598 Filme

Based on the lives and activities of the students at a prestige college.

1. Juli 2024

Film 33 is the most advanced film class in a community college where the entire class teams up to make a short film. In 2023 Spring, the 23rd short film is being made. This epic documentary details the highs and lows of the production of this short film, and all the dramatic events that occurred.

31. Mai 2024

The film is an English-language remake of the hit 2017 Thai film by Nattawut Poonpiriya. A group of seniors of an entrepreneurial high school team up to take down a rigged college admissions system.

Batman faces his new nemesis: THE QUOTER in this thrilling culmination of Batman at Boyce.

7. April 2024

Danny had high hopes for college. Joining mid-year, it’s not what he expected. Danny must learn to cope with his self-absorbed roommate, find community and navigate this new world. Starting fresh is never easy…

29. März 2024

A group of final-year media students experience their last 238 days together, expressing how they feel before having to say goodbye.

29. März 2024

The friendship between two college students takes a dark turn after one of them witnesses the other hanging out with another student, going against his one rule that he cannot make any other friends.

24. März 2024

Eli has an unusual relationship with music. When the music stops, that's when the voices begin.

15. März 2024

Two college students set out to capture a ghost on film to make millions instead of doing their finals.

Filmmaker William Blackwell Kinney and friends embark on an unforgettable adventure at the Emerson Los Angeles program.

30. Januar 2024

A pair of college partiers head home after a night of drinking. Little do they know that an intruder plans on spoiling their evening. And little does he know what's truly at play

17. Dezember 2023

Trying to escape their past, Lee enters college only to meet an extension of the painful history looming over them.

4. Dezember 2023

A short documentary that takes a look at Pratt Institute's Architecture program and how the first years handle the rigorous workload.

17. November 2023

Squirrels on a college campus have to balance the same struggles of all college students: school work, athletics, drama, and of course - human interaction.

17. November 2023

Der Student Oliver Quick kämpft darum, seinen Platz an der Universität Oxford zu finden, und wird in die Welt des charmanten und aristokratischen Felix Catton hineingezogen, der ihn für einen unvergesslichen Sommer nach Saltburn, dem weitläufigen Anwesen seiner exzentrischen Familie, einlädt.

8. November 2023

"Unread" unfolds entirely on Amy's phone screen as she begins her freshman year in college. Using it as a distraction from her strained relationship with her mother, who constantly texts her, Amy finds solace in nights at the local bar. However, as the messages become overwhelming, something has to change.

1. November 2023

Alexander, a young scriptwriter, deals with his family trauma by writing a script about the night he was taken out of the closet. By immersing himself in writing, Alexander imagines an alternate version of that family conflict, finding a way to express himself and heal emotionally.

21. Oktober 2023

After entering university, he decided to search for a job to meet his financial needs, attempting to balance between his academic life and his professional life.

29. September 2023

Four students from different backgrounds face new realities of a new life at university. They must adapt to the environment dictated to them in their course in the first year.

29. September 2023

In this sequel to "Freshman Year (2019)", CJ and Marcella struggle to protect their relationship against the rising tide of pressure from family, faith, and friends when a devastating discovery upends their lives.

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