15 elokuvaa

20 toukokuu 1998

Sade piiskaa öistä valtamerta. Laivoja vajoaa meren syvyyksiin. Panaman metsistä ja Jamaican rannikolta löytyy tuhoisan olennon jalanjälkiä. Otus tallustaa kohti USA:ta, ja biologi Niko Tatopoulos kutsutaan hätiin. Hän saa selville, että radioaktiivinen laskeutuma on luonut jättiläishirviön, jolle ihmisen aseet ovat pelkkää hyttysen ininää. Ja louskuleuka lähestyy jo uhkaavasti New Yorkia...

16 kesäkuu 1978

Tappajahai-elokuvan jatko-osa, jossa lomakaupunki Amityn asukkaat ja poliisimestari joutuvat kohtaamaan entistä kammottavamman merihirviön.

15 toukokuu 2010

A great white shark hunts the crew of a capsized sailboat along the Great Barrier Reef.

In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.

25 lokakuu 2001

A lawyer becomes a fisherman from frustration. When his one piece of property, his boat, is struck by lightning and destroyed he is denied insurance money because it was “an act of God”. He re-registers as a lawyer and sues the insurance company and, as God’s representative, The Church.

1 tammikuu 2003

Nelly McDermott, the granddaughter of a prominent politician, loses her husband, architect Adam Cauliff, in a fiery boat explosion. When she's informed that he was murdered, Nell is compelled to find the killer by searching for the truth, with the help of a psychic, which could solve the mystery — or end her life.

27 marraskuu 1937

Butch Rogers and Sock McGillis are old submarine hands stationed in Panama. On land, Butch and Sock battle over pretty Ann Sawyer. At sea and underwater, however, our two heroes are inseparable.

A little girl Assol met a wizard and it has been foretold: "... it will be a fine sunny day when a beautiful ship under scarlet sail comes and the noble prince will take you away from here. He'll take you to the world of your dreams, where you will be loved and happy." The neighbours told jokes about her, children teased her, but she waited for her prince. She trusted in the miracles and waited. Arthur Gray's rule was "if you can make a miracle, do it!". And he made a miracle for the wonderful romantic girl.

21 heinäkuu 2016

After their sailing boat mysteriously sinks, a group of friends, with no supplies and strange happenings, try to work together long enough to survive.

22 helmikuu 1925

A boat race rivalry erupts into comical danger.

A reconstruction of the shipwreck of Costa Concordia, occurred on the night of 13 January 2012 in front of the Island of Giglio. A tragic night, full of emotions, that changed the life of those who were on board and the history of tourist navigation.

3 helmikuu 2007

Mahi, a seasoned convict who is well-known for attacking his enemies stealthily, decides to murder someone in order to raise money for his friend.

5 maaliskuu 1916

Therese Roger, daughter of a West Indian planter, whose parents are murdered while she is a baby, becomes the adopted daughter of her aunt, Madame Roger, keeper of a haberdashery shop in one of the smaller villages in southern France. She grows up with Camille, Madame Roger's son, a sickly, sexless creature, whom she ultimately marries in deference to her aunt's wishes.

25 huhtikuu 2018

After a boat accident where he puts his son Flavio’s life at risk, fisherman Capudemazza decides to never go fishing again. Ten years later a discovery about his son awakens a feeling in him that had been buried.

5 kesäkuu 2015

A group of teenagers head out on a boat as part of an expedition uniting teenagers from around the world to be apart of one big project but when disaster strikes it becomes a survival of the fittest amongst the diverse group.

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