19 filmų

1986 liepos 18

Kai karininkės Elenos Ripli erdvėlaivį užpuolė keisti ateiviai, ji vienintelė liko gyva. Po penkiasdešimties klajonių kosmose metų, Ripli sužino, kad priešiškų ateivių planeta buvo kolonizuota. Staiga nutrūkus ryšiui su kolonija, ten siunčiamas būrys karių, o Ripli su jais keliauja kaip patarėja. Kolonija randama nusiaubta, išliko tik maža mergaitė..

1996-ieji. Los Andželą valdantis žiaurus nusikaltėlių bosas Saimonas Fioniksas paima įkaitus. Juos išlaisvinti gali tik seržantas Džonas Spartanas, pramintas Visa Griaunančiu... Deja, Saimono suėmimas baigiasi tragiškai. Ir nusikaltėlis, ir policininkas nuteisiami užšaldyti. 2032-ieji. Taiki XXI amžiaus visuomenė, gyvenanti be smurto ir prievartos. Saimonui genialiai pavyksta pabėgti iš jo įšaldymo vietos. Jis pradeda beatodairiško smurto akcijas. Jį sustabdyti gali tik tas, su kuriuo jis kovojo praeityje – Visa Griaunantis.

2002 balandžio 26

In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!

1997 rugpjūčio 15

Apie filmą: 2040 metai. Eksperimentinis žvaigždėlaivis „Event Horizont” išskrieja į erdvę ir dingsta. Po septynerių metų žemę staiga pasiekia dingusio laivo signalai. Vadovybė siunčia gelbėjimo komandą į Saulės sistemos pasienį, šalia Neptūno planetos. Ieškančius atsakymų dėl „Event Horizont” dingimo gelbėtojus pamažu apima siaubo ir baimės jausmas. Ar sugebės jie išaiškinti visas paslaptis ir sėkmingai grįžti namo?

1939 –aisiais pilotas pasisiūlo dalyvauti eksperimente. Visą gyvenimą buvęs drąsus ir azartiškas Danielis nori būti užšaldytas metams laiko. Tokį sprendimą jis priėmė ne smalsumui patenkinti, o numalšinti savo skausmą dėl mylimosios mirties. Tačiau prasideda karas, eksperimento dalyvis lieka pamirštas. Atsibudo jis 1992-aisiais...

A mysterious virus, nicknamed Medusa, is spreading around Japan, turning its victims into stone. Given the impossibility of finding an immediate cure, the government opts for cryopreserving a select group of patients until they come up with a solution. Kasumi, one of the chosen ones, has been asleep for years and her awakening, more than a bed of roses, is a bed of thorns, and happens in the midst of total chaos where monstrous creatures lie in wait all around.

When Mr. Freeze kidnaps Barbara Gordon, as an involuntary organ donor to save his dying wife, Batman and Robin must find her before the operation can begin.

2016 gruodžio 13

Marc, a successful, ambitious man, is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and is given a few months to live. Unable to accept death, he decides to cryogenically freeze himself. The love of his life is devastated. Seventy years later, Marc becomes the first cryogenic resuscitated person in history. But this doesn't happen in the idealized way he dreamt of.

1980 birželio 6

Galaxina is a lifelike, voluptuous android who is assigned to oversee the operations of an intergalactic Space Police cruiser captained by incompetent Cornelius Butt. When a mission requires the ship's crew to be placed in suspended animation for decades, Galaxina finds herself alone for many years, developing emotions and falling in love with the ship's pilot, Thor.

2007 balandžio 6

On a flight from Los Angeles to Paris, a mad scientist on the run from the CIA is transporting a coffin containing the body of a colleague infected with a genetically modified virus. While the 747 crosses a violent thunderstorm, the instability of the aircraft allows the corpse to get out of its container.

1998 vasario 1

If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?

1940 balandžio 18

Dr. Leon Kravaal develops a potential cure for cancer, which involves freezing the patient. But an experiment goes awry when authorities believe Kravaal has killed a patient. Kravaal freezes the officials, along with himself. Years later, they are discovered and revived in hopes that Kravaal can indeed complete his cure. But human greed and weakness compound to disrupt the project.

1991 rugsėjo 20

Two young men, one in need of medical attention, are cryogenically frozen in the early 1960s. The two are preoccupied with the fact that the police are pursuing them to realise what they are doing. The next thing they know is that they are in a strange new world (thirty years on).

1989 sausio 1

The bodies at a cryogenic centre are defrosted by accident and turn into cannibalistic zombies.

1974 vasario 16

After being cryogenically frozen for more than 30 years, a woman wakes to find her husband an old man and her children older than she is. Her daughter has also developed a psychotic obsession with her and may be out to kill her.

1966 birželio 15

A scientist experimenting with suspended animation decides to use himself as a test subject. Before he is frozen, his wife is killed, and he is suspected of her murder. a murder suspect.

2002 rugsėjo 24

In future, the ozone layer is gone and Earth is a wasteland. Most survivors are on a space station, waiting for a chance to replenish the ozone, somehow. A dangerous man tries to take over the station, but its commander fights back.

A Buddhist scientist from Bangkok decides to cryo-preserve his daughter's brain. As scandal swirls around the family, they struggle to grieve a child that, in their view, is suspended between death and a future reawakening.

2000 gegužės 14

Two women are cryogenically frozen, but wake up a century later to find Earth in shambles, with its dwindling population in the middle of an intergalactic war.

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