90 部电影

2021 年 05 月 07 日

在一次全副武裝的運鈔車劫案中,犯罪首腦梅斯先生(積遜·史達頓 飾)的兒子作為案發目擊者被劫匪殺害。怒火中燒的梅斯為報喪子之仇,化身綽號「 H」的卧底成為運鈔車保安,試圖找出殺害他兒子的劫匪以及與劫匪暗中勾結的保安公司內鬼。

可怕的驚嚇遊戲現像,變成了一個全新毛骨悚然電影故事!陷入困境的保安於薄餅餐館「Freddy Fazbear's Pizza」初報到看夜班,在工作首個晚上,已意識到這份差事,並非想像中容易渡過⋯⋯ 他又能否熬過五個詭異的深宵夜晚嗎?

2016 年 03 月 17 日

A group of eighty American workers are locked in their office and ordered by an unknown voice to participate in a twisted game.

2004 年 03 月 19 日


2011 年 11 月 23 日


2015 年 04 月 17 日

Security guard Paul Blart is headed to Las Vegas to attend a Security Guard Expo with his teenage daughter Maya before she departs for college. While at the convention, he inadvertently discovers a heist - and it's up to Blart to apprehend the criminals.

2006 年 12 月 21 日

待業中的賴瑞(Ben Stiller 飾)終於找到工作,進入自然歷史博物館夜班守衛。本以為看守無人的博物館很輕鬆,卻在一個神奇夜晚,展覽品瞬間復活,倒楣的賴瑞整晚被暴龍化石震撼覓食,緊接著匈奴王軍隊、羅馬戰士,甚至山頂洞人、獅子、老虎都對他窮追不捨,賴瑞做夢也想不到,所有古物包括古生物,半夜都會復活。賴瑞在深夜唯一能信任的,是前總統蠟像羅斯福(Robin Williams 飾),在老羅斯福、西部牛仔和印地安公主的協助下,賴瑞要應付這群難纏的活標本,搶救幾乎解體的博物館…顧全古物,也保住飯碗。 《博物館驚魂夜》,將藉由另類夜間導覽,帶領觀眾前往美國自然歷史博物館翻天覆地,裡頭有最炫目的視覺特效,還有哈利波特系列電影的奇幻冒險旅程,讓繪本上想像力十足的世界真實呈現在觀眾面前。聽起來有點小恐怖的大復活故事,讓埃及法老、神鬼戰士、侏儸紀暴龍、復活島巨石、西部牛仔、印地安公主和匈奴王同場較勁,只要神祕館藏能活起來,世界上再也沒有比博物館更熱鬧有趣。 電影以二十一世紀頂尖特效,重新打造美國自然歷史博物館,讓它在夜間繼續運轉,獻給所有不想長大的成人觀眾和小朋友。喜劇天王班史提勒接演此片,就是因為對這座博物館有深厚情感,他同時邀來好友歐文威爾森加入歷險行列,這部題材特殊的影片,也吸引金獎影帝羅賓威廉斯助陣。

2019 年 02 月 01 日

A pair of coworkers gets trapped in an elevator over a long weekend, but what at first promises to be a romantic connection turns nefarious as each party begins to reveal who they truly are.

2021 年 04 月 30 日

Four friends head to Hawaii to investigate reports of a haunting at an abandoned resort in hopes of finding the infamous Half-Faced Girl. When they arrive, they soon learn you should be careful what you wish for.

2003 年 01 月 17 日

Earl Montgomery, a bombastic police academy reject, and Hank Rafferty, a disgraced, mild-mannered cop, can't seem to escape each other. They met on opposite sides of the law during a routine traffic stop that escalated out of control; now as lowly security guards they're thrown together to bust a smuggling operation.

2012 年 01 月 13 日

精於走私的基斯(麥克華堡 飾)已金盆洗手多年,與妻兒共築溫馨小家庭。無奈小舅搞垮了一次毒品交易,惹惱幕後主腦碧斯。為救小舅,基斯被迫重操故業,再次踏上走私之路。他卻萬料不到,這次重出江湖竟令自己甚至妻兒陷入危險的漩渦!在好友協助下,基斯召集前手足一同遠赴巴拿馬,計劃走私總值過千萬的偽鈔回國。偏偏此時碧斯乘機發難,欲對基斯妻(姬蒂碧金莎 飾)不利!基斯不單要越過海關的重重關卡、中美洲惡名昭彰的毒梟軍團,還要應付意想不到的危機……基斯能否以最短時間返國,保護摰愛的安全?

2017 年 08 月 11 日


1998 年 01 月 16 日


2017 年 08 月 04 日

An ex-special services veteran, down on his luck and desperate for work, takes a job as a security guard at a run-down mall in a rough area of town. On his first night on the job, he opens the door to a distraught and desperate young girl who has fled the hijacking of a Police motorcade that was transporting her to testify as a witness in a trial. Hot on her heels is the psychopathic hijacker and his team of henchmen, who will stop at nothing to extract and eliminate the witness.

2001 年 08 月 10 日

Tensions rise within an asbestos cleaning crew as they work in an abandoned mental hospital with a horrific past that seems to be coming back.

2009 年 01 月 15 日

Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.

2008 年 02 月 22 日

The attempted assassination of the American president is told and re-told from several different perspectives.

1994 年 03 月 11 日

Doug is a Secret Service Agent who has just completed his stint in charge protecting Tess Carlisle—the widow of a former U.S. President, and a close personal friend of the current President. He finds that she has requested that he not be rotated but instead return to be her permanent detail. Doug is crushed, and—after returning—wants off her detail as she is very difficult to guard and makes her detail crazy with her whims and demands.

2007 年 11 月 09 日


1997 年 07 月 18 日

Advertising executive Nick Beame learns that his wife is sleeping with his employer. In a state of despair, he encounters a bumbling thief whose attempted carjacking goes awry when Nick takes him on an involuntary joyride. Soon the betrayed businessman and the incompetent crook strike up a partnership and develop a robbery-revenge scheme. But it turns out that some other criminals in the area don't appreciate the competition.



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