18 部电影

2003 年 10 月 23 日


2012 年 06 月 22 日

《勇敢傳說》這部動作冒險電影的主要場景是一個古代虛構、群山環繞的「蘇格蘭高地」。 皇室的女兒,梅莉達(Merida)是一名個性外向急躁,有著橘紅色蓬鬆捲髮的公主。她的願望是成為能夠被眾人稱為一個很厲害的弓箭手。這與她母親艾琳諾皇后希望女兒成為舉止端莊的公主並早日出嫁的願望相背,也使得梅莉達與母親經常因想法不同而吵架。為了改變母親的想法,梅莉達無意間以一個古老、黑暗的魔咒將母親變成了一隻熊,造成了王國的混亂。 這開啟了她們接下來一段不在預料之中的冒險旅程。旅途中梅莉達母女必須要面對無法預料的大自然並尋找解開魔咒的方法,若是短時間內沒找出解除魔咒的方法皇后將永遠變成熊,再也無法回復成皇后...


2024 年 03 月 15 日


1963 年 12 月 25 日

中古世紀時代,沒有國王帶領的英格蘭一片混亂,此時,一把神秘的「石中劍」出現在教堂庭園中,石頭上更寫著:誰能將劍從石頭中拔出,誰就是英格蘭王。這件事迅速傳開來,許多可能的國王人選都來挑戰拔出石中劍,希望能登上國王寶座,然而,他們全都失敗了。 多年之後,一個來自鄉下的11歲侍從華特,遇見了偉大的魔術師梅林,華特﹝本名亞瑟﹞的正直與善良讓梅林決定收他作為自己的徒弟,並帶領他走向此生真正的使命,華特一邊認真學習梅林所教導的事物,一邊努力做完所有無趣雜務,不久,華特受派陪伴無能的繼兄凱前往在倫敦舉辦的大典,在典禮之中將會決定英格蘭的新國王,但匆忙之中,華特不小心忘了帶凱的武器,卻也意外發現教堂庭園中的那把石中劍,更輕易的就將劍從石頭中拔出,難道他就是英格蘭真正的國王嗎?!

2016 年 08 月 05 日

是誰躲在喵星人身體裡?老爸不是人,變成喵星人。湯姆布萊德是全球商業大亨(凱文史貝西 飾),坐擁北美最高的商辦大樓,全球時區都有自己的別墅,他狂熱於自己的工作事業,與家人關係疏遠;諾大的房子裡,常常只有妻子拉拉和女兒蕾貝卡相依相偎。 蕾貝卡11歲生日那天,她最想獲得的禮物是一隻貓,湯姆來到寵物店為她挑選。回程途中,湯姆發生意外,恢復意識時,他發現自己被困在貓的身體裡,並由自己的女兒收養牠,他開始體驗到除了財富之外,人生的另一種價值。

2006 年 03 月 10 日

The tale of a workaholic dad-turned-dog who finds that being man's best friend shows him the most important job - being a great dad.

1959 年 03 月 19 日

Through an ancient spell, a boy changes into a sheepdog and back again. It seems to happen at inopportune times and the spell can only be broken by an act of bravery....

1972 年 10 月 11 日

After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.

2011 年 12 月 23 日

A cat who turns into a young woman helps a journalist protect their town from a factory boss with an evil plan.

1963 年 06 月 19 日

After completing his voyages Sindbad the Sailor and his hearty crew have come home to find a palace coup d'etat has occurred and his home city is being run by a brutal dictator played by Pedro Armendariz. He's got designs on the beautiful young princess, Heidi Bruhl both lustful and political.

1966 年 12 月 23 日

A mad scientist turns himself into a half-man, half-bird monster to avenge the death of his ancestor.

1974 年 01 月 15 日

Dr. John Beck, recently married, decides to take his wife, Cathy, spelunking in Carlsbad Cavern. While there, Dr. Beck, who specializes in bats, is bitten by a fruit bat. He is then, inexplicably, transformed into a vampire bat. While he escapes and seeks help from another doctor, it is clear the treatments are not working. In fact, they are aggravating his condition. Dr. Beck unwittingly goes on a killing spree, catching the attention of Sergeant Ward.

2002 年 08 月 26 日

Colum Kennedy went with his family to an Irish village to visit the places of origin of their ancestors. Once he arrived in the village realizes that the community is populated by beastly shape-shifting beings able to transform into animals. Colum begins to feel an intense passion for a woman who can transform into a wolf and must make a choice: return to his family and bring her home or to give in to temptation.

2000 年 04 月 05 日

Teenager Jamie moves with his mother, sister and grandfather to an island off the South Australian coast where mum has a job running a marine research station. To his discomfort, Jamie discovers he's a "selkie" - half human, half seal - that explains the webbing on his hands and also why he changes completely into a seal as soon as he hits water.

1989 年 07 月 20 日

What would it feel like to be a bird and fly over the trees and housetops? A boy named Willy finds out when the Sparrow Guardian turns him into a Sparrow for shooting a BB gun at the little birds. Suddenly, Willy's own cat thinks of him as lunch but, luckily, some new sparrow friends rush to Willy's rescue. They deliver him to a grandfatherly old bird named Cipur who takes Willy under his wing, teaches him how to fly, and so much more. In return, Willy fulfills Cipur's lifelong dream for knowledge by teaching him ow to read. Willy's new friendship helps him understand that all creatures have feelings and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Before Willy is turned back into a boy, he leads the sparrows in a brave but perilous plan to retake their home in the barn from Blacky the cat. Finally, the Sparrow Guardian offers Willy a very special opportunity.

1991 年 01 月 01 日

Eric was a normal boy until he started turning into a dog! A stand-alone movie release from the British TV series, "Woof!"

2019 年 06 月 12 日

According to Scottish mythology Selkies are mythological beings capable of changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin. This film follows the story of such a creature who chooses the sea over her land dwelling sweetheart.



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