47 Serien

14. Oktober 2001

The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi Community School.

24. Januar 2008

Der schneidige Detektiv William Murdoch kehrt zurück und erweitert die Grenzen der Wissenschaft, um Torontos grausame Mordfälle zu lösen. Dabei bedient er sich für diese Zeit fortschrittlichster Methoden, wie der Untersuchung von Blutproben und Fingerabdrücken. Trotz seiner Erfolge eckt Murdoch immer wieder an, denn bei der ermittelnden Polizei ist er kein gern gesehener Gast und seine Methoden werden kritisch beäugt. Auf eines kann sich der Detektiv jedoch verlassen, nämlich sein Team!

31. Oktober 1989

E.N.G. is a Canadian television drama, following the staff of a fictional Toronto television news station. The show aired on CTV from 1989 to 1994. The series ran for 96 episodes, produced by the Alliance Entertainment Corporation.

11. Oktober 2016

Die koreanisch-kanadische Familie Kim betreibt einen Gemischtwarenlanden in Toronto. Das bringt allerlei Wirren und Tücken mit sich.

Als er seine Traumfrau Ramona Flowers trifft, muss Scott Pilgrim leider feststellen, dass ihre sieben fiesen Verflossenen ihrer Liebe im Wege stehen.

12. Januar 2004

This Is Wonderland was a Canadian television series which aired on CBC Television. The series was a legal drama with comedic elements, or a comedy-drama. It was created by playwright George F. Walker, his writing partner Dani Romain, and Osgoode Hall Law School graduate and longtime Canadian TV producer Bernard Zukerman.

The first season aired in 2004, the second season began on January 25, 2005 and the third season began on November 23, 2005. On February 13, 2006, the CBC declined to order a fourth season, effectively cancelling the show. The final episode aired on March 15, 2006. Repeats of the first and second season currently air on Canadian digital specialty channel, bold, as well as on VisionTV.

7. Juni 2012

Der charismatische Chefarzt Dr. Charlie Harris und seine Verlobte Dr. Alex Reid sind auf dem Weg zu ihrer Hochzeit, als sie in einen dramatischen Unfall verwickelt werden. Während seine Verlobte mit dem Schrecken davon kommt, wird Harris schwer verletzt und fällt kurz darauf ins Koma. Das Ärzteteam des kanadischen Hope-Zion Hospitals rund um Dr. Reid kämpft unablässig um sein Leben. Doch was sie nicht wissen: Harris Geist wandelt durch die Flure des Krankenhauses und bekommt die Schicksale der Patienten hautnah mit. Es scheint, als ob er tatsächlich mit den Menschen, die dort zwischen Leben und Tod schweben, kommunizieren kann. Oder ist es nur eine Laune von Dr. Harris Fantasie? In dem ganzen Chaos wird eines immer wichtiger: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

Die Serie handelt von der Strategic Response Unit (SRU), einer fiktiven taktischen Spezialeinheit der Polizei in der kanadischen Großstadt Toronto, ähnlich der real existierenden Emergency Task Force des Toronto Police Service.

Die SRU ist damit beauftragt, Extremsituationen zu lösen, für die die regulären Polizeikräfte nicht entsprechend ausgebildet und ausgestattet sind: Geiselnahmen, Bombendrohungen und schwerbewaffnete Kriminelle gehören zu den üblichen Einsätzen. Mit Sprengstoffen, Tasern, Maschinenpistolen, Sturm- und Scharfschützengewehren sowie akustischer und visueller Überwachungs- und Abhörtechnik ist die Einheit bestens ausgerüstet. Dennoch gehören Intuition, Urteilsvermögen und Verhandlungsgeschick zu den ersten Mitteln bei der Lösung der Situation.

Gebrochene Herzen, Pillen, Videospiele, Cyber-Mobbing, mangelndes Selbstvertrauen – willkommen in der Highschool!

18. Januar 1987

Degrassi Junior High is a Canadian CBC Television teen drama series that was produced from 1987-1989 as part of the Degrassi series. The show followed the lives of a group of students attending the titular fictional school. Many episodes tackled difficult topics such as drug use, child abuse, teenage pregnancy, homosexuality, homophobia, racism, and divorce, and the series was acclaimed for its sensitive and realistic portrayal of the challenges of teenage life. The cast comprised mainly non-professional actors, which added to the show's sense of realism.

