13 Filme

21. Dezember 1964

Special agent 007 comes face to face with one of the most notorious villains of all time, and now he must outwit and outgun the powerful tycoon to prevent him from cashing in on a devious scheme to raid Fort Knox -- and obliterate the world's economy.

2. August 1996

Two researchers in a green alternative energy project forced on the run when they are framed for murder and treason.

3. August 2007

A lab accident gives a beagle named Shoeshine some serious superpowers -- a secret that the dog eventually shares with the young boy who becomes his owner and friend.

James Bond tracks his archnemesis, Ernst Blofeld, to a mountaintop retreat in the Swiss alps where he is training an army of beautiful, lethal women. Along the way, Bond falls for Italian contessa Tracy Draco, and marries her in order to get closer to Blofeld.

19. Juni 1998

Mulder and Scully, now taken off the FBI's X Files cases, must find a way to fight the shadowy elements of the government to find out the truth about a conspiracy that might mean the alien colonization of Earth.

Nachdem eine verirrte Weltraumsonde in der Nähe eines entlegenden Dorfes in New Mexico auf der Erde zerschellt ist, entdeckt die Rettungsmannschaft, dass alle Bewohner eines grausamen Todes gestorben sind - mit Ausnahme eines Säuglings und eines alten Mannes. Die Überlebenden werden in ein hochmodernes, fünf Stockwerke tiefes unterirdisches Labor gebracht, wo Wissenschaftler in einem Rennen gegen die Zeit die Beschaffenheit des tödlichen Organismus erