18. August 2023

When Reggie is abandoned on the mean city streets by his lowlife owner, Doug, Reggie is certain that his beloved owner would never leave him on purpose. But once Reggie falls in with Bug, a fast-talking, foul-mouthed stray who loves his freedom and believes that owners are for suckers, Reggie finally realizes he was in a toxic relationship and begins to see Doug for the heartless sleazeball that he is.

Der US-Bundesstaat Maine in den 1890er Jahren. Der erfahrene Leuchtturmwärter Thomas Wake und sein neuer Gehilfe Ephraim Winslow treten ihre vierwöchige Schicht auf einem kleinen, einsamen Eiland vor der Küste an. Obwohl im Handbuch eigentlich vorgeschrieben ist, dass sich die beiden bei den Schichten abwechseln sollen, lässt der alte Seemann seinen jungen Kollegen jedoch nicht zum Leuchtsignal in die Spitze des Turmes – Ephraim muss stattdessen alle niederen Arbeiten verrichten. Während die Spannungen zwischen den beiden Männern immer mehr zunehmen, gibt es aber auch immer wieder Momente tiefster Intimität. Vor allem, wenn viel Alkohol fließt. Als die vier Wochen dann endlich vorüber sind, zieht ein schlimmer Sturm auf, der das Verlassen der Insel für Wochen oder sogar Monate unmöglich macht...

27. September 2013

A New Jersey guy dedicated to his family, friends, and church, develops unrealistic expectations from watching porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true love.

21. Juni 2002

On February 15, 1992 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the world's most infamous serial killers, was convicted of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to 937 years in federal prison. This movie is based on events from his life.

25. Dezember 2016

Without warning a father comes to visit his daughter abroad. He believes that she lost her humor and therefore surprises her with a rampage of jokes.

6. Januar 2006

Even though he's 35, Alex acts more like he's 13, spending his days as the world's oldest video game tester and his evenings developing the next big Xbox game. But when he gets kicked out of his apartment, he's forced to move in with his grandmother.

14. Februar 2004

After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.

28. Januar 2022

A college freshman becomes obsessed with the previous owner of his school issued laptop, a webcam model whose last session may have ended in murder.

25. Juni 2011

Back in 1982, a Texas University student who is curious about the male sex fantasies he's been having, decides he needs to hook up with an out gay student on campus.

30. November 2001

Shane and June Brown are an American couple honeymooning in Paris in an effort to nurture their new life together, a life complicated by Shane’s mysterious and frequent visits to a medical clinic where cutting edge studies of the human libido are undertaken.

8. April 2024

Socially inept 17-year-old cinephile Lawrence Kweller gets a job at a video store, where he forms a complicated friendship with his older female manager.

Crustacés et coquillages is a fresh French comedy film with numerous surprise turnarounds and about the tolerance of a family of four. The family spend an idealistic summer vacation together where each of the family members gets involved in a new or old relationship.

Two boys from a soccer team disguise their love relationship as sheer friendship so as not to be discovered. One night of passion inside a car wash could trigger a different path in their lives.

29. August 2022

When Johannes gets caught by his girlfriend while laying on the bathroom floor watching porn and masturbating she doesn’t care and wants him to enjoy himself. That makes Johannes lose the feeling of shame he needs and sends him into an existential crisis and loses his ability to masturbate. Trying to regain that shame leads to an explosive confrontation for them as a couple.

A massive segment of the Sun has broken off and is heading for Earth, whose surface is slowly heating up to an unbearable level. A strange mood pervades a debilitated world: anything could happen, virtually anywhere, without warning. Even in a sleepy town, where an 18-year-old lad gets stranded on his way to the family cottage. The fact is that no-one knows at what temperature the human character starts to melt...

True story of a 30 something man arrested for having sex with a young man under the age of consent. The younger man (resident of a group home) made the initial contact and claimed to be old enough to consent.

18. September 2012

A man enters the shower after his workout, but is soon sidetracked by a noise he cannot identify. He decides to seek out the source of the sound, and enters a situation that will leave him completely exposed.

20. September 2019

“If you jerk off a 100 times, you die.” This threat rings through the ears of our main character. One day he has to choose between imminent hell and the impetuousness of adolescence.

17. September 2017

The Heart of Man is a timeless tale of a father's relentless pursuit of his son -- interwoven with interviews of top thought-leaders on brokenness, identity, and shame.

9. Juni 2010

A young man confesses his sexual past to an unseen phone sex operator. He reflects on his sexual identity as we follow him on a solitary excursion to a beach.

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