89 elokuvaa

11 elokuu 2000

Maverick old-guard coach Jimmy McGinty is hired in the wake of a players' strike to help the Washington Sentinels advance to the playoffs. But that impossible dream hinges on whether his replacements can hunker down and do the job. So, McGinty dusts off his secret dossier of ex-players who never got a chance (or screwed up the one they were given) and knits together a bad-dream team of guys who just may give the Sentinels their title shot.

13 lokakuu 2000

1984, Pohjois-Englanti. Kaivosmiehet ovat lakossa ja tunnelma on kireä. 11-vuotiaan Billy Elliotin isä ja veli ovat mukana lakossa, mutta Billyllä on muuta mielessä. Hän kiinnostuu tyttöjen balettitanssista. Lakon vain kiristyessä Billy harjoittelee salaa baletinopettaja rouva Wilkinsonin avulla. Nuorella Billyllä on lahjoja ja taivas auki, mutta tuleeko hänen vanhoillinen perheensä ikinä hyväksymään tanssitossuissa sipsuttelevaa poikaa?

8 joulukuu 1982

Sir Ben Kingsley näyttelee Mohandas Gandhia Sir Richard Attenboroughn mukaansatempaavassa elämäkerrassa miehestä, joka nousi vaatimattomasta asianajajasta koko maailman tuntemaksi rauhan ja väkivallattomuuden symboliksi.Kriitikoiden ylistämä mestariteos GANDHI on kiehtova tarina aktivismista, politiikasta, passiivisesta vastarinnasta ja vapaudesta. Sen keskiössä on ainutlaatuinen mies, joka taisteli väkivallattoman taistelun britti-imperiumia vastaan ja vapautti kokonaisen kansakunnan.GANDHI voitti 8 Oscar®-palkintoa, mukaan lukien parhaan elokuvan, parhaan ohjaajan (Sir Richard Attenborough) ja parhaan miespääosan palkinnot. Sen ylistettyyn näyttelijäkaartiin kuuluvat myös Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, Sir John Gielgud, Roshan Seth ja Martin Sheen.

In County Durham, England, 1984, a talented young dancer, Billy Elliot, stumbles out of the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many trials and triumphs as he strives to conquer his family’s set ways, inner conflict, and standing on his toes in a musical that questions masculinity, gender norms and conformity.

19 marraskuu 2010

A dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham car plant, where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination.

13 lokakuu 2000

Suburbanite Ron is spoiled, young and not overly worried about the marijuana charges leveled against him. But, after being made out to be a drug dealer, he faces a five-year jail sentence in San Quentin State Prison. Physically frail and unaccustomed to his rough surroundings, Ron is primed to fall victim to sexual predators and bullying guards – that is, until he's befriended by Earl, a veteran inmate who finds meaning in protecting the vulnerable new kid.

28 elokuu 1996

After the funeral of one of their own, a criminal family decides to embark on an emotionally unnerving journey in an attempt to exact bloody revenge.

A brash and precocious ten-year-old comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her rakish uncle.

In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.

25 lokakuu 1963

The story of exploited textile factory workers in Turin, Italy at the turn of the century and their beginnings of their fight for better working conditions. Professor Sinigaglia is sent by (presumably) the Socialists to help them organize their strike and give form to their struggle

8 lokakuu 2016

Yhdeksänsataa Kalifornian omenatarhojen maatyöläistä nousee kapinaan maanomistajia vastaan, kun luvatusta palkasta maksetaankin vain murto-osa. Joukko alkaa elää omaa elämäänsä - se on vahvempi ja pelottavampi kuin sen yksittäiset jäsenet. Heitä johtaa kovia kokenut Jim Nolan (Wolff), jonka traagiseen ideologiaan lakko perustuu - koskaan ei alistuta tai anneta periksi.

15 huhtikuu 2011

A powerful railroad executive, Dagny Taggart, struggles to keep her business alive while society is crumbling around her. Based on the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand.

14 maaliskuu 1954

At New Mexico's Empire Zinc mine, Mexican-American workers protest the unsafe work conditions and unequal wages compared to their Anglo counterparts. Ramon Quintero helps organize the strike, but he is shown to be a hypocrite by treating his pregnant wife, Esperanza, with a similar unfairness. When an injunction stops the men from protesting, however, the gender roles are reversed, and women find themselves on the picket lines while the men stay at home.

20 toukokuu 2015

Set amidst the 1999 student strikes in Mexico City, this coming-of-age tale finds two brothers venturing through the city in a sentimental search for an aging legendary musician. Shot in black-and-white, Güeros brims with youthful exuberance.

25 joulukuu 1996

Based on the true story of the 1981 hunger strike in a British prison, in which IRA prisoner Bobby Sands led a protest against the treatment of IRA prisoners as criminals rather than as prisoners of war. The film focuses on the mothers of two of the strikers, and their struggle to save the lives of their sons.

29 elokuu 1957

An Iowa pajama factory worker falls in love with an affable superintendent who had been hired by the factory's boss to help oppose the workers' demand for a pay raise.

A 15-year-old discovers the joys and heartaches of first love with an older teen, but in the ensuing years, cannot seem to move past their breakup.

2 kesäkuu 1972

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

A strike at a French sausage factory contributes to the estrangement of a married filmmaker and his reporter wife.

9 marraskuu 1971

La Califfa's husband was killed during the strikes so she takes the side of the strikers. Her conflict with the plant owner Doverdo gradually turns into a love relationship.

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