33 部电影

1996 年 06 月 07 日


里昂在执行从绑匪手中解救安东尼奥 泰勒博士的任务时,一个神秘女人挡住了他的任务。与此同时,克里斯正在调查旧金山爆发的僵尸事件,感染原因无法确定,唯一确定的是受害者最近都去过恶魔岛,根据这一线索,克里斯与他的团队前往这座小岛调查,那里有未知的恐怖在等待着他们。

弗兰克莫瑞斯(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)是一名银行抢劫犯,在一个雨夜被关进亚卡拉,入狱后与Limtus(弗兰克·罗茨 Frank Ronzio 饰)结交,并在监狱图书馆工作。智商极高的他决定越狱!在这个被认为无法逃离的监狱,他能不能成为第一个成功越狱者……

1976 年 12 月 22 日

本片是“肮脏的哈利”系列的第三部。哈利(克林特·伊斯特伍德饰)又有了新搭档——从人事档案科调来的女警官凯特(泰恩·黛莉饰),他们俩奉命追查一群胆敢向旧金山市政府勒索两百万元的恐怖分子。 然而一向我行我素的哈利这次却踢到了铁板,他的新伙伴凯特对他的硬汉作风颇不以为然,这两位伙伴必须先解决彼此的分歧,才能合作捉拿无法无天的恐怖分子。


1967 年 08 月 30 日


2002 年 11 月 15 日

  故事发生在美国旧金山湾的阿尔卡特拉兹监狱,这里关押的犯人都是身犯重罪,监狱里安装了最先进的设备,以防犯人越狱和暴动。最近死囚牢房中的一名犯人成了一些人注意的焦点。因为在他参与了一次抢劫行动后,价值2亿美元的黄金不见踪影,现在只要撬开他的嘴,就能知道黄金的下落。   有好几拨人都看上了这个“商机”,特别是高智商的大佬东尼,他以前是政府官僚,熟悉监狱里的情况,他安排了好几个人渗透到监狱里打探黄金的下落。FBI的密探萨沙潜入到监狱中,他的任务就是防止这笔黄金落到坏人的手里,于是在阴森的铁栅栏后面,智力和暴力同时上演了……

1995 年 01 月 20 日

  1938年,犯人亨利(Kevin Bacon 饰)试图从著名的阿尔卡特兹监狱逃出,但最终失败。典狱长格伦对威胁自己地位的亨利恨之入骨,将其抛入封闭的地牢中长达三年,期间伴有不计其数的殴打行为。亨利终于得以离开地牢,但他所做的第一件事是用勺子杀死背叛自己的犯人,于是被控一级谋杀。   刚离开校门的律师詹姆斯(Christian Slater 饰)受命为亨利辩护,长年的折磨让后者几乎丧失沟通能力,詹姆斯不放弃任何机会,逐渐拉近了两人的距离。初次开庭,詹姆斯将矛头对准非人道的狱方,引发媒体关注,也招惹来各方阻碍,女友与亲兄在压力下先后背离他而去。詹姆斯唯一仰仗的只剩下对正义的执着,但最后关头,亨利却表示自己宁愿被判死……

2012 年 10 月 27 日

When zombies overrun San Francisco, a desperate group survives by locking themselves inside Alcatraz Prison. When the undead breach the island, our heroes are forced to return to the mainland overrun with the undead.

1968 年 12 月 19 日

Ex-gangster Tony Banks is called out of retirement by mob kingpin God to carry out a hit on fellow mobster "Blue Chips" Packard. When Banks demurs, God kidnaps his daughter Darlene on his luxury yacht.

鲁邦一伙洗劫了黑帮的赌船,而鲁邦自己对船上的大堆现金好像并无兴趣,他其实另有所图……   本作为鲁邦三世系列第十三部TVsp,于2001年8月3日播送

1937 年 10 月 13 日

A man who has been railroaded into prison is framed for the murder of a fellow inmate and must prove his innocence.

Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.

1950 年 11 月 21 日

A doctor testing drugs on convicts gets mixed up in a murder investigation.

1949 年 12 月 27 日

After living abroad for several years, journalist John Royer returns to the United States just after the U.S. enters World War II. His boast that he could easily smuggle rubber, a key wartime natural resource, out of Malaya has him tasked with doing just that. He manages to get someone from his past, Carnaghan, sprung from Alactraz and together they head off to South East Asia posing as Irishmen. Once there, Carnaghan lines up some of his old cronies and with Royer and a few plantation owners plans to smuggle the rubber out from under the Japanese army's watchful eye.

1987 年 05 月 18 日

In May of 1946, Alcatraz inmate Bernie Coy initiates a carefully thought out plan to escape the island prison. His plan, carried out with five accomplices, falls apart when they can't obtain a key to unlock a door leading to the yard.

1937 年 11 月 12 日

A crime boss goes searching for his ex-wife and son after a ten-year prison stint. His old gang has other plans though, and use the child to try and make him disclose the location of the loot he hid before going to the slammer.

1967 年 01 月 01 日

A promotional short for John Boorman's "Point Blank" shot on and around Alcatraz. Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson and former inmate Joe Giles share their thoughts on the former prison.

1945 年 07 月 10 日

The police think a young lawyer (Robert Lowery) killed his partner, but he was drugged when it happened.

January, 1947. The public receives the news of Al Capone's death with indifference, although twenty years earlier he had ruled Chicago's crime underworld with brute force and corrupting many touchable individuals. Until the day the head of the Untouchables Brigade, Eliot Ness, entered the scene. Since then, a cruel battle between the two of them began, a battle that ended in trial, conviction, disease, insanity and death.



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