50 部电影

名門千金伊莉莎白不幸遭到惡名昭彰的海盜巴伯沙挾持,年輕的鐵匠威爾為拯救女友,不惜與追求寶藏利慾薰心的船長傑克合作,冒險前往海盜出沒的加勒比海域; 不料這群海盜竟然是受到詛咒,到夜晚會化身骷髏僵屍的恐怖軍團,神秘的寶藏、詭譎的海域、神出鬼沒的鬼魅,讓這段汪洋旅途充滿了變數。



1982 年 12 月 08 日

年輕的律師甘地,在南非旅行時,目睹了自己的同胞受到的欺凌,熟讀法律的他,發動不流血抗爭,終於為他的印度同爭取到合理的待遇。這時有人跟他說,他怎麼不回到印度,為國人爭取更多的平等。 回到印度,他發現印度的問題真的很嚴重,而且民眾普遍的無知,更是他們無法改善環境、不知什麼是平等的主因。於是,他不但積極拄動社會運動,更到全國各地宣傳他的理念、教育他的同胞。政府當局理所當然視他為頭號敵人,百般刁難,甚至發動鎮暴警察鎮壓他們的抗爭活動,而堅持不流血革命的甘地,以靜坐、絕食,表達他的不滿,甚至在面對英軍的槍砲彈藥時,他依然堅持他的理念。

2004 年 09 月 01 日

Beautiful, funny, passionate, and calculating, Becky is the orphaned daughter of a starving English artist and a French chorus girl. She yearns for a more glamorous life than her birthright promises and resolves to conquer English society by any means possible. A mere ascension into the heights of society is simply not enough. So Becky finds a patron in the powerful Marquess of Steyne whose whims enable Becky to realise her dreams. But is the ultimate cost too high for her?

1969 年 03 月 09 日


1964 年 06 月 17 日

In 1879, during the Anglo-Zulu War, man-of-the-people Lt. Chard and snooty Lt. Bromhead are in charge of defending the isolated and vastly outnumbered Natal outpost of Rorke's Drift from tribal hordes.

1983 年 12 月 22 日


1981 年 08 月 28 日

As World War I rages, brave and youthful Australians Archy and Frank—both agile runners—become friends and enlist in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps together. They later find themselves part of the Dardanelles Campaign on the Gallipoli peninsula, a brutal eight-month conflict which pit the British and their allies against the Ottoman Empire and left over 500,000 men dead.

1966 年 06 月 14 日

一部很大氣很優秀但又被眾人忽略的佳作,接近五星!查爾登·海斯頓(Charlton Heston)始終都是正義英雄的角色,高大挺拔的外型配合滄桑的氣質,將高登的內在與外在演繹得恰到好處。令人驚喜的是勞倫斯·奧利弗(Laurence Olivier )改頭換面,抹面化妝後的穆罕默德·阿里,似乎總令人聯想到阿里王朝的開國君主第一代的南征北討的軍事梟雄。按時間推算,大概1880年崛起的赫迪夫應是陶菲克一世,似乎故事的原型只能取其象徵性,不作過多渲染。奧利弗爵士的演技太爐火純青了,招牌的正邪莫辨複雜人物演繹起來舉重若輕,絲毫不遜於海斯頓,絕對壓得住陣腳! 作為一個異國人身處在一個原本不屬於自身文化的國度裡,高登的角色顯得是那麼尷尬。一面是英國帝國主義下的官員,令一面又要獲得伊斯蘭人物的擁戴,人性在兩面壓逼下到底是向善,抑或向惡呢?人道主義在硝煙瀰漫的國土中,人心惶惶的情況下,又處於一個怎樣的位置?自身的信仰起到一個十分重要的關鍵作用,那不是基督徒或穆斯林的宗教信仰,而是人對真善美的追求,於是成就了偉大的人格,而崇高往往又通向一條悲劇之路。

1986 年 04 月 18 日

A British diplomat to a West Indian island nation finds his idyllic existence thrown into chaos when a large American drilling company finds a huge source of natural mineral water there.


In 1920s Ireland young doctor Damien O'Donovan prepares to depart for a new job in a London hospital. As he says his goodbyes at a friend's farm, British Black and Tans arrive, and a young man is killed. Damien joins his brother Teddy in the Irish Republican Army, but political events are soon set in motion that tear the brothers apart.

1979 年 05 月 15 日

In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership.

本片改編自Rudyard Kipling著名小說。 前英國軍官Daniel Dravot(史恩康納萊 飾)原本過著平靜的生活,但以前的同袍Peachy Carnahan(米高肯恩 飾)突然出現,興高采烈的和他分享不見的這幾年當中的經歷。 這兩個同袍當年一起在印度服役,而現在則是一起共謀賺錢之道,他們來到阿富汗東邊的一個城市,拐騙當地居民,把自己塑造成亞歷山大一般的君王,好攫取財富。謊言說久了似乎就會成真,不過這時Daniel的妻子卻無意間發現真相,讓Daniel和Peachy的帝王夢成了一場災難...。

2002 年 09 月 20 日

A young British officer resigns his post when he learns of his regiment's plan to ship out to the Sudan for the conflict with the Mahdi. His friends and fiancée send him four white feathers as symbols of what they view as his cowardice. To redeem his honor, he disguises himself as an Arab and secretly saves their lives.

1947 年 10 月 10 日

England, 1763. After being convicted of a crime, the young and beautiful Abigail Hale agrees, to escape the gallows, to serve fourteen years as a slave in the colony of Virginia, whose inhabitants begin to hear and fear the sinister song of the threatening drums of war that resound in the wild Ohio valley.

1939 年 01 月 26 日

British army sergeants Ballantine, Cutter and MacChesney serve in India during the 1880s, along with their native water-bearer, Gunga Din. While completing a dangerous telegraph-repair mission, they unearth evidence of the suppressed Thuggee cult. When Gunga Din tells the sergeants about a secret temple made of gold, the fortune-hunting Cutter is captured by the Thuggees, and it's up to his friends to rescue him.

2018 年 06 月 15 日

一名英國士兵因其瘋狂殺戮而被自己的軍隊關起來,但在英國占領埃及期間,他被英國人作為秘密武器,釋放出來與亞歷山大港卡穆斯警局的尤瑟夫艾爾馬斯理分局長率領的埃及士兵戰鬥。 然而引發這場戰爭的起因是因為兩個精蟲衝腦的英國士兵,進而演變成一場占領者與被占領者捍衛民族尊嚴與律法的保衛大戰…

1990 年 02 月 16 日

The story of Captain Richard Francis Burton's and Lt. John Hanning Speke's expedition to find the source of the Nile river in the name of Queen Victoria's British Empire. The film tells the story of their meeting, their friendship emerging amidst hardship, and then dissolving after their journey.



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