104 filmų

2011 gegužės 13

Retired porn star Milos leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.

2012 spalio 12

True-crime writer Ellison Oswald is in a slump; he hasn't had a best seller in more than 10 years and is becoming increasingly desperate for a hit. So, when he discovers the existence of a snuff film showing the deaths of a family, he vows to solve the mystery. He moves his own family into the victims' home and gets to work. However, when old film footage and other clues hint at the presence of a supernatural force, Ellison learns that living in the house may be fatal.

Apleistame name Niujorke randama šiurpi kolekcija. Šimtai vaizdajuosčių su jose nufilmuotais kankinimais, žmogžudystėmis ir kūno žalojimais. Radinys akivaizdžiai atskleidė dešimtmečius trukusias serijinio žudiko Edvardo Karverio linksmybes.

Žudikas stengiasi, kad juostose nebūtų įamžintas pats, tad policija ir teisėsauga pradeda tyrimą dėl jo buvimo vietos ir dėl daugiau nei 800 aukų kapaviečių. Šis vaizdo įrašų radinys neabejotinai tampa labiausiai nerimą keliančiu įrodymų rinkiniu detektyvams, tačiau ar šie įkalčiai atves juos pas tikrąjį monstrą žudiką?

Jaunam ir talentingam advokatui, rodos, nieko netrūksta. Namuose jo laukia nuostabaus grožio sužadėtinė Laura, darbe jį gerbia ir vertina. Vis dėlto, jis – tik žmogus, kaip ir daugelis mūsų, nesugeba įvertinti to, ką turi. Kasdien trokšta vis daugiau... Nepaklausęs tragediją nujaučiančio sąžinės balso, jis įsitraukia į narkotikų verslą. Tik šiek tiek žiauriems nusikaltėliams pagelbėti sutikęs advokatas, supranta, kad pakliuvo į mirtiną pavojų.

2007 balandžio 20

Sugedus mašinai, jaunavedžiai Deividas ir Eimi apsistoja pakelės motelyje. Žiūrėdami numeryje rastus vaizdo įrašus, jie pamato, kad visi šie sadistiniai filmai nufilmuoti jų kambaryje. Išsigandusi porelė bando sprukti, tačiau nespėję išsinešdinti, jie supranta, kad tapo kažkieno sugalvoto žiauraus realybės šou dalyviais.

2003 liepos 1

In search of a good story, globe-trotting photojournalist Emanuelle meets up with an ex-prizefighter who tips her off about a rich pervert who recruits girls for his own private harem based on their astrological signs.

2015 rugpjūčio 21

A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.

2007 balandžio 27

Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.

2008 sausio 22

Special Agent Jennifer Marsh works in an elite division of the FBI dedicated to fighting cybercrime. She thinks she has seen it all, until a particularly sadistic criminal arises on the Internet. This tech-savvy killer posts live feeds of his crimes on his website; the more hits the site gets, the faster the victim dies. Marsh and her team must find the elusive killer before time runs out.

Londono žurnalistė Eimė Klein gauna keistą ir šiurpią užduotį. Redaktorius Čarlis parodo jai vaizdajuostę, kurioje užfiksuotos mistinės Rumunijos požemiuose susibūrusios grupuotės apeigos. Įraše matosi žmogaus nužudymas ir prisikėlimas. Sunkių temų nevengianti žurnalistė skuba į Bukareštą. Adresu, iš kur buvo atsiųsta vaizdajuotė, Eimė randa merginą be gyvybės ženklų, rankose laikančią paslaptingą dėžutę. Eimė parsineša radinį į viešbutį. Pravėrus dėžutę, prasideda atvykėlės kelias pragaran. Žurnalistė sužinos kur kas daugiau, nei reikia intriguojančiam straipsniui... Tik ar šios žinios nebus mirtinai pražūtingos?

1996 balandžio 11

While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...

1997 liepos 30

A down-on-his-luck American Indian recently released from jail is offered the chance to "star" as the victim of a snuff film, the resulting pay of which could greatly help his poverty stricken family.

A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina.

2011 rugsėjo 2

A weekend at a lake house in the Louisiana Gulf turns into a nightmare for seven vacationers as they are subjected to fresh-water shark attacks.

2000 rugsėjo 22

The making of a horror movie takes on a terrifying reality for students at the most prestigious film school in the country. At Alpine University, someone is determined to win the best film award at any cost - even if it means eliminating the competition. No one is safe and everyone is a suspect.

2020 birželio 8

"The series of episodes, or "chapters, is meant to portray dramatized biographical vignettes of my friends whose experiences and recollections reflect the archetypal character of my movies, the "lost girl," Angela Aberdeen." - Lucifer Valentine

1979 vasario 9

A conservative Midwest businessman ventures into the sordid underworld of pornography in search of his runaway teenage daughter who’s making hardcore films in the pits of Los Angeles.

1976 sausio 16

The followers of a charismatic cult leader set out to murder a pregnant actress.

1991 rugpjūčio 9

Jake, a New York policeman poses as an actor to expose the making of martial-arts death movies in Thailand.

2010 rugsėjo 22

Driving to a weekend getaway, a car breakdown strands young couple Don and Nancy (David James Elliot and Heather Marsden) while passing through a small, rural Louisiana town. Finding the couple on the roadside, the towns inhospitable Sheriff Taylor (Jeff Fahey) tells them therell be no one to repair their car before morning. He directs them to a nearby motel for the night run by Carter (Michael Madsen). Checking into the seedy, rundown establishment, Don and Nancy have no way of knowing how this place deals with outsiders. Badge aside, the Sherriff answers to Carter, as do a gang of twisted, masked kidnappers, torturers, and killers. By the time Don and Nancy realize whats happening, its too late to flee. They must fight to survive the night, or be the next victims of the Terror Trap...

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