 饰)也出现在了当地鱼龙混杂的酒吧里,他们的目标只有一个,那就是赚钱。


1942 年 12 月 04 日


1974 年 12 月 21 日

两名传教士(巴德·斯宾塞 Bud Spencer 和 特伦斯·希尔 Terence Hill)在将传教地变成鹦鹉农场,并与当局发生冲突。 马拉开波的主教称他们为“害群之马”,主教要求检查他们的行为是否正确。 像往常一样,我们的英雄为帮助保护穷人而战斗,在此过程中引发了一系列有趣的拳头战斗。 (来自维基百科)

2016 年 06 月 08 日



2018 年 10 月 11 日

A young Venezuelan freedom fighter seeks asylum in the United States, but his heart remains in the fight back home.

2013 年 12 月 20 日

Andres (Jean Pierre Agostini) it's a fan of Los Leones del Caracas one of the principal baseball teams of Venezuela. Julissa (Juliette Pardau) it's a fan of Los Navegantes del Magallanes, the rival team. One day Andres gets tickets to see the game in Magallanes VIP Zone. He meets Julissa and her dad who is not only fan but one of the team's managers. Andres and Julissa will fall in love and will have to pretend to be fan of the other's team. But soon trouble will arise.

2005 年 01 月 01 日

Eleven-year-old petty criminal Maroa lives with her violent grandmother Brigida in Caracas. After her boyfriend Carlos is involved in a shooting, Maroa is arrested and sent to a school where Joaquin conducts the youth orchestra, and he asks the naturally talented Maroa to join. Days now revolve around the classes that Joaquin, the shy and unconventional teacher, gives her. He is immediately interested in this talented young girl, who lacks all notion of discipline. Joaquin, the only person to offer hope in the midst of her rejection, finds that through Maroa, his world has also changed forever.

Simon Bolivar is the true-life story of the leader of the 1817 Venezuelan revolution.

2012 年 11 月 27 日

迪亚哥(Guillermo García 饰)是一位年轻而又英俊的摄影师,在五光十色的娱乐圈内,每一个模特都想成为他镜头下的被拍摄对象。迪亚哥有一个交往多年的男友,彼此之间感情十分要好。一场意外中,迪亚哥的男友受伤入院陷入了昏迷之中,不知道哪一天才会醒来,陷入了悲伤和绝望之中的迪亚哥决定守候在男友的身旁。

2011 年 12 月 09 日

ETERNAL ASHES tells the story of a mother, Ana and her daughter, Elena. Although they are separated, in the space and time they remain united forever. The people and the millenarian culture of Yanomami are the framework of this story about the unbreakable bonds of filiations. After an accident in the furious flow of the mythical Orinoco River, in the fifties, Ana was considered dead. Elena as an adult and facing the negligible possibility that her mother is alive decides to leave to the Amazon to search her. ETERNAL ASHES is a story of filiations, poetry, wisdom and especially of humanity.

2023 年 03 月 18 日

Pana is a popular world from Venezuelan slang that means many things: as a noun it refers to a friend, a good person; as an adjective, it’s a positive quality, someone nice, someone friendly and enjoyable. A coming-of-age story, the short My Pana is also a tale of immigration and exile, a portrait of a teenager adapting to a new society with the few tools he knows to survive: his youth, his body and, ultimately, his own resilience. Through the point of view of a teenager we’ll understand the hardships of million of Venezuelans abroad and the consequences of corruption, exile and the fractured soul of a person who was pushed to leave his true life to adapt to a hostile new place.

2023 年 09 月 23 日

A premature birth in the middle of the darkness of the 2019 national blackout in Caracas, Venezuela.

2017 年 12 月 15 日

Andrés and Julissa now parents to a seven year old Carlitos struggle to live happily as a family despite being fervent fans of rival teams and of Vicente's (Julissa's father) disapproval.

2010 年 08 月 19 日

Two brothers fight to escape a violent and poor neighborhood in Caracas by playing soccer. Daniel wishes to play professionally while Julio supports the family with dirty money. The opportunity of a lifetime comes when a talent scout invites them to the Caracas Football Club. The boys' mother dies in a shootout forcing each brother to decide what it is more important to them:family, revenge, or achieving their dreams.

2024 年 02 月 27 日

1989. Caracas is once again in danger with the comeback of the most dangerous drug lord of Venezuela, Disco Herrera; just months after "The Caracazo", a series of riots and massacres that left over 3000 casualties. Now Inspector Guerrero will investigate the strange coincidence with the help of maverick ex-cop Ryan of the DEA and destroy Herrera once and for all.

2012 年 01 月 01 日



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