13 Serien

14. September 2002

Ozzy & Drix, also known as The Fantastic Voyage Adventures of Osmosis Jones & Drixenol and Osmosis Jones: The Animated Series, is an American animated television series based on the Warner Bros. film Osmosis Jones and it was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It takes place inside the body of teenager Hector Cruz. The series premiered on September 14, 2002 on the Kids' WB; the final episode aired July 5, 2004. Unlike the original movie it spun off from, Ozzy & Drix was entirely animated and contained no live action. It stars Phil LaMarr as the replacement for Chris Rock as Osmosis Jones, and Jeff Bennett as the replacement for David Hyde Pierce as Drix. As of July 2011, episodes of the series are still available via the Kids WB website. The show also aired on Teletoon in Canada. The show is also slightly less violent than the movie, having the characters treated like people rather than simply cells, and having none of them killed off, unlike the movie where Thrax managed to kill off several cells. There are also new characters that replace the ones from the original movie such as Maria Amino replacing Leah Estrogen, Mayor Spryman replacing Mayor Phlegmming, Sylvian Fischer replacing Tom Colonic, Chief Gluteus replacing The Chief of Police, The Mole replacing Chill the Flu Shot and Scarlet Fever replacing Thrax.

„Es war einmal … das Leben“ (« Il était une fois… la Vie ») ist eine französische Zeichentrickserie, die 1986 entstand und zu einer Reihe von Serien mit dem Titel „Es war einmal …“ gehört.

Die Serie erklärt die Vorgänge im menschlichen Körper. Die Protagonisten sind einerseits Jugendliche, die verschiedene Lebensvorgänge, wie Essen, Stoffwechsel und Krankheit erleben, andererseits anthropomorphe Elemente der mikroskopischen Welt wie Blutkörperchen, Botenstoffe oder Nervenimpulse, die sich auf ihrem Weg durch den Körper befinden. Dazu bedienen sie sich motorrad- oder raumschiffartiger Fahrzeuge und liefern sich Feuergefechte mit Eindringlingen (Bakterien, Viren).

Chris hat die Mission, besser und länger zu leben. Mit der Hilfe von Top-Wissenschaftlern nimmt er sechs epische Herausforderungen an, um Geist und Körper auf die Probe zu stellen.

5. September 1994

Dive into the field of natural science, Discover the Solar System or the various functions of the human body. The information is presented in the "Eyewitness Museum", a computer-generated science museum. Various exhibits are shown, and stock video footage is usually seen through large windows or other depressions in the wall.

Das Wunderwerk Mensch ist eine Reise durch den menschlichen Körper im Zyklus eines Erdenlebens: Von unseren allerersten Anfängen, der Zeugung, Geburt, die ersten Babyjahre über unsere Kindheit und Pubertät, der Reifung und dem Alter bis zum Ende unseres menschlichen Daseins und führt uns ins Innere unseres Körpers. Spektakuläre Aufnahmen zeigen, wie er "funktioniert", sich entwickelt und verändert, wie unsere Organe, unsere Sinne und unser Gehirn zusammenarbeiten.

1. Januar 2005

Anatomy for Beginners is a television show created by Gunther von Hagens.

In this 4-part series, Dr Gunther von Hagens and Professor John Lee demonstrated the anatomical structure and workings of the body. The 4 episodes were screened in the United Kingdom on Channel 4 in 2005.

The show features public anatomy demonstrations with the use of real human cadavers and live nude models, carried out at Gunther von Hagens' "Institute for Plastination" in Heidelberg, Germany.

Dr von Hagens’ public demonstrations are not formal anatomy dissections performed by medical students in some countries as part of their medical training. Formal dissection are performed slowly and take dozens of hours of dissection. Anatomy for Beginners performs quicker autopsy and also combines with demonstration of plastinated body parts and specimens to gives just a glimpse of the human anatomy.

The individuals on whom the demonstration was performed had, before their death, enrolled on von Hagens’ body donor programme and consented to the use of their bodies for public education in anatomy, including public demonstration.

7. November 2018

Survival instructor Marc Mouret have 100 days to sharpen his body and mind to take on extraordinary challenges.

10. November 1975
14. April 2019

Three 'Guests' with critically low body image jet off to a sunny Greek retreat to live with a group of unclothed, body confident 'Hosts', who have little more than elaborately designed paint to cover their modesty.

Journalist, Physician, Producer, TV Presenter – Michael Mosley is a multi-talented communicator of bold and original ideas. With insight, intelligence and passion, the creator of the landmark series Inside the Human Body takes you on a fascinating journey through the mysterious worlds of biology and medicine.

10. November 2015

The Body Human was a series of specials produced by the National Geographic Society and telecast by CBS, between 1977 and 1984. They were produced and directed by Alfred R. Kelman, who was nominated for an Academy Award in 1966 for The Face of a Genius. Unlike most National Geographic specials, this series did not concentrate on exploring nature or the origins of man, but, as the name implied, on aspects of the human body, from plastic surgery to sexual function. Alexander Scourby was the narrator. The series was nominated for and won Emmy Awards.

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