131 部电影

2023 年 12 月 01 日

Postwar Japan is at its lowest point when a new crisis emerges in the form of a giant monster, baptized in the horrific power of the atomic bomb.

1974 年 12 月 20 日

柯里安家族幼子米高(阿爾柏仙奴飾)自繼承大權後,續漸將勢力滲入各正當企業及政治圈中,企圖將黑手黨化暗為明。 片中以許多倒敘的片段,描寫米高的父親域圖(羅拔狄尼路飾)在20年代,從西西里島前往紐約發展及建立黑邦的過程。導演將兩段時空互異的情節平行發展,並將畫面處理得完美無瑕。

2010 年 09 月 01 日

職業殺手積 (佐治古尼飾) 一向獨來獨往,是行內的頂尖高手,可是一項於瑞典執行的任務出現了嚴重意外,令這位人在異地的美國獨行殺手不得不暫避到意大利一個寧靜的山區。在那兒,積意外地跟當地的神父建立起友誼,又跟漂亮的嘉拉展開了一段浪漫而激情的關係。但美好生活的背後,不再孤獨的積克,卻逐漸陷入危機之中。

2019 年 07 月 03 日

丹妮因姊姊及父母意外自殺而日漸崩潰,男友克里斯為了安撫丹妮而邀請丹妮與他的好友來到瑞典的一座偏遠村莊參加了一個當地的夏季活動,以令她䆁懷姊姊及父母身亡的陰影。 但活動卻接二連三地發生怪事,而事情也朝著暴力、詭異的方向發展著,因此他們決定探索這裏去解除疑惑。卻發現這些美好的豐收背後與他們所信仰的宗教有關。事情的發展亦令丹妮的心理陰影日漸擴大,眾人的情緒亦開始興奮及崩潰起來,陷入分裂的局面⋯⋯逼迫著他們做出最終的抉擇⋯⋯

2022 年 10 月 21 日

某個夏天,11歲的蘇菲正步入敏感又懵懂的青春期,與離異的父親卡林同遊土耳其,慶祝他的31歲生日。父女如朋友般玩樂相處,珍惜彼此作伴的時光。「我想你知道,長大後不論遇到甚麼人、甚麼事,去甚麼派對,都可以告訴我。」卡林對蘇菲說。 短暫的假期過去,父女同遊的記憶,就此埋葬於土耳其。直至20年後,蘇菲將與父親當年度假拍下的錄像倒帶,才看懂陽光底下的父親,在她看不見的角落逐漸被陰霾淹沒。 蘇格蘭新導演莎樂韋絲一鳴驚人之作,以看似瑣碎的家庭度假錄像,打撈拼湊記憶碎片。半自傳式的首部劇情長片於康城影展國際影評人週首映,並奪得評審團獎。其後勇奪英國電影學院獎的最傑出英國首作獎,更在英國獨立電影獎橫掃七項殊榮,包括最佳英國獨立電影、最佳導演、最佳編劇等大獎。本片亦獲各大國際媒體選為年度最佳電影,包括《Sight and Sound》、《IndieWire》、《The Guardian》、《The New York Times》等。保羅麥斯卡的精湛演出,更為他帶來首個奧斯卡最佳男主角提名。

2002 年 12 月 19 日

In New York City in the days following the events of 9/11, Monty Brogan is a convicted drug dealer about to start a seven-year prison sentence, and his final hours of freedom are devoted to hanging out with his closest buddies and trying to prepare his girlfriend for his extended absence.

時間是1990年代至2000年代的日本,遠野貴樹與篠原明里原本是同班同學的好朋友,自從小學畢業之後,兩人因搬家都沒有再見一次面。分隔兩地的兩個人,靠着書信往來保持聯絡,直到貴樹知道即將跟隨家人搬到鹿兒島,距離明里更遠的地方,於是兩人約定了再見面的時間。計劃好的行程,卻遇上了暴風雪。之後大家都長大了,各有各的生活,但對彼此的思念,一直留在心中。 本片由三個故事構成,分別是〈櫻花抄〉描述貴樹和明里的重逢、〈太空人〉描述在別人眼中的貴樹、〈秒速5厘米〉描述之後他們各人的生活事情和貴樹內心的徬徨。

2004 年 10 月 29 日

《2046》是王家衛導演的一部電影,普遍被認為是王家衛的電影前作《花樣年華》及《阿飛正傳》的續集。故事講述住在東方酒店2047號房間的作家周慕雲(梁朝偉飾)遇到了住在2046號房間的幾個女人,包括白玲(章子怡飾)及王靖雯(王菲飾),而使周慕雲以「《2046》」和「《2047》」為名寫下兩個充滿幻想的故事。 此電影的部分情節靈感來自劉以鬯的小說《酒徒》。

2013 年 12 月 06 日


1978 年 10 月 24 日

Dorothy Gale, a shy kindergarten teacher, is swept away to the magic land of Oz where she embarks on a quest to return home.

2008 年 04 月 04 日

Elizabeth has just been through a particularly nasty breakup, and now she's ready to leave her friends and memories behind as she chases her dreams across the country. In order to support herself on her journey, Elizabeth picks up a series of waitress jobs along the way. As Elizabeth crosses paths with a series of lost souls whose yearnings are even greater than her own, their emotional turmoil ultimately helps her gain a greater understanding of her own problems...

2005 年 11 月 16 日

After failing to find success as a writer in New York City, Jim slinks back to his family's home in the Midwest to lick his wounds. But his visit is quickly complicated when his angst spreads to his brother, Tim, who promptly decides to drive his car straight into a tree. Under the shadow of his sibling's injurious actions, Jim strikes up an unlikely friendship with Anika, whose centered small-town wisdom gradually rubs off on him.

Indestructible to his enemies and irresistible to women, the professional assassin codenamed Golgo 13 is shrouded in mystery and anonymity. If you're on his hit list, you're already dead. Always hired on his reputation alone, Golgo never breaks a contract. Can he survive the combined forces of the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon and the U.S. Army? Has the nameless agent finally met his match against the superhuman powers of the Snake and the twin evils of the psychopathic mercenaries, Gold and Silver?

2024 年 04 月 27 日

Ozzy Taylor, a charismatic high school teen, discovers he can't control his intrusive thoughts of suicide, sets off on a life-changing shift in his destiny.

Georgina is a teacher determined to make a difference in the lives of the children she educates in the classroom of a wagon school in rural Mexico.

1995 年 10 月 01 日

A tragedy strikes a young woman's life without warning or reason. She continues living while searching for meaning in a lonely world.

1963 年 10 月 15 日

Although his alcoholism has been treated, Alain still feels he is deeply unwell and does not feel he can leave the detoxification clinic once and for all. His wife, living in New York, continues to pay for his treatment, but no longer contacts him directly. He intends to commit suicide, but first takes a ride to Paris to catch up with old friends.


Following the wedding of his daughter, stone-faced beekeeper Spyros makes an annual journey from the north of Greece to the south, traveling along with his hives. En route, he meets an erratic, young female drifter, with whom he strikes up an unusual, self-destructive relationship.

A dark secret connects middle-aged Katze and Brauth. The former has the clue that his end is near. The two meet again after years to share their last days in the old house of their past. With three women they met on their way, the atmosphere begins to recur a second time. When artist Heinrich decides to attend, the friends have their last chance to renew and cut with the history and to settle an old score. In the melancholy of the near end, Katze passes again all the situations in his life. In the hour of death, he is not alone anymore. His body is gone and his soul stays back in the same place where his destiny and fulfillment occurred.



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