16 elokuvaa

19 helmikuu 1958

Chicago hotel clerk Frank Harris dreams of life as a cowboy, and he gets his chance when, jilted by the father of the woman he loves, he joins Tom Reece and his cattle-driving outfit. Soon, though, the tenderfoot finds out life on the range is neither what he expected nor what he's been looking for...

6 huhtikuu 1966

Harry and Valerie Spalding arrive in the remote Cornish village to an unwelcoming and suspicious population. Harry's brother dies suddenly, bitten by a lethal reptilian bite. They befriend a young woman Anna whose tyrannical father controls her life and, as they discover that others in the village have suffered a similar fate, their investigations lead to Anna. What they uncover is a victim of the most terrifying legacy... a destiny of mutilation and murder.

10 maaliskuu 1972

Jason Crockett is an aging, grumpy, physically disabled millionaire who invites his family to his island estate for his birthday celebration. Pickett Smith is a free-lance photographer who is doing a pollution layout for an ecology magazine. Jason Crockett hates nature, poisoning anything that crawls on his property. On the night of his birthday the frogs and other members of nature begin to pay Crockett back.

22 lokakuu 2010

Based on the Far Eastern myth of the snake woman who is able to take on human form.

3 syyskuu 2021

Seeking shelter from a storm, a family finds themselves trapped in a bathroom for days with no sign of rescue and untold evils lurking just beyond the walls.

12 elokuu 2008

A set of vipers has been taken by scientists to mutate them to make a cure for cancer. As their experiment goes awry, the vipers escape into the woods - they're not only biting people, they're actually killing people, in a little town.

1 huhtikuu 2011

After many years two mariners return to homeland with the hope of a new beginning, little did they know about a disaster that would change their destiny.

1 tammikuu 1987

Humans fight mutants in a post-holocaust world.

1 elokuu 2002

A group of American tourists heading down an African river make a brief stop at Snake Island, an island that has been virtually abandoned for years. When they end up getting trapped on the island overnight, they find thousands of deadly snakes intent on reclaiming the tropical island for themselves.

1 toukokuu 1984

A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation.

1 lokakuu 1951

The owner of a plantation in the jungle marries a beautiful woman. Shortly afterward, he is plagued by a strange voodoo curse which transforms him into a gorilla. But is his transformation real or is it all in his head?

15 maaliskuu 1967

Archaeologists discover the final resting place of a boy king, removing the remains to be exhibited in a museum. By disturbing the sarcophagus they unleash the forces of darkness. The Mummy has returned to discharge a violent retribution on the defilers as the curse that surrounds the tomb begins to come true. One by one the explorers are murdered until one of them discovers the ancient words that have the power to reduce the brutal killer to particles of dust.

27 kesäkuu 1989

After a young man is bitten on the hand by a radioactive snake, his hand changes into a lethal snake head, which attacks everyone he comes into contact with. Also, his body becomes filled with snakes. Now, he must prevent himself from hurting others.

31 maaliskuu 1933

Dr. Gorman is a millionaire adventurer, traveling the world in search of dangerous game. His bored, beautiful, much younger wife entertains herself in the arms of other men. In turn, Gorman uses his animals to kill these men. When a New York City zoo suggests a fundraising gala, Gorman sees a prime opportunity to dispatch the dashing Roger and anyone else who might cross him.

2 helmikuu 2020

A man looking to buy a snake gets far more than he bargained for as he is drawn into a mysterious woman's home of exotic reptiles.

1 tammikuu 1995

While on a hunting trip, Tias (Keke Hamzah) is bitten by a cobra. From then on out, strange and often life threatening things (being attacked by a crocodile, etc.) begin happening to both her and her boyfriend and they're pursued by a "tiger woman" (Malfin Shayna).

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