21 部电影

1943 年 01 月 15 日

小镇沉闷的空气令受过高等教育的Charlie(Teresa Wright)十分压抑,她渴望在外谋大事、自己喜爱和崇敬的Uncle Charlie(Joseph Cotten)能突然出现,为自己的生活注入一缕新风。Charlie欲发电报邀请舅舅来做客时,竟先收到他发来的要来的报文,惊喜之外,她对舅舅的爱又加深一层。Uncle Charlie的到来令Charlie及父母非常兴奋,但酷爱读书的妹妹无动于衷。不久Charlie如沐春风变作无忧无虑的少女。两个自称报社记者的陌生人有心将Charlie一家当作典型美国家庭采访,Uncle Charlie为此事大发雷霆相当失态,令Charlie和母亲大为不解。而同其中之一Herbie Hawkins(Hume Cronyn)交谈中,Charlie震惊地听闻有关舅舅的骇人秘密。

2009 年 12 月 04 日

  年迈的弗兰克(罗伯特·德尼罗 Rovert De Niro 饰)曾是给电线涂保护层的工人,他的工作保护了电线不受外界的侵蚀。对于自己的四个孩子,弗兰克同样是百般呵护,可是在妻子去世的8个月时间里,他发觉自己和孩子们的距离越来越远。弗兰克不顾医生的告戒,独自踏上了拜访四个孩子的旅程。然而,在弗兰克的心目中应该成为画家的小儿子不知所踪,大女儿Amy(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)的婚姻生活似乎并没有表面上那样幸福,本以为会是乐队指挥的儿子Robert(山姆·洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 饰)其实只是个鼓手,而从小就喜欢跳舞的女儿Rosie(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 饰)似乎同样对父亲有所隐瞒。就这样,老弗兰克带着满腹的猜疑踏上归途。途中由于心脏病弗兰克住进医院,孩子们终于齐聚弗兰克的医床前,可是小儿子却依旧没有出现……


朱丽叶特(Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)亲手杀死了自己只有6岁的儿子,她被判入狱15年,期间丈夫与之离婚,父母和她断绝关系,只有小妹妹莉偷偷思念着疼爱自己的姐姐。

15年后,朱丽叶特出狱,暂住莉(Elsa Zylberstein 饰)的家中。因其犯罪背景,朱丽叶特在求职过程中处处碰壁,妹夫卢克(Serge Hazanavicius 饰)也对她心存芥蒂。随着时间推移,冰冷自闭的朱丽叶特逐渐和妹妹一家人相处融洽,工作步入正轨,也有了心仪之人。这时,莉却无意中得知了姐姐亲手杀死孩子的真相…… 本片荣获2009英国学院奖最佳非英语片奖、2008柏林国际电影节天主教人道精神奖、2008欧洲电影节最佳女主角奖。 ©豆瓣

2016 年 03 月 12 日

印度导演Sudhanshu Saria的首部电影,挑战了印度将同性恋入罪的恶法,在全球引发关注,被国际媒体形容为「一场温柔的革命」。影片获邀全球25个影展,并不仅名列美国SXSW影展十大必看电影,更勇夺以色列「特拉维夫同志影展」观众票选最佳影片大奖。

2011 年 12 月 25 日

A hotel guest turns slowly turns insane when his complaints about the poor services aren't resolved.

1975 年 03 月 09 日

A valuable medallion believed to prove that aliens from outer space visited Earth in prehistoric times is sought.

2010 年 07 月 14 日

Before leaving for Rome with his mother, five year old Natan is taken by his father, Jorge, on an epic journey to the pristine Chinchorro reef off the coast of Mexico. As they fish, swim, and sail the turquoise waters of the open sea, Natan discovers the beauty of his Mayan heritage and learns to live in harmony with life above and below the surface, as the bond between father and son grows stronger before their inevitable farewell.

1986 年 01 月 01 日

A professor of geography and a farmer befriend during their military service. On a day of taking the solemn oath, a farmer's father who rejected him when he was little suddenly appears. Refusing to meet him, he sends his friend to replace him.

Mathukkutty, an unemployed man, lives in Germany with his bossy wife. He is given a chance to travel to Kerala to invite famous actors for an event, but all hell breaks loose after his arrival.

2008 年 08 月 30 日
1938 年 03 月 31 日

Angry, because he is making too many headlines with his gang-busting activities, the police chief transfers Lt. Lewis Nagel to the sleepy suburban town of Fairview, where he is followed by reporter Steve Withers because he knows Nagel will find a story.

2015 年 07 月 31 日

Jilebi is the down-to-earth story about a sour-sweet confrontation between a village youngster Sreekuttan and his city-bred nephewsSreekuttan, is a village guy whose life is happily confined to his farm and his pet crops. Far away, in the Dubai city , trouble brews for him in the form of his nephew and niece.

Kunjoonjamma Thomas is a widow living in the village all by herself. People always make fun of her because she is grumpy and depressed due to the deaths of her husband and her only child. Children irritate her by ringing her door bell and running away. One day, her granddaughter Girly, who she had never met, visits her. Initially, Kunjoonjamma does not like Girly, but they soon become close to each other.

2009 年 05 月 15 日


Pierre is invited to go on a weekend trip to an old country house belonging to best friend Marc. The property is overrun by Marc’s frighteningly unruly dogs. Marc assures Pierre that they are harmless, but when Pierre rebuffs Marc’s sexual advances, the canines turn nasty.

2007 年 05 月 18 日

Asema, a Kyrgyz city girl visiting her boyfriends family in the countryside, is mistaken for a villager and accidentally kidnapped by Sagyn, a young shepard who was too shy to ask the young girl for marriage.

2004 年 05 月 29 日

While Corey and his friends are spending spring break at Grandpa's cabin, The Boss and his henchmen devise a plot to acquire Grandpa's land. Little do they know that when the sun goes down Grandpa has some plans of his own.



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