12 部电影

2006 年 12 月 06 日

酒店房間內,無名女生在痛哭,而電視上播放女演員Nikki的故事,她和男演員Devon參與一部重拍電影,不禁假戲真做,Nikki越來越無法分清何為現實何為做戲,現實也似乎向著劇情發展。 上映至今評價兩極,恨者不滿故事故弄玄虛,走火入魔,愛者認為是連治電影之大成,是他電影藝術上真正高峰,但無一不說這是連治最自主自由的創作,連治身兼導演編劇攝影配樂,數碼攝影機的畫面所帶來的特殊感,將影像推入更暈眩奇幻的境界,開啟全新電影製作模式,反荷里活電影產業之餘,在看似碎片化又多線情節,每一個段落都值得反覆玩味,由如剝洋蔥般將女性心理狀況表露無遺,這三小時,究竟是關於神秘電影計劃?女演員的事業起伏?還是走入女性內心?

1997 年 03 月 20 日

電影制片人詹姆斯(James Spader 飾)沉迷於性事,在女友凱瑟琳之外尚有不少情人。一次開車回傢的路上他與另一輛車相撞,詹姆斯腿部重傷,對面車中的夫妻兩人則丈夫死亡妻子海倫(Holly Hunter 飾)負傷,詹姆斯在報廢車場偶遇海倫,兩人由此結識,不久海倫帶他參觀瞭由醫生沃甘主持的撞車活動,這些愛好者熱衷用真實的撞車還原某些事故,詹姆斯進入瞭一個匪夷所思的圈子。沃甘身份神秘,宣揚撞車是釋放自我的有效途徑,為此不惜以身犯險。隨著詹姆斯與沃甘的交往不斷加深,兩人終於在車上發生瞭關系,而隨後沃甘駕車撞擊詹姆斯與凱瑟琳卻致使自己死亡。詹姆斯大難不死後又駕駛者一輛廢舊汽車撞向瞭凱瑟琳…… 本片獲1996年加拿大吉尼獎導演獎等多項褒獎。

2001 年 02 月 02 日

在1962年的香港,報館編輯周慕雲(梁朝偉 飾)與妻子搬進一楝上海人聚居的大廈,差不多時候搬進來的還有年輕美麗的陳太蘇麗珍(張曼玉 飾)和她那位在日資公司上班的丈夫。周和蘇各自的伴侶不常在家,因此他倆有空便會到房東那兒聚腳,開始熟識起來。後來兩人發覺自己的配偶有婚外情,他們兩人之間亦產生了微妙的感情……

2004 年 12 月 17 日

Mexican immigrant and single mother Flor Moreno finds housekeeping work with Deborah and John Clasky, a well-off couple with two children of their own. When Flor admits she can't handle the schedule because of her daughter, Cristina, Deborah decides they should move into the Clasky home. Cultures clash and tensions run high as Flor and the Claskys struggle to share space while raising their children on their own, and very different, terms.

1990 年 12 月 25 日

Alice Tate, mother of two, with a marriage of 16 years, finds herself falling for the handsome sax player, Joe. Stricken with a backache, she consults herbalist Dr. Yang, who realizes that her problems are not related to her back, but in her mind and heart. Dr. Yang's magical herbs give Alice wondrous powers, taking her out of well-established rut.

Insurance executive Charles suspects his wife Hélène of playing the field, so he has a private detective locate his wife's lover, author Victor Pegala.

2007 年 09 月 12 日

A very gentle middle-aged man is married, but when he falls in love with another woman, he decides that to divorce his wife would humiliate her too much – so instead he decides to kill her.

2000 年 11 月 01 日

Marie, who works as a successful door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson, has been married to her husband Francois for 12 years and has a two-year-old son. Though she is relatively content with her life, she feels something is wanting. Enter 50-year old African-American Bill. Initially she is annoyed by his insouciance, but she finds that she is irresistibly attracted to him. Soon the two are in the midst of sordid illicit affair. She knows little about her new lover, and he seems uninterested in learning about her, but the long sessions of lovemaking are something else entirely. Feeling out of control, Marie is increasingly repelled by her own actions. Psychologically, she struggles to reconcile her torrid encounters with Bill and mundane domestic chores such as bathing her son. Moreover, she finds herself incapable of hiding her adulterous behavior, rather she comes home with scratches and hickeys all over her body, to the devastation Francois.

1981 年 10 月 11 日

Madame Jouve, the narrator, tells the tragedy of Bernard and Mathilde. Bernard was living happily with his wife Arlette and his son Thomas. One day, a couple, Philippe and Mathilde Bauchard, moves into the next house. This is the accidental reunion of Bernard and Mathilde, who had a passionate love affair years ago. The relationship revives... A somber study of human feelings.

1960 年 01 月 15 日

TV writer Elliott Nash buries a blackmailer under the new gazebo in his suburban backyard. But the nervous man can't let the body rest there.

Frank, a hobo, ends up in a garage-truck stop in the middle of nowhere. Nick Marino, its older, kind and naive owner, is married to Cora, a sexy and mercenary woman half his age. Frank, although not a fan of hard work, accepts Nick's offer to work for him. Of course, it is not for Nick's sake that the young man becomes his attendant, but for the love of Cora under whose spell he has fallen at once. It does not take long before Cora, who despises her husband, asks her lover to help her get rid of him. Frank is reluctant at first but ...

2017 年 11 月 04 日

As a rejected woman’s world – and mental state - disintegrates around her, hell hath no fury as she plots and maneuvers to stop the wedding of her ex-lover and his new fiancée. Cold murder is not out of the question. She must stop that wedding by all means necessary. ​Intrigue, horrors, twists and turns, woven into the mysterious suspense of Diana's story as she fights to avoid loosing.....



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