8 部电影

2022 年 01 月 07 日

當可怕的毀滅性武器落入跨國犯罪組織的手中,CIA探員「梅絲」(潔西卡雀絲坦 飾)決定找來各國的情報組織菁英,組成一支超越國界的間諜團隊「355」,試圖力挽狂瀾阻止第三次世界大戰發生……。

2012 年 02 月 10 日

中情局視之為頭號追蹤對象的叛徒托賓佛斯特(丹佐華盛頓飾),無預警的在南非現蹤,驚動了情報單位。拘留他的安身處遭到窮凶惡極的傭兵襲擊,在如此危急的情勢下,菜鳥探員馬修威思頓(萊恩雷諾斯飾)別無選擇的幫助他逃亡。而間諜老油條佛斯特試圖左右這位後生晚輩,使這位菜鳥探員對他堅守的道德觀念與對未來的理想產生困惑。 事實上佛斯特已逃亡將近十年,他曾是中情局首屈一指的傑出臥底,卻背叛所屬單位展開漫漫逃亡路,並將軍事情報販賣給敵人,對美國造成難以抹煞的傷害。如今,他即將帶著驚天動地的祕密回到中情局。馬修威思頓則對自己在南非開普敦一年來庸庸碌碌的工作感到心灰意冷,身為中情局安身處的管理員,成為正式探員是他唯一的企盼,耿直的他不斷等待一個機會能夠印證自我。 然而萬萬想不到的是,他第一個也是唯一一個看管的對象,竟然是最棘手的人物。一個是神祕而頂尖的間諜,一個是初來乍到的菜鳥探員,他們必須聯手調查欲將他們置於死地的人究竟是恐怖份子還是內奸?

2019 年 01 月 18 日


1973 年 04 月 19 日

Cross is an old hand at the CIA who often teams up with Frenchman Jean “Scorpio” Laurier, a gifted freelance operative. After their last mission together, the CIA orders Scorpio to eliminate Cross, leaving him no choice but to obey.

2019 年 04 月 28 日

The story of how Sicilian Mafia boss Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), the Godfather of Two Worlds, revealed, starting in 1984, the deepest secrets of the organization, thus helping to convict the hundreds of mafiosi who were tried in the trial held in Palermo between 1986 and 1987.

2006 年 04 月 25 日

Mercenary John Seeger is one of the best in the business. John and his crew battle some soldiers on Galmoral Island in Southern Africa as they're trying to rescue the French Ambassador -- there's a coup going on. Some of John's soldiers unload their machine guns into the Ambassador and his family, blowing the mission and getting his best friend Radio Jones killed. He heads back to the US and visits Radio's wife Shondra to tells her the news, and then promises that he'll take care of her and her son Eddie. But shortly after he makes that vow, Shondra and Eddie get kidnapped.

2018 年 04 月 06 日

Naomi, an Israeli Mossad agent, is sent to Germany to protect Mona, a Lebanese informant recovering from plastic surgery to assume her new identity. Together for two weeks in a quiet apartment in Hamburg, the relationship that develops between the two women is soon exposed to the threat of terror that is engulfing the world today. In this game of deception, beliefs are questioned, choices are made, and their fate takes a surprising turn.

2020 年 06 月 11 日



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