89 部电影

1996 年 05 月 10 日

半世紀來奧克拉荷馬州面臨最大的龍捲風正在醞釀中,兩組專門研究龍捲風的氣象科學家為了青史留名,正磨拳擦掌,準備解開龍捲風的奧祕。他們必須向這股力量挑戰並事先預測它詭變的路線,隨時準備與〞龍〞共舞。 瓊哈汀(海倫韓特飾)率領資金短缺、裝備老舊的大學研究員,開著破舊的貨車,和裝備先進的裘納(凱瑞艾文斯飾)較勁,冒著生命危險深入龍捲風威力範圍。更複雜的是,正在和瓊辦理離婚手續的丈夫比爾哈汀(比爾派斯頓飾),帶著毫無準備的女友參加這項「追風」行動,三人之間形成的火爆氣氛,足以媲美他們在追逐的強烈龍捲風.....。 《龍捲風》為海倫杭特首度在電影中擔任女主角的大作,也因本片的賣座讓她在大螢幕的發展更為順暢。她在片中飾演幼年時目睹龍捲風造成她家破人亡,自小即立志投身龍捲風研究的女氣象家,由於克服不了心理障礙,與男主角的婚姻一直風雨飄搖,沒想到 一只離婚証書被龍捲風 "捲" 走,待他們倆追上龍捲風,成功地將研發多年的追蹤器置入旋風核心時,皆大歡喜,婚也不必離了!

1985 年 07 月 03 日


1998 年 11 月 25 日

《蟲蟲危機》靈感取材自伊索寓言《螞蟻與蚱蜢》的故事,講述一段昆蟲世界的冒險之旅。在一個美麗的螞蟻王國,大家整日都在辛苦的工作。而有一隻名叫飛力的螞蟻有著自己的愛好—發明創造。不過儘管他辛辛苦苦法發明了一種「收割機」,但王國的統治者蟻後和公主還是看不起他和他的發明。螞蟻王國最大的威脅是一群蝗蟲,這群蝗蟲總是搶奪螞蟻們的勞動成果—糧食,他們是螞蟻王國的一大塊烏雲。在一次蝗蟲進行掠奪時,飛力為了保護他的發明把糧食碰到了懸崖下。惱火的蝗蟲抓住了公主的妹妹小不點來出氣。緊要關頭,飛力挺身而出,怒斥蝗蟲軍團的頭目霸王。為了得到更多的糧食,霸王放開了小不點,他威脅說如果他下次來得不到雙倍的糧食他將血洗螞蟻王國。 由于飛力把糧食都弄丟了,大家把心中的恐懼和不滿都發洩在他的身上,螞蟻王國決定驅逐飛力。為了留在自己的祖國,飛力提出了一項建議:他將去找比蝗蟲更大的蟲子來趕走蝗蟲。由於沒有什麼更好的辦法,螞蟻王國給了飛力一次機會去兌現他的承諾。 飛力來到了城市,在這裡他看到了一群昆蟲打敗了一群無賴的挑釁,這使得飛力對他們十分崇拜,認為他們就是能夠打敗蝗蟲的「大蟲子」。實際上這群昆蟲是一群失業的馬戲團演員,有甲蟲、螳螂、蜘蛛等。他們正在找事作,於是便接受了飛力的邀請,但並沒有說明他們的身份。來到了螞蟻王國,螞蟻們並不十分相信這些模樣古怪的昆蟲,並且昆蟲們自己也有些害怕,打了退堂鼓,準備離開這裡。雖然得知昆蟲們的真實身份後飛力很失望,但他極力阻止昆蟲們離開,否則他會被螞蟻們認為是個大騙子。後來昆蟲智斗小鳥,救出了飛力和小不點,得到了螞蟻們的好感,也找回了自信心。由于飛力受到了小鳥的啟發,決定做一支假鳥來嚇退蝗蟲。假鳥完成了,霸王也帶著它的惡棍軍團逼近了螞蟻王國。孰料這時馬戲團的老闆來找他的昆蟲演員了。當螞蟻們得知昆蟲們是馬戲團的演員時,失望萬分。螞蟻王國驅逐了飛力和昆蟲們。恰恰這時,蝗蟲軍團來了。在小不點的勸說下,飛力和昆蟲們決定一起迎戰蝗蟲。雖然假鳥開始嚇住了蝗蟲的進攻,但狡猾的霸王識破了飛力的假鳥,準備一舉摧毀螞蟻王國。不料出現了一隻真鳥,而霸王以為這還是飛力的詭計,毫不退讓,於是成了鳥兒的腹中餐。於是蝗蟲們潰不成軍。 又是一個春來到,原公主當上了蟻后,飛力也受到了嘉獎。而昆蟲們,回到了他們的城市。一個完美的結局。

