30 本の映画




A streetwise man flees South Central Los Angeles, heading to the suburbs and his lottery-winner uncle and cousin, to avoid a neighborhood thug with a grudge who has just escaped from prison.


「トレーニング デイ」の脚本を手がけたデビッド・エアーがメガホンをとった。


A confident young cop is shown the ropes by a veteran partner in the dangerous gang-controlled barrios of Los Angeles, where the gang culture is enforced by the colors the members wear.


The story of America's most famous mobsters and their rise to power. Examine Al Capone's ascension through the eyes of his second in command, “Machine Gun” Jack McGurn.


関東一円を支配する巨大暴力団・山王会の関内会長は、傘下の池元組が麻薬を扱う村瀬組と兄弟杯を交わして親密になっていることを快く思っていなかった。そこで関内の右腕・加藤はこの2つの組を仲違いさせようと企て、池元に対して「村瀬を締めろ(軽い制裁を与えろ)」と無理な命令をする。兄弟分の村瀬に手を出せない池元は、配下の大友組に村瀬組を締めることを命令する。池元の二枚舌、山王会の思惑に翻弄されながらも、大友組は村瀬組を締めることに成功し、村瀬組は解散する。 池元の行動に不愉快を覚えつつ、大友は村瀬のシマを事実上継承し、大使館の闇カジノで成功を収める。一方、村瀬が隠れて麻薬を売っていることが発覚し、池元に唆された大友は村瀬を殺害する。ところが、このことを口実に池元は大友に破門を言い渡し、大友は怒りを露わにする。大友は復帰のため、関内の元を訪れ許しを請うが、逆に関内は池元の殺害を唆す。そこで大友は悪びれず闇カジノを訪れていた池元を殺害する。闇カジノを狙っていた関内は、今度は池元組若頭の小沢に、組を継ぎたければ親の仇を討てと煽り、大友組と池元組の抗争を仕掛ける。本家の手助けも得た小沢は、次々と大友組の組員を殺害し、彼らを追い詰めていく。


A 1960s period thriller centring around a gang of ex-airforce servicemen who now run a nefarious smuggling operation.


A focus on life in a gang, Boulevard Nights portrays the dangers of street violence. Richard Yniguez plays a young Chicano who tries to get out of the gang, but he keeps finding himself drawn back into it.


Thriller - Two Chicano brothers, Estaban and Raul grow up hard on the streets of Los Angeles. Their papa gets executed for a drug deal gone bad when only seven years old. Half Irish, half Mexican gangster named Mickey Solis takes the two boys in and brings them up as lieutenants in his family business. - Damian Chapa, Gabriel Tang, Ricco Chapa


Mousie and Sad Girl are childhood best friends in a contemporary Los Angeles poor Hispanic neighborhood. But when Sad Girl becomes pregnant by Mousie's boyfriend, a drug dealer named Ernesto, the two become bitter enemies. While their dispute escalates towards violence, the violence of the world around them soon also impacts their lives.


An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp.


When a young woman is cruelly and indiscriminately attacked by a notorious gang led by the violent Trey, her little 16 year old sister Kayla wants revenge and will stop at nothing to get it, even if it means joining a rival girl gang led by the volatile and damaged man-hating Danielle.


Wilson and his saddle pal Andy Clyde come to the rescue of a group of ranchers who are being victimized by villain Ace Larabee (Douglas Kennedy). Ace has inside information that the railroad is coming through the territory, and he intends to grab up all the land and sell it to the train execs for a tidy profit.


Reporter vs. German spies and their new metal.


Reflects a depressing and hopeless reality by following some of the members of "la dieciocho", the so-called 18th Street gang in a poor San Salvador neighborhood.


Johnny Sun is a Mexican American with a white mother and Mexican dad. He witnesses his parents murder and gets his revenge years later, leading to a hard life as a gangster in drugs and smuggling. He tries to keep his borther from the life and finds himself fending for his own life.


Chicano gangster Micky Solis finds that his family has been slaughtered by the Chinese mob. His whole life force turns to finding the killers. A slick lawyer (Angus MacFadyen) leads Micky to a "nun" (Paz De La Huerta) who shows him who the killers are that took his family from him. Micky unleashes a war of bullets and emotions on the family until each one dies by the same sword they wielded. The only thought on Micky's mind is REVENGE: VENGANZA.


A young Chicano gang member in Los Angeles comes to realize that the gang life is not what he really wants but doesn't know how to get out.


A 1974 film based on the best-selling autobiography of Sonny Carson who joined a gang and committed petty crime before being sent to prison. After his release from prison he changes his life.



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