13 elokuvaa

Kiinan viimeisen keisatin elämäntarina upeasti kuvitettuna. Hänet oli kasvatettu hallitsemaan ikivanhojen traditioiden mukaan, eikä kukaan ollut valmistanut häntä kohtaamaan muuttuvaa maailmaa. Hän nousee valtaistuimelle kolmevuotiaana ja tulee hallitsemaan satoja miljoonia kiinalaisia. Pu Yin elämä alkaa kuin satu tuhansine palvelijoineen ja loistavin rituaalein. Mutta kun Kiina joutuu 1900-luvulla väkivaltaisiin muutoksiin ja sisällissota johtaa keisarikunnan tuhoon, hän päätyy puutarhuriksi Pekingin puistoon.

In the turbulent late Eastern Han Dynasty. Ambitious Dong Zhuo controls the court and the commonalty, and heroes from all over the country begin to rise.

23 toukokuu 2009

A heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political upheaval. It is based on "The Assassination of Ma," a Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) story about the killing of general Ma Xinyi.

A boy's life is turned upside down when he learns that he is the last of a group of immortal warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting the forces of the dark.

Falsely accused for cheating in a martial arts competition, two boyhood friends are banished from their Shaolin Temple and go their separate ways. As adults, they join opposing sides in a civil war. When one betrays the other, they settle their differences mano-a-mano.

25 heinäkuu 2005

Seven warriors come together to protect a village from a diabolical General.

31 joulukuu 2013

A scripted comedy set in the fictional town of Timms Valley, Wisconsin, where the lives and livelihoods of its citizens are intertwined with the fate of the town's biggest employer, Timms Industrial Piping. When the company's founder and CEO goes missing in a plane crash, the lives of the characters are turned upside down. Shot in stop-motion animation with baby dolls repurposed as an array of adult characters, and modeled on 1980s primetime soaps like Dynasty.

4 huhtikuu 2022

Who is Kim Yo-jong? In a context of maximum tensions between North Korea and the United States, Pierre Haski paints an unprecedented portrait of the little sister of Kim Jong-un, whose influence in Pyongyang is growing stronger day by day.

12 marraskuu 2010

FEATHERED COCAINE is not a wildlife documentary. It is a documentary about the international trade of falcons. After the trade of drugs, people and weapons, smuggling falcons is ranked No 4 in the list of the most profitable illegal trades. Most people are not aware that the effects of the falcon trade has exerted huge influence over thousands of years on politics, economy and society all around the world. FEATHERED COCAINE reveals in an investigative way the contexts between the trade of falcons and historical events, where royal dynasties, institutions like the CIA and the KGB, the oil industry and Al Queda were involved. This documentary was filmed and released shortly before the 'supposed' execution of Osama bin Laden, who CIA Operative Alan Parrot & his Team had met with 6 times between 2004 & 2010. As of October 11th, 2020.

21 joulukuu 1987

This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.

A voyage into the labyrinthic memories of a Uitoto man, who worked for the drug Lords in the Colombian Amazon back in the 80s. Following his path between the forest and the ruin of a Narco´s mansion imitating the Carrington mansion in the soap opera Dynasty, the film unfolds the hallucinatory account of a near-death experience.

18 syyskuu 2013

The story of “Empire Symbol” is quiet dramatic and it is called Chinese “The Da Vinci Code”: a group of people seems unrelated--- an auto mechanic Cheng Xi (acted by Pan Yueming), a policewoman Mei Jia (acted by Hu Ke) and a Japanese archaeologist Xiao Yelingzi (acted by Yi Nengjing), they are bonded by an invaluable empire treasure of Ming Dynasty. With the mystery is solved, everyone starts a hunt for love, fortune and power.

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