31 部电影

2023 年 08 月 18 日

大家都說狗狗是人類最好的朋友,但是如果有個狗主人是個大混蛋呢?如果是這樣,復仇狗聯盟就該集結了。 雷吉(威爾法洛 配音)是一隻天真無邪、樂觀活潑的邊境㹴犬,儘管牠被牠的渣男主人道格(喜劇影集《最後一個男人》、金獎名片《內布拉斯加》威爾佛提 飾演)丟棄在大城市的殘酷街頭,雷吉卻仍然相信牠最愛的主人絕對不會故意棄養牠。 但是當雷吉遇到一隻老是老愛飆髒話,講起話來像連珠炮一樣快的波士頓㹴犬蟲仔(金獎影帝傑米福克斯 配音),一隻熱愛自由的流浪狗,而且相信只有遜咖才需要狗主人,雷吉這才終於發現牠的狗主人道格一直以來都在虐待牠,而且道格是一個沒心沒肺的人渣。 為了向這種狼心狗肺的狗主人展開復仇,雷吉、蟲仔和蟲仔的麻吉們-瑪姬(《出神入化》、《婚禮終結者》艾拉費雪 配音),一隻冰雪聰明的澳洲牧羊犬,然而牠的主人卻因為又認養了一隻小狗狗冷落牠;以及韓特(《可能還愛你》、《水行俠》朴藍道 配音),一隻患有焦慮症的大丹犬,因為自己是一隻治療犬老是覺得壓力超大-牠們組成復仇狗聯盟,然後腦力激盪,想出一個超完美的復仇計畫,並且展開一場史詩般的冒險旅程,幫助雷吉找到回家的路,而且最後還要讓道格付出慘痛代價。

2019 年 10 月 18 日


2013 年 09 月 27 日


他叫唐囧,獨鍾愛情動作電影,每天宅在電腦前,下載影片灌爆D槽,是他最大的樂趣。 有一天,他們兩個相遇了;沉迷於情色的唐囧希望人生能有所突破,他試圖改變自己,從媒體建構的感官世界中抽離,面對真實世界的愛情…

2002 年 06 月 21 日

On February 15, 1992 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the world's most infamous serial killers, was convicted of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to 937 years in federal prison. This movie is based on events from his life.

2016 年 12 月 25 日

溫弗瑞是個退休的鋼琴教師,他的女兒伊內絲則是奔波各國工作的上班族。由於父女鮮少見面,當最後一個學生離開、年邁的老狗逝世,溫弗瑞於是決定自行前往羅馬尼亞,想給在那工作的女兒一個驚喜…。 溫弗瑞雖想藉機親近女兒,但過程並不順利,因為她正忙於一個重要的案子。由於不忍見女兒鎮日忙碌,溫弗瑞於是使出渾身解數,出盡各式怪招來改變女兒生活,卻反讓伊內絲在客戶面前感到難堪,父女的關係於是降到冰點,溫弗瑞也只好打包回國。 然而溫弗瑞並沒有真的回去,他改穿西裝、戴上假髮,並配上誇張假牙,創造出一個神秘人物「東尼厄德曼」,再度闖進了伊內絲的生活,有時搖身企業顧問,有時變成外交大使,更一心想當伊內絲事業和人生的導師。溫弗瑞不按牌理出牌,也使伊內絲面臨更多挑戰,巴不得他快點離開。但當她越想把老爸攆走,父女之間反而變得越來越親近。

2006 年 01 月 06 日

Even though he's 35, Alex acts more like he's 13, spending his days as the world's oldest video game tester and his evenings developing the next big Xbox game. But when he gets kicked out of his apartment, he's forced to move in with his grandmother.

2004 年 02 月 14 日

After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.

2022 年 01 月 28 日

A college freshman becomes obsessed with the previous owner of his school issued laptop, a webcam model whose last session may have ended in murder.

2011 年 06 月 25 日

Back in 1982, a Texas University student who is curious about the male sex fantasies he's been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus.

2001 年 11 月 30 日


2024 年 04 月 08 日

2003 年,加拿大安大略郊區。高中生勞倫斯愛電影成癡,奉《戀愛雞尾酒》為畢生經典。他雄心壯志打算去紐約唸電影名校,為賺取學費到錄影帶店打工,卻不屑和客人推銷膚淺電影,只熱衷推薦庫柏力克與保羅湯瑪斯安德森。隨著學校錄取結果一一揭曉,殘酷現實接連向勞倫斯襲來,他才發現自己成了世界上最爛的人!

Crustacés et coquillages is a fresh French comedy film with numerous surprise turnarounds and about the tolerance of a family of four. The family spend an idealistic summer vacation together where each of the family members gets involved in a new or old relationship.

2024 年 04 月 27 日

Two boys from a soccer team disguise their love relationship as sheer friendship so as not to be discovered. One night of passion inside a car wash could trigger a different path in their lives.

2022 年 08 月 29 日

When Johannes gets caught by his girlfriend while laying on the bathroom floor watching porn and masturbating she doesn’t care and wants him to enjoy himself. That makes Johannes lose the feeling of shame he needs and sends him into an existential crisis and loses his ability to masturbate. Trying to regain that shame leads to an explosive confrontation for them as a couple.

2023 年 08 月 31 日

A massive segment of the Sun has broken off and is heading for Earth, whose surface is slowly heating up to an unbearable level. A strange mood pervades a debilitated world: anything could happen, virtually anywhere, without warning. Even in a sleepy town, where an 18-year-old lad gets stranded on his way to the family cottage. The fact is that no-one knows at what temperature the human character starts to melt...

2003 年 06 月 07 日

True story of a 30 something man arrested for having sex with a young man under the age of consent. The younger man (resident of a group home) made the initial contact and claimed to be old enough to consent.

2012 年 09 月 18 日

A man enters the shower after his workout, but is soon sidetracked by a noise he cannot identify. He decides to seek out the source of the sound, and enters a situation that will leave him completely exposed.

2019 年 09 月 20 日

“If you jerk off a 100 times, you die.” This threat rings through the ears of our main character. One day he has to choose between imminent hell and the impetuousness of adolescence.

2017 年 09 月 17 日

The Heart of Man is a timeless tale of a father's relentless pursuit of his son -- interwoven with interviews of top thought-leaders on brokenness, identity, and shame.

2010 年 06 月 09 日

A young man confesses his sexual past to an unseen phone sex operator. He reflects on his sexual identity as we follow him on a solitary excursion to a beach.



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