152 Filme

9. Mai 1980

Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.

9. Februar 2018

A group of college friends reunite for a trip to the forest, but encounter a menacing presence in the woods that's stalking them.

13. März 1981

After a bizarre and near fatal encounter with a serial killer, a newswoman is sent to a rehabilitation center whose inhabitants may not be what they seem.

14. Oktober 1988

When a group of teenagers inadvertently kill his only son, Ed Harley seeks the powers of a backwoods witch to bring the child back to life.

23. Oktober 2009

A grieving couple retreats to their cabin 'Eden' in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage. But nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse.

13. April 2012

Fünf Freunde wollen ihren Urlaub in einer einsamen Hütte genießen. Doch nach einem Regelverstoß folgt die Strafe auf dem Fuße und es kommt sie teuer zu stehen.

18. Januar 2013

Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.

20. Oktober 2017

Detective Harry Hole investigates the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous looking snowman.

16. Juni 2023

Seven black friends go away for the weekend, only to find themselves trapped in a cabin with a killer who has a vendetta. They must pit their street smarts and knowledge of horror movies against the murderer to stay alive.

17. Juni 1988

It's vacation time for outdoorsy Chicago man Chet Ripley, along with his wife, Connie, and their two kids, Buck and Ben. But a serene weekend of fishing at a Wisconsin lakeside cabin gets crashed by Connie's obnoxious brother-in-law, Roman Craig, his wife, Kate, and the couple's two daughters. As the excursion wears on, the Ripleys find themselves at odds with the stuffy Craig family.

9. Mai 2008

Seventeen-year-old Shirley is a good student who works as a babysitter in order to make money for college. One night Michael, a father Shirley works for, confesses he's unhappy with married life. Shirley has a crush on Michael, and seizes this moment to kiss him. Michael is so happy he presents Shirley with a big tip, which gives her an idea. Shirley plans to make extra money by setting up her teenage friends with other unhappy fathers.

4. Mai 2018

A thief makes a disturbing discovery in the house where he breaks in. Later, when he returns to the same house with his partner in crime, things are no longer how he expected.

22. Januar 2010

Tucker und Dale sind beste Freunde, die ihre Zeit in den abgeschiedenen Wäldern von West Virginia mit all dem verbringen, was beste Freunde eben so tun – sie trinken Bier, gehen jagen und schauen auch mal schüchtern den Mädchen hinterher. Als sie eines Tages während eines Ausflugs mit einer Schar großstädtischer Teenager kollidieren, glauben die, echt perverse Hinterwäldler vor sich zu haben: Hilfe! Panik! Gestammelte Erklärungen machen alles nur noch schlimmer. Als die Landeier wenig später die hübsche Allison vor dem Ertrinken retten, wird dies prompt als Entführungsversuch fehlinterpretiert. Schon schreiten die Städter entschlossen und mit allem, was der Geräteschuppen hergibt, zur Gegenwehr. Jetzt wird guter Rat teuer, bald stapeln sich die ersten Leichen im Wald.

21. Dezember 1972

A mountain man who wishes to live the life of a hermit becomes the unwilling object of a long vendetta by Indians when he proves to be the match of their warriors in one-to-one combat on the early frontier.

7. Februar 1997

Volcanologist Harry Dalton comes to the sleepy town of Dante's Peak to investigate the recent rumblings of the dormant volcano the burg is named for. Before long, his worst fears are realized when a massive eruption hits, and immediately, Harry, the mayor and the townspeople find themselves fighting for their lives amid a catastrophic nightmare.

24. Januar 2020

The Gardner family moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard, melts into the earth, and infects both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly colour. To their horror, the family discovers this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it touches—including them.

23. Juni 2014

Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad: “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.

7. Februar 2020

Journalist Richard beschließt, die Weihnachtsferien mit seinen beiden Kindern Mia und Aidan sowie seiner neuen Freundin Grace in seiner gemütlichen, verschneiten Waldhütte in den Bergen zu verbringen. Doch seine Kinder sind davon alles andere als begeistert: Sie trauen ihrer „zukünftigen Stiefmutter“ nicht über den Weg – und lassen sie das auch bei jeder Gelegenheit spüren. Als Richard beruflich für ein paar Tage in die Stadt fahren muss und seine Familie alleine in den Bergen zurück lässt, passieren jeden Tag neue, unheimliche Ereignisse, die Mia und Aidan in ihrer Meinung bestärken, dass mit Grace irgend etwas nicht stimmt. Und als die Geschwister dann auch noch äußerst grausamen Details aus Graces Kindheit auf die Spur kommen, beginnt ein zunehmend eskalierendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, das die Drei an die Grenzen des Wahnsinns – und hindurch – führt...

5. Juni 2020

Eigentlich soll es ein ruhiges Vater-Tochter-Wochenende in einem Haus am See werden, durch das Jeff sich eine Verbesserung des reichlich angespannten Verhältnisses zu seiner Tochter, der rebellischen Becky erhofft. Dich daraus wird nichts, als eine Band von ausgebrochenen Schwerverbrechern auf der Flucht ind as Haus eindringt.

2. Juli 2004

When affluent executive Wayne Hayes is kidnapped by a disgruntled employee and held for ransom in a forest, Wayne’s wife is forced to reckon with the FBI agents as they negotiate with the kidnapper.

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