9 Serien

An einer Highschool voller Exzentriker hilft Tadano seiner schüchternen und menschenscheuen Klassenkameradin Komi, ihren Traum zu erfüllen und 100 Freunde zu finden.

25. Januar 2021


3. Oktober 2023

Mit dem plötzlichen Auftauchen von Helden – Menschen mit übernatürlichen Kräften – ist aller Krieg auf Erden verstummt. Helden eines jeden Landes arbeiten unermüdlich daran, diesen neu gefundenen und fragilen Frieden zu erhalten. Während andere Länder starke Persönlichkeiten wie Century, Spirits oder Stardust mit dieser nie endenden Mission betrauen, setzt Japan auf eine junge Heldin namens Shy … die so schüchtern ist, wie es ihr Name vermuten lässt.

While still a virgin at the age of 30, Kiyoshi Adachi gains a magical power that allows him to read other people's mind by touching them. Things change when he accidentally touches Yuichi Kurosawa and reads his mind.

The isolated life of an extreme introvert is thrown out of order when his company hires a new employee: a cheery extrovert who's not all she seems.

The story tells the romance of the young Nan Xi, who has many talents but suffers from social anxiety. When he meets Xia Rui, an enthusiastic and talkative girl, these two people who apparently live in parallel realities will not be freed from the designs of destiny.

The plot revolves around an inexplicable pull between two people and the romance that ensues between them. The main protagonist is the modern-day vampire who is apathetic towards everything in life until he showed up as her next-door neighbor (he's a germophobe, like in the webtoon). Her world changes as she feels the desperate need to get close to him. Will she finally be able to hug him?

~~ Based on the "unTouchable" Line webtoon created by Massstar.

Yanase has worked as a 3D CG designer all across the world. Now back in Japan, Yanase is training a newbie by the name of Kaneda Yuki. There's only one issue: Kaneda is super unfriendly towards Yanase, leaving Yanase frustrated and disappointed. With a new project where they will have to work side by side, how can these two overcome their different personalities?

Best, a guy who sucks no matter what he does—contrast to his own name, fell for Dew, the hottest guy of the class and the top popular guy in school. His love agenda got his friends involved—Bright and Ray—who had to help him. Best could only watch Dew from afar, never had a chance to confess. But one day, as if god was on his side, he got to know Dew‘s best friends—Dave and Tar, and got into the music club with no clue. Then his love story started...

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