17 部电影

1993 年 10 月 08 日

史巴頓警官是一位辦案能力極強的警官,但在一次追捕重刑犯菲尼克斯的行動中,雖然順利將他逮捕入獄,卻造成數十名人質的死亡,因此判入冷凍監獄服刑70年。 在2032年時,菲尼克斯成功脫獄,引起極大的騷動,警方無力對付…而曾經研究過史巴頓的哈茲蕾警官便建議提前釋放史巴頓,復職追捕菲尼克斯。事件幕後黑手-克提,創造現在的世界,為鞏固權力而釋放菲尼克斯除去地下世界的重要人物弗蘭… 而菲尼克斯並未完全受命於克提,不僅殺了克提,釋放冷凍監獄所有的重刑犯,準備大鬥一場,統治世界……

2018 年 06 月 29 日


史上最難密室逃脫挑戰,燒腦破解銅牆鐵壁,鬥智鬥力逃出生天。 專門測試監獄安全的越獄專家雷布瑞林(席維斯史特龍 飾),為救出突然被綁架並入獄的好友任樹(黃曉明 飾),潛入世界上最滴水不漏的高科技監獄,這座監獄不僅是全電腦控制,空間更會隨意變形,雷遇到史上最強的挑戰,這次他能成功逃脫嗎? 你,關不住我! 監獄安全管理專家雷布瑞林是數一數二的越獄高手,他專門潛入各式各樣、牢不可破的監獄,帶領旗下團隊尋找設計和管理漏洞,並成功逃出。他的好友任樹突然被綁架並關入世上最複雜的高科技監獄,監獄內到處是電腦控管,全自動控制,犯人只能進不能出,更遑論逃獄!雷為了拯救好友,試圖混入監獄中,但發現這座監獄竟然會隨意變形,他在掌握監獄空間和規律上都受到極大挑戰,只好請求外援,找到多年未見的老友來幫他逃脫,但這次的敵手不只是壞人,還有打不壞的超強機器人…。


1964 年 05 月 26 日

《洞》(法語:Le Trou)是一部1960年的法國犯罪片,由雅克·貝克導演,基於1947年法國拉桑泰監獄的五個囚犯的真實事件,改編自若澤·喬瓦尼1957年的小說。貝克在拍攝結束後幾周就去世了,他為主要角色挑選了大部分非專業演員,包括一名實際參與了1947年越獄事件的男子(讓·克羅迪),在影片開頭進行介紹。本片參選1960年坎城電影節。

1970 年 12 月 25 日

Arizona Territorial Prison inmate Paris Pitman, Jr. is a schemer, a charmer, and quite popular among his fellow convicts — especially with $500,000 in stolen loot hidden away and a plan to escape and recover it. New warden Woodward Lopeman has other ideas about Pitman. Each man will have the tables turned on him.

2019 年 01 月 10 日


1982 年 10 月 03 日

An unfortunate and naive girl is set-up by her boyfriend and convicted of drug smuggling. She is sent to a women's correctional facility where she must constantly struggle to survive.

1993 年 08 月 25 日

An American tourist lands in a Slavic prison run by a twisted woman and the U.S. ambassador.

1932 年 12 月 24 日

Brash hoodlum Tom Connors enters Sing Sing cocksure of himself and disrespectful toward authority, but his tough but compassionate warden changes him.

1931 年 01 月 03 日

After young Robert Graham commits a murder while drunk and defending his girlfriend, he is prosecuted by ambitious Mark Brady and sentenced to 10 years. Six years later, Brady becomes the prison warden and offers the beleaguered Robert a job as his chauffeur. Robert cleans up his act, but, on the eve of his pardon, his cellmate drags him back into the world of violence, and he faces a difficult choice that could return him to prison.

A nurse is framed for her involvement in the hospital murder of a politician who was threatening to expose corrupt practices. She escapes from jail but is captured and sent back, resulting in the rest of the inmates being punished, added to which of a new, tougher, head of security arrives to take up her new job....

1939 年 05 月 11 日

A gangster takes a doctor and his family hostage.

1929 年 02 月 10 日

A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.

1971 年 10 月 01 日

The daughter of a British prison governor returns from an American finishing school, and chases after the inmates of her Dad's prison.

Konrad von Seidlitz is a young yuppie lawyer currently celebrating his engagement with Cornelia, daughter of minister of justice Volkerts. As a public relations gag, he hasn't paid his parking fines for two years and now insists on being sentenced to jail for two weeks as punishment. Using his knowledge as a lawyer he makes the best out of his visit in jail still working, still in a splendid mood and not adapting to any rule. Probably a good way to get the desired public attention, but also a good way to make enemies inside the jail-house. One day before Konrad is to be released his booth is searched and two hundred grams of cocaine are found. That's a serious problem even for a brilliant lawyer like Konrad and even if you're innocent

1928 年 12 月 23 日

Oscar, a tough guard at Newberry Prison, gets into an argument with Jerry, a smallish barber. He causes Jerry to be arrested as a fugitive, and gets him sent to Newberry. It's not long before both men fall in love with Mary, the daughter of the warden. Oscar gets Jerry put on the prison football team, where he is the smallest guy there, figuring that he will look like a fool in front of Mary and then she will pick Oscar. However, things don't turn out quite the way Oscar planned.

2019 年 06 月 15 日

Today's the day the Missouri madman Otis Boyle finally gets executed. The Warden and his Captain of the Guards, York, have been looking forward to this for years, but they could never have prepared themselves for his last request. As Warden insists upon fulfilling their most notorious inmate's twisted demand in the name of "tradition" and "protocol," York struggles to keep up in order to keep his job -- no matter how much it asks of him.



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