2023 年 11 月 22 日

Dexter Reed is down on his luck after another one of his inventions fails. Ed welcomes Dex back to Good Burger with open arms and gives him his old job back. With a new crew working at Good Burger, Dex devises a plan to get back on his feet but unfortunately puts the fate of Good Burger at risk once again.

1998 年 07 月 28 日

Two losers from Milwaukee, Coop and Remer, invent a new game playing basketball, using baseball rules. When the game becomes a huge success, they, along with a billionaire's help, form the Professional Baseketball League where everyone gets the same pay and no team can change cities. Theirs is the only team standing in the way of major rule changes that the owner of a rival team wants to institute.

2007 年 08 月 03 日





1936 年 02 月 25 日


1994 年 04 月 01 日

Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.

1988 年 07 月 06 日



While on holiday in Rhodes, Athenian war hero Darios becomes involved in two different plots to overthrow the tyrannical king, one from Rhodian patriots and the other from sinister Phoenician agents.

2000 年 11 月 17 日

A group of rambunctious toddlers travel a trip to Paris. As they journey from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame, they learn new lessons about trust, loyalty and love.

As the world progresses into the industrial age, a professor studying the "nature of pure matter" is spirited away by a would-be dictator and connived into building a super-bomb, as a young reporter and a girl rescued from the sea attempt to warn him of their mutual kidnapper's intentions to dominate the world with a new and more-deadly-yet weapon.

1942 年 12 月 25 日

In the midst of World War II, Sherlock Holmes rescues the Swiss inventor of a new bomb-sight from the Gestapo and brings him to England, where he shortly falls into the clutches of Professor Moriarty.

1985 年 10 月 10 日

Movie fan Mike has invented a machine with which he is able to take part in every movie which is currently running on his video tape recorder. But he and his friend Tommy are watched while trying out this new device and soon two electronic companies are on their trail to discover the secret of this invention.

1998 年 04 月 03 日

An inventor of a secret process suddenly finds himself alone as both his friends and the corporation he works for turn against him.

2018 年 02 月 09 日

“美國有超人、蝙蝠俠、蜘蛛俠,但印度有——護墊俠!”阿克謝·庫馬爾主演,根據Twinkle Khanna所著傳記《The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad》改編,原型是印度企業家Arunachalam Muruganantham,他發明了低成本的衛生巾生產機,為印度農村的經期衛生觀念帶來變革。“權勢之人、強壯之人不會讓國家變強,女性強大、母親強大、姐妹們強大後,國家才會強”。

1972 年 07 月 12 日

Dexter Riley is a science student at Medfield College who inadvertently invents a liquid capable of rendering objects and people invisible. Before Dexter and his friends, Debbie and Richard Schuyler, can even enjoy their spectacular discovery, corrupt businessman A.J. Arno plots to get his greedy hands on it. Slapstick hijinks ensue as Dexter and his pals try to thwart the evil Arno before he can use the invisibility spray to rob a bank.

1998 年 03 月 13 日

Surfer Edison isn't able to make ends meet with his inventions or his lifestyle. But then he meets billionaire Armand McMillian, who takes a shine to the young bum — so much so that he leaves his invention company to him upon his death. Unfortunately, Armand's nephew, Bradford, only gets a surfboard. While Edison manages to run the company successfully, with the help of pretty Natalie, Bradford conspires to take him down.

By helping Doctor Proctor getting recognition for his amazing invention in a world quite different from ours, two lonely children gets help to stand on their own two feet.



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