The series featured many of the same actors who had starred on The Kids of Degrassi Street a few years earlier, including Stacie Mistysyn, Neil Hope, Anais Granofsky, Sarah Charlesworth and others. However, their character names and family situations had been changed, so Degrassi Junior High cannot, therefore, be considered a direct spinoff.

The legal counsel for all the episodes was Stephen Stohn who later became the executive producer of Degrassi: The Next Generation. The series was filmed at the unused Vincent Massey Public School in Etobicoke, Ontario.

An elite squad of detectives investigate high-profile crime and corruption in metro Toronto.

26. Februar 2020

Als ein Lastwagen in ein belebtes Straßencafe brettert, kann der syrische Flüchtling Bash mit seinem beherzten Eingreifen, seiner Ausbildung als Arzt und seiner Erfahrung in chaotischen Stresssituationen durch den Krieg in seiner Heimat Leben retten. Während er sich bisher in Kanada sehr schwer getan hatte, erhält Bash nach seiner öffentlichen Heldentat neue Chancen – darunter vor allem einen Job als Arzt in einem Krankenhaus.

Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.

26. Mai 2016

Ex-Eishockey-Profi Matt Shade tut sich mit der Privatdetektivin Angie Everett zusammen, um fortan als Team besonders knifflige Fälle zu lösen.

1. Oktober 2006

Rent-a-Goalie is a half-hour comedy television series from Canada that aired on Showcase from 2006 - 2008. Its third season premiered 20 October 2008. The first season was nominated for three Gemini Awards, including Best Comedy Series. It was also nominated for a Directors Guild of Canada Award, the CFTPA Indie Award for Best Comedy Series, an ACTRA Award for Best Male Performance for Christopher Bolton, and four Canadian Comedy Awards, winning two. The second season was nominated for six Gemini Awards, including Best Comedy Series, Best Ensemble Performance, Best Directing, Best Writing, Best Cinematography and Best Casting. It has also been nominated for three Canadian Comedy Awards.

24. Juni 2010

Im Zentrum von „Rookie Blue“ stehen fünf junge Polizisten, die nach ihrer gemeinsamen Ausbildung den Dienst in einer Großstadt antreten.

Street Legal is a Canadian television series, which aired on CBC Television from 1987 to 1994. It was revived for an additional season in 2019.

The Kids of Degrassi Street is a Canadian children's TV show that aired from 1979 to 1986, and is the first in the Degrassi series, about the lives of a group of children living on Degrassi Street in Toronto, Canada. It grew out of four short films: Ida Makes a Movie, Cookie Goes to the Hospital, Irene Moves In and Noel Buys a Suit, which originally aired as after-school specials on CBC Television in 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1982, respectively. The show was acclaimed for its realistic depiction of every day children's lives and tribulations, and remains memorable to many Canadians because of this.

Kids of Degrassi Street featured many of the same actors who would later appear on Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High, including Stacie Mistysyn, Neil Hope, Anais Granofsky, Sarah Charlesworth and others. However, their character names and families were different, so this series cannot technically be seen as an immediate precursor to the later shows.

1. Februar 1996

Traders is a Canadian television drama series, which was broadcast on Global Television Network from 1996 to 2000.

Set in the Toronto-based investment house Gardner/Ross, "Traders" explores the intimate lives and loves of investment bankers whose high-stakes decisions and sizzling alliances can have grave international consequences.

14. Oktober 2007

Follows the lives of a group of women who let their hair down in more ways than one at Letty's, a vibrant and bustling hair salon in Toronto's Caribbean community. Novelette, Letty's smart and capable owner, has the answers to her clients' dilemmas but can't always figure out how to tame the tangles in her own life surrounded as she is by her outspoken eccentric sister Joy, her fourteen-year-old born-and-raised in Jamaica son Dre and her family of stylists including the wide-eyed new girl Starr and the wicked-tongued bad boy Nigel.

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