45 部电影

1995 年 10 月 20 日


1996 年 10 月 18 日


Doug Liman導演的《求愛俗辣》領著觀眾看見主角Mike如何在好友的幫助下,遊走在洛杉磯各大酒吧,從畏懼踏出下一步到逐漸放下前一段戀情,逐漸走出自己道路的成長;《求愛俗辣》的好看在於影片捕捉到洛杉磯的生活氣味、捕捉到一群好哥兒彼此互挺卻不求回報的真情真義、捕捉到追求成功的年輕生命,在生活還不穩定的情況下,難免湧起的焦慮與不安、捕捉到愛情的「重量」(分手半年卻依然無法釋懷)與「輕盈」(當另一段在乎的感情出現時,Mike發現要放下前一段感情原來並不難)。


從紐約到洛杉磯,從上一段戀曲進階到下一個可能性,從迷惘到踏實,忽然覺得《求愛俗辣》跟Saoirse Ronan主演的《愛在他鄉》的內容可以相互對照著看啊!


一是本片導演Doug Liman,後來難得拍小品愛情喜劇,改拍起《神鬼認證》和《明日邊界》等動作大戲。 二是劇本出自Jon Favreau之手,Jon Favreau即是《鋼鐵人》和《五星主廚快餐車》的導演兼演員兼編劇(《五星主廚快餐車》),《求愛俗辣》是Jon Favreau的第一個劇本,故事真誠不造作(帶有自傳成分?),《求愛俗辣》劇中提及的電影和導演以及幾個男性好友成天混在一起的情節,會讓我想起凱文史密斯自編自導自演的《瘋狂店員》。

2005 年 12 月 25 日

After putting together another Broadway flop, down-on-his-luck producer Max Bialystock teams up with timid accountant Leo Bloom in a get-rich-quick scheme to put on the world's worst show.

改編自廣受好評的暢銷小說《半場無戰事》,主角為一位19 歲美國士兵比利(新生代演員喬艾文),他在傷亡慘重的伊拉克戰爭與戰友凱旋歸來並被譽為美國英雄,而電影通過倒敘的手法,藉由一場感恩節足球公開賽的中場表演過程,揭露這群士兵們在戰場上的真實經歷,並將伊拉克殘酷戰爭和戰後在美國的盛大慶祝,兩者呈現出強烈對比。 李安導演此次除再度使用3D影像拍攝,更採用每秒120格4K最新拍攝與放映技術。本片是電影史上第一部採用此技術的電影。

1933 年 10 月 21 日

A fledgling producer finds himself at odds with his workers, financiers and his greedy ex-wife when he tries to produce live musicals for movie-going audiences.

1976 年 11 月 18 日

Monroe Stahr, a successful movie producer, pursues a beautiful and elusive young woman — all the while working himself to death.


1937 年 10 月 07 日

The ups and downs in the lives and careers of a group of ambitious young actresses and show girls from disparate backgrounds brought together in a theatrical hostel. Centres particularly on the conflict and growing friendship between Terry Randall, a rich girl confident in her talent and ability to make it to the top on the stage, and Jean Maitland, a world weary and cynical trouper who has taken the hard knocks of the ruthless and over-populated world of the Broadway apprentice.

1946 年 12 月 05 日

Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.

本片描述百老匯最大歌舞團創始人與經理人齊格飛的發跡史。 一八九三年﹐齊格飛是一個在狂歡節表演雜耍的藝人﹐來到百老匯籌建齊格飛歌舞團。他積極物色人才﹐周遊歐美各國﹐網羅許多有歌舞表演天才的男女演員。 安娜應齊格飛聘請,赴美參加演出使該歌舞團名聲大揚﹐並成為齊格飛第一任妻子。為了迎合大眾的胃口﹐齊格飛就歌舞演出作了許多新穎的設計﹐例如


在事業上飛黃騰達﹐齊格飛變得風流蕩佚﹐棄舊迎新﹐看中年輕貌美的比莉,成為他第二任妻子。 一九三二年﹐這位譽稱『輕歌舞之王』的齊格飛﹐因操勞過度﹐瘁死在藝壇上。

2002 年 08 月 16 日

Documentary about legendary Paramount producer Robert Evans, based on his famous 1994 autobiography.

2002 年 12 月 17 日

Bastien, an ambitious young production assistant, catches the attention of Jean-Louis, a producer of high regard, and is granted a shot at his own television show.

2017 年 04 月 23 日

Guillaume Canet is told by a young co-star that he's no longer Rock'n' Roll and can't sell films anymore. He then tries to prove her wrong and gets help from his girlfriend, Marion Cotillard.

2005 年 01 月 20 日

A grief-stricken screenwriter unknowingly enters a three-way relationship with a woman and her film executive husband - to chilling results.

1998 年 07 月 31 日

A documentary about the production of From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) and the people who made it.

2018 年 10 月 19 日

An emerging rock band, managed by industry vet Jimmy Kleen, strike a deal with record executive Rick Roland. Things take a sinister turn when the band's lead singer, Rachel, and her mother Barb are struck by lightning and killed. Rachel is brought back to life, but she is different than before. Lightning courses through her veins and she uses her new strange electrical powers to drain the life from men, turning it into electrifying stage performances, but just how far are the band willing to go to make it.

1929 年 12 月 20 日

Fay Wray plays a beautiful showgirl who falls for a rich Park Avenue guy played by Phillips Holmes. William Powell is a producer in love with Miss Wray, but he won't use his influences to take any advantages.... as usual, he's a perfect gentleman.

Pointed Heels was supposed to have been a vehicle for "boop-boop-a-doop" girl Helen Kane, but by the time the film was released, Kane's role was reduced to a supporting part.

2020 年 07 月 01 日

Adam remains a consistent favorite among fans who are comforted that they will always have a good time. Get the inside story on this fascinating actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer, husband, father, and forever FUNNY GUY.

1974 年 09 月 01 日

Film school grad Steve heads to Hollywood with big dreams as he shops around his amazing script. Of course, no one wants to give this neophyte the time of day until he runs meets up with a sleazy porn producer. What is idealistic little Stevie to do? Naturally, he decides to give the X- rated world a shot and begins to see his fragile soul get jaded.

2003 年 09 月 26 日

In late 1980s Los Angeles, Jacki and her all-girl punk rock band, Clam Dandy, are trying to make it big. On the verge of turning 40, Jacki decides that if the band's one last shot at the big time is unsuccessful, she will give up her dreams of stardom. Along the way, the women are rocked by personal tragedies that threaten to break up the band before they can get their last shot at success.



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