82 部电影

2002 年 07 月 03 日

上集退休被洗去記憶的特警K(湯美李鍾斯)於今集擔任郵局局長,對MIB全無記憶。他的舊拍檔J(韋 史密夫)成為最優秀特警,在調查一宗外星人案件時,揭發外星人侵襲地球大陰謀。能夠阻止這場浩劫的只有K,故此J設法令K恢復記憶。事件又涉及一名曾目睹外星人的Laura(羅莎莉奧·多遜),但J寧願違反MIB守則也不肯向她洗腦。且看J與K能否有力對抗入侵地球的外星力量...

續集《妖夜尋狼之魔間叛徒》不單延續吸血鬼與狼人的血戰,更將兩族數千年來的新仇舊恨推至新頂峰。 承接上集,吸血鬼族死亡使者莎蓮殺死了吸血鬼長老維克托,成了族中的頭號獵物;而被她咬到的狼人米高變成了狼人和吸血鬼的混種後,擁有無人所知的力量。續集以二人的逃亡為序幕,他們要前往尋找另一位吸血鬼領袖馬庫斯,希望向他解釋他們的苦衷。可惜領袖未被其所動,誓要將二人置之死地。這對亡命鴛鴦唯有求助於歷史智者,並在追查身世期間得知狼人與吸血鬼兩族之間長久戰爭的原委,赫然發現吸血鬼族中的傳說謊話連篇,長老們早已被慾望及權力沖昏頭腦。

2013 年 02 月 14 日

Ethan Wate just wants to get to know Lena Duchannes better, but unbeknownst to him, Lena has strange powers. As Lena's 16th birthday approaches she might decide her fate, to be good or evil. A choice which will impact her relationship forever.

2010 年 11 月 12 日


2002 年 02 月 22 日


2007 年 06 月 01 日

A man who serves in the war between the forces of Light and Dark comes into possession of a device that can restore life to Moscow, which was nearly destroyed by an apocalyptic event.

1976 年 07 月 30 日

A violent electrical storm topples power lines into the rain soaked earth that is home for an aggressive breed of worms.

The high voltage causes the worms to mutate into larger, hostile hordes of man-eating worms that lie in wait for the residents of Fly Creek.

2011 年 02 月 18 日

A mysterious global blackout yields countless populations to simply vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind. A small handful of survivors band together in a dimly-lit tavern on 7th Street, struggling to combat the apocalyptic horror. Realizing they may in fact be the last people on earth, a dark shadow hones in on them alone.

2017 年 01 月 20 日

A young law student, grieving for his dying mother, struggles to decide whether he should kill his unfaithful step-father.

2018 年 03 月 10 日

A high school senior, Alex Lainey, has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her small town. She soon develops dangerous, supernatural abilities and turns to her childhood friend Sean Terrel. The authorities target them and a chase ensues as officials try to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.

A violent, guitar-playing, electrically charged boxer faces off against an electronic wizard half-merged with a metallic Buddha.

Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife.

2012 年 03 月 30 日

Friends on a weekend excursion take a path into a forest that leads to death and destruction.

2016 年 06 月 03 日

A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.

1986 年 06 月 16 日

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte by Georges Seurat is one of the great paintings of the world, and in "Sunday in the Park with George," book writer James Lapine and composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim bring a story based on the work brilliantly to life. While the painting depicts people gathered on an island in the Seine, the musical goes beyond simply describing their lives. It is an exploration of art, of love, of commitment. Seurat connected dots to create images; Lapine and Sondheim use connection as the heart of all our relationships. Winner of the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season five, episode nineteen).

2024 年 04 月 24 日

Two hands over a light.

2005 年 03 月 01 日

A suicidal comedy about two young lovers who get married and escape from a mental institution in search of new ways to die...and the white light.

2013 年 11 月 15 日

When the young Austrian couple oversleeps, the imminent arrival of the girl's parents creates a stress situation that turns into slapstick and chaos.

1976 年 03 月 14 日

Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.

2023 年 12 月 08 日

Two young adults venture into a storm sewer in search of something interesting. They succeed.



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