11 sarjaa

7 lokakuu 2014

Rikostekninen tutkija herää koomasta ja huomaa saaneensa uskomattomia voimia. Hän ryhtyy supersankariksi ja asettuu vastustamaan kaupunkia uhkaavia voimia.

Armottoman Formula 1 -kauden aikana kuljettajien, managerien ja tallien omistajien elämä on vauhdikasta niin radalla kuin sen ulkopuolellakin.

Each week, we follow our three drivers in their routine on and off track before they take part in an important amateur racing event.

Kun koneet käynnistyvät, nauru raikaa. Tämä animaatiokomedia tuo ruutuihin suosikkikuskisi ja tietysti heidän kahjot ajopelinsä!

19 maaliskuu 2021

The two-part documentary “Automania” unfolds the history of the automobile as a relationship between man and machine. The car: drug, technical wonder, object of desire. Like hardly any other machine, the car is more than that. It is loved, cherished and cared for, protected and used for self-expression. At the same time, it is a sign of economic prosperity: whoever drives a (certain) car has made something of himself. And what applies individually also applies to societies: The car creates jobs and prosperity. But the dream relationship that lasted for 100 years has fallen into crisis. The films tell in an entertaining, moody and emotional way about the rise of the car to become an icon of the West and suggest future prospects. The films combine factual informations with nostalgically colourful memories of eyewitnesses. In addition, there are statements by experts as well as politicians and business representatives.

Daishi Morimiya is a high school student whose dream is to become a wheelchair, track-and-field athlete. In addition to that, Miyako Fukai, a former wheelchair athlete, becomes Daishi’s coach. One day, a handsome alien falls from the sky when Daishi was practicing with Miyako, surrounded by his friends and father (who is employed at an old factory). The handsome alien named Goo, after escaping a mass genocide somewhere in Earth’s binary star, warns Daishi and his friends that Earth is in danger. Then, a giant lizard-like monster who is after Goo, attacks Daishi’s household. That’s when Goo’s Mode Shifter begins to emit light, radiating Daishi. His body is completely transformed by a special protector. The transformed Daishi charges at the monster while still in his wheelchair.

17 huhtikuu 2019

Investigating mankind's insatiable necessity to move faster and further; for pleasure, for work, to explore, to survive.

16 maaliskuu 2017
13 huhtikuu 2016

Documentary following the Bloodhound team, a group of British engineers who are trying to build the fastest car on Earth: a car that can go at supersonic speeds and get into the record books

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