37 部电影

故事背景設於1938年印弟安那瓊斯與父親依據筆記上的記載,尋找傳說耶穌於最後晚餐所用的聖杯。由於傳說中的聖杯有治癒任何傷口的神奇功效,引起了德國納綷的覬覦,特別派出了美豔女間諜艾莎薛尼德博士,利用美色與苦肉計迫使瓊斯交出筆記。 瓊斯父子發現艾莎的企圖後,費盡心思將筆記奪回,前往聖殿取聖杯,不料納綷尾隨在後,並槍傷瓊斯的父親,一番苦戰之後才逃離納綷的糾纏。原以為無事的瓊斯急忙以聖杯舀水治癒父親,卻沒想到艾莎出現面前要搶奪聖杯…….


2004 年 06 月 25 日

老虎古瑪和桑哈出生在印度支那的原始森林裡,本來正是無憂無慮的童年期,但是這裡的古老石窟卻招惹來一幫西方來的探險隊。他們槍殺了他們的父親。不幸的古瑪被他們抬走了,剩下桑哈跟母親慌亂逃生。古瑪給輾轉賣到了馬戲團,被迫每天練習跳火圈之類的把戲。他想念家人,還不習慣被馴養的生活,境 況非常悲涼。



由杜勳頓所帶領的海盜集團,在海中取得有「蒼海的王子」之稱的瑪納霏的蛋,企圖用以不法之事。但隨即被從中臥底的神奇寶貝保育家傑克·渥卡所奪走。 之後,小智等人在旅途中因缺乏水源,而與一群為「水之民」後代的馬戲團家族結識。當晚小遙夢見一座神殿。後經廣美的解說,眾人方知他們正在替傑克保管瑪納霏的蛋,而那神殿正是牠的故鄉,名為亞克夏。 隨後,杜勳頓等人聞訊前來想把蛋搶回。在混亂之中,瑪納霏在小遙手中孵化了。大家便決定將牠送回神殿;而杜勳頓為了得到隱藏在神殿內的寶物「海之王冠」,極需要瑪納霏來替自己找出神殿的正確位置,便在後跟蹤。一場驚險的行動就此展開....

A mysterious circus excites a small Hungarian town into a rebellion when a promised act doesn't perform.

2011 年 03 月 29 日

When a group of nightclub performers – including Pervo the clown, Zeus, a flatulent dwarf, and Skye, a feisty rock chick – arrive on a remote farm for a cable TV interview, they soon discover the dark secret of the sinister family who live there – they have been kidnapping and torturing gorgeous young women as part of a perverted cult. However, the family’s experiments have now gone wrong, and the stocking-clad women have now become ravenous ZOMBIES! Now trapped, our ragtag group of visitors must unite in a desperate bid to stay alive… Sexy, gory and gut-munchingly hilarious – ZOMBIE WOMEN OF SATAN is THE most outrageous zombie comedy movie of the year!

1969 年 12 月 20 日

Victims of oppressive town boss Honey are offered help by an unusual alliance of gunmen and circus performers

1988 年 07 月 22 日

Paul Reubens stars as Pee-wee Herman in his second full-length film about a farmer who joins the circus after a storm drops a big tent in his front yard. Pee-wee, along with an outlandish cast of animals and circus performers, puts on the best show ever.

馬戲團中穿梭著各種驚險動作和雜耍,如果加上多角戀愛,那就更精彩了。 馬戲團中最出色的特技女明星波莉,劇團經理布賴特暗戀她已久。布賴特對待工作十分嚴格,為了招徠觀眾,設計編排了許多精彩的雜技表演節目,融驚險與歌舞於一體,使馬戲團節目叫好又叫座。 男演員瑟巴斯蒂安跟波莉一起表演空中飛人,兩人日久生情,在馬戲團中引起了化學反應。扮演醜角的伯頓斯從此不再卸妝;一位名叫安姬爾的女演員更是爭風吃醋,她是瑟巴斯蒂安的前任女友,現在波莉跟前任男友談戀愛,她滿肚子不高興。後來一位女伶也加入了這場多角戀愛。 影片在妙趣橫生地描寫馬戲團成員錯綜複雜關係的同時,穿插了大量驚險的馬戲雜技節目,而最令人吃驚也是最後一場演出是馬戲團全班人馬乘坐的專車跟一列火車相撞而翻車。

1930 年 12 月 05 日

教授艾瑪拉斯(Emil Jannings 飾)執教於一所校風嚴謹規矩繁多的學校中,他自己的性格亦是如此,一生都循規蹈矩的他最看不慣的就是學生們桀驁出格的舉動。一次偶然中,艾瑪拉斯得知自己的一群學生要去看歌舞表演,怒不可遏的他當即決定前往劇場將這些不守規矩的黃毛小子們逮個正著。令教授意想不到的是,他的這一舉動將永遠的改寫自己餘生的命運。勞拉(Marlene Dietrich 飾)是劇場裡的萬人迷,幾乎所有的男人都情不自禁的拜倒在她的石榴裙下,艾瑪拉斯教授也不例外,當他在劇院裡第一次見到勞拉時,便陷入了對她深深的迷戀中無法自拔。經過苦苦的追求,勞拉終於成為了艾瑪拉斯的新娘,兩人之間懸殊的個性和地位也為將要發生的悲劇奠定了基調。

2001 年 12 月 12 日

Brazilian badlands, April 1910. Tonho is ordered by his father to avenge the death of his older brother. The young man knows that if he commits this crime, his life will be divided in two: the twenty years he has already lived and the few days he has left to live, before the other family avenges their son's death. He is torn between fulfilling his ancestral duty and rebelling against it, urged by his younger brother Pacu. That's when a tiny travelling circus passes through the vast badlands where Tonho's family lives.

1965 年 02 月 19 日

The story follows the son of a millionaire from the 1920s to the 1960s. After losing his fortune in the stock-exchange crash, he teams up with an equestrienne and becomes a circus clown.

1954 年 09 月 15 日

The quiet life of an extended family is shaken up when a circus comes into town.

1928 年 04 月 14 日

A despairing clown suffering a broken heart and a self-indulgent count who uncontrollably laughs learn to help each other with their problems, but both fall in love with the same young woman.

1941 年 04 月 25 日

An escaped circus lion provides the impetus for the meeting of carnival owner Nick Coster and Matt Varney, a small-town man who suddenly becomes a lion tamer when he manages to subdue the big cat. While acclimating to carnival life, Matt begins a romance with Nick's sister, Mary, causing tension between Matt and Nick. The latter must also juggle his stormy relationship with glamorous circus star Flo Lorraine.

2018 年 10 月 09 日

Drawing upon a vast and richly visual archive and featuring a host of performers, historians and aficionados, this four-hour mini-series follows the rise and fall of the gigantic, traveling tented railroad circus and brings to life an era when Circus Day would shut down a town and its stars were among the most famous people in the country.

A poor child, who does not know his parents, joins a caravan of puppeteers to escape from the house where it is received and try to find his mother. Although living in extreme poverty, the child has, however, something that helps you get ahead: his great voice. One day, when a producer heard her singing in the street, receives an invitation to go to television.

1933 年 03 月 10 日

A white youth raised in the jungle by animals is captured by a safari and brought back to civilization as an attraction in a circus.

2022 年 03 月 20 日

Poppy Valentine, a young circus performer who has grown up in her family's traveling circus, has never dreamed of what life would be like outside of its fences. However, now in her mid-20s and with more unwelcomed responsibility weighing her down, she's desperate to figure out if this life is for her.



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