13 部电影

1979 年 08 月 17 日

本片為喜劇演員出身的英國導演泰瑞瓊斯(Terry Jones)執導,可說是惡搞喜劇的開先鋒之作,以諧謔反諷手法,嘲諷了1973年的宗教歌舞片《萬世巨星》。 故事敘述一個名叫布萊恩的男子(Graham Chapman 飾),他有著和耶穌基督一模一樣的際遇,生於馬廄,更扯的是…,接下來生平一連串際遇,都跟耶穌相彷,而且每個經歷,都湊巧嘲諷了聖經中的情節,令人捧腹。 本片的開創性,在於其嘲諷、惡搞的勇氣和創意,還有一人分飾多角的無厘頭風格,其諸種手法,之後普遍被商業片沿用,影響力至深;其中演員方面就涵蓋了《笨賊一籮筐》英國知名喜劇男星約翰克裡斯(John Cleese),以及編導過《巴西》、《奇幻城市》等奇幻傑作的奇才泰利吉蘭(Terry Gilliam)。


2006 年 12 月 01 日

Mary and Joseph make the hard journey to Bethlehem for a blessed event in this retelling of the Nativity story. This meticulously researched and visually lush adaptation of the biblical tale follows the pair on their arduous path to their arrival in a small village, where they find shelter in a quiet manger and Jesus is born.

2023 年 11 月 17 日

When Daniel is fired right before his son's expensive surgery, an angel takes him on a journey back in time to witness the trials of Joseph and Mary before the very first Christmas, reminding him how God's love can carry him through anything.

1976 年 02 月 18 日

Rossellini takes numerous liberties with the original source material, rearranging and omitting events at will, presenting everything in a highly undramatic fashion. The film begins in the time of the Old Testament, allowing Rossellini to present the story of Jesus in its ancient, historic context.

1948 年 11 月 04 日

Inspired by the scriptural tale. Moabitess priestess Ruth is drawn both to a Judean man and to his talk of a forgiving God. After tragedy strikes, she begins a new life in Bethlehem.

2024 年 03 月 13 日

Familiar Phantoms is an experimental documentary short film about memory, history and trauma.

2006 年 11 月 03 日

Melchior, one of the Three Wise Men, narrates the story of his travels in search of a magnificent star pointing him to a newborn King.

2008 年 01 月 29 日

An original illustrated 110 minute recording by The Pythons of their early screenplay in progress.

2007 年 10 月 23 日

Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem is a legend created by the early church or a miracle that marked the advent of Christ. Is it possible that the star was a real, astronomical event? From Producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem.

2012 年 12 月 19 日

Marjorie the cow lives in a run-down stable in the middle of Bethlehem. Nothing exciting ever happens in Bethlehem until now… there’s a census or something and there’s going to be some sort of street party – that’s what Marje has heard, anyway!

2022 年 11 月 29 日

Jake wants nothing more than to spend his Christmas vacation with his girlfriend Abbey. So when Abbey volunteers for her church’s Christmas play, Jake is ready to skip Christmas this year until an unexpected turn of events lands him in a field outside Bethlehem on the night Jesus was born. While on his journey with the shepherds to find the promised Messiah, Jake discovers the true meaning of Christmas.

1956 年 12 月 01 日

The Three Wise Men from the East follow the star to Bethlehem, but hostile spirits try to stop them on their journey.



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