40 elokuvaa

19 lokakuu 2001

Vuonna 1888 Lontoon huono-onniset köyhät elävät kauheaa elämää kaupungin slummeissa. Rikollisten ahdistama prostituoitu Mary Kelly kumppaneineen joutuu kauhun valtaan kun heidän ystävänsä kidnapataan ja toinen löytyy raa'asti murhattuna. Synkkä murha kiinnittää Fred Abberlinen – älykkään, mutta ahdistuneen rikosetsivän, jonka työtä avittaa hänen yliluonnolliset kykynsä – huomion. Abberline omistautuu tapaukselle täysin, ja mitä lähemmäs hän pääsee totuutta, sitä vaarallisemmaksi hänen, Maryn ja muiden tyttöjen tilanne käy. Selviävätkö he kostajasta, joka heidän jäljilleen on lähetetty suoraan helvetistä?

14 tammikuu 2009

Ikääntynyt rikosetsivä jahtaa prostituoituja armottomasti surmaavaa sarjamurhaajaa West Hollywoodin Sunset Stripillä. Murhamiehen karmea tyyli alkaa muistuttaa 1800-luvulla Lontoossa riehuneen psykopaatin, Viiltäjä-Jackin tyyliä – tätä säälimätöntä murhaajaa ei koskaan saatu kiinni. Mikä vielä pahempaa, etsivä löytää pian yhtäläisyyksiä Sunset Stripin surmaajan sekä vuosia sitten vangitun sarjamurhaajan tekemien rikosten välillä. Voiko telkien takana olla väärä mies?

28 kesäkuu 2021

A detective and a medical examiner join forces to solve a series of horrific murders in Victorian London - but one of them harbors a deadly secret.

London. A mysterious serial killer brutally murders young blond women by stalking them in the night fog. One foggy, sinister night, a young man who claims his name is Jonathan Drew arrives at the guest house run by the Bunting family and rents a room.

12 tammikuu 2018

In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

28 syyskuu 1979

Writer H. G. Wells pursues Jack the Ripper to modern day San Francisco after the infamous serial killer steals his time machine to escape the 19th century.

19 tammikuu 1944

In Victorian era London, the inhabitants of a family home with rented rooms upstairs fear the new lodger is Jack the Ripper.

10 elokuu 1966

When Watson reads from the newspaper there have been two similar murders near Whitechapel in a few days, Sherlock Holmes' sharp deductive is immediately stimulated to start its merciless method of elimination after observation of every apparently meaningless detail. He guesses right the victims must be street whores, and doesn't need long to work his way trough a pawn shop, an aristocratic family's stately home, a hospital and of course the potential suspects and (even unknowing) witnesses who are the cast of the gradually unraveled story of the murderer and his motive.

11 toukokuu 1992

The survivors of the first Waxwork must use a portal through time to defeat the evil that has followed them and turned their lives upside down.

9 helmikuu 1979

Sherlock Holmes is drawn into the case of Jack the Ripper who is killing prostitutes in London's East End. Assisted by Dr. Watson, and using information provided by a renowned psychic, Robert Lees, Holmes finds that the murders may have its roots in a Royal indiscretion and that a cover-up is being managed by politicians at the highest level, all of whom happen to be Masons.

A poet is hired by the owner of a wax museum in a circus to write tales about Harun al Raschid, Ivan the Terrible and Jack the Ripper. While writing, the poet and the daughter of the owner, Eva, fantasize the fantastic stories and fall in love for each other.

23 joulukuu 1953

London, 1888: on the night of the third Jack the Ripper killing, soft-spoken Mr. Slade, a research pathologist, takes lodgings with the Harleys, including a gloomy attic room for "experiments." Mrs. Harley finds Slade odd and increasingly suspects the worst; her niece Lily (star of a decidedly Parisian stage revue) finds him interesting and increasingly attractive. Is Lily in danger, or are her mother's suspicions merely a red herring?

14 huhtikuu 1989

When his experiments into a powerful new anesthetic go hideously awry, respected physician Dr. Jekyll transforms into the hideous Jack Hyde. As his wife Elisabeth passes her time in charitable work, rehabilitating the district's fallen women, Hyde is drawn into an escalating cycle of lust and murder that seems to know no bounds.

13 heinäkuu 1972

A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father's spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.

7 marraskuu 1980

Lulu models for a young painter who tries to seduce her. When her husband enters the room he dies from a heart attack. Lulu marries the painter, who commits suicide when he finds out that she has been having a long standing affair with Dr Schon and whose son gives her a job. Lulu kills Dr Schon and goes to London to live with his son. Eventually, she becomes a prostitute and dies a victim of Jack the Ripper.

12 lokakuu 1976

Kaikkien aikojen tunnetuimpiin sarjamurhaajiin lukeutuva Viiltäjä-Jack herätti hyytävää pelkoa Lontoon köyhälistökortteleissa vuonna 1888. Poliisi ei saanut prostituoituihin keskittyneitä murhia selvitettyä, ja brutaalit tapahtumat jäivät kiehtomaan ikuisiksi ajoiksi lukuisia kirjailijoita ja elokuvantekijöitä. Aiheen otti käsittelyyn vuonna 1976 legendaarinen espanjalaisohjaaja Jesús "Jess" Franco (1930-2013), jonka kiehtovasta mielestä lähtivät myös muun muassa elokuvat Vampyros Lesbos (1971) ja Venus in Furs (1969). Francon versiossa Viiltäjä-Jackin rooliin nousee ikoninen Klaus Kinski (Aguirre - Jumalan viha). Suomessa myös Sohon teurastaja -nimellä tunnettu elokuva on alansa kahden huipun viiltävä tyylinnäyte brutaalista väkivallasta, maanisesta seksuaalisuudesta ja ihmismielen karmivuudesta.

1 helmikuu 1995

A former cop who now working as a hypnotist is approached by a stranger who asks him to bring out his other identity, Jack the Ripper.

8 syyskuu 1932

An elderly couple's lodger, a British musician (Ivor Novello), becomes the suspect in a series of killings.

17 helmikuu 1960

A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.

15 toukokuu 1950

In 1904 London, neighbors begin to suspect that a very strange man calling himself Dr. Fell may indeed be the famous Jack the Ripper.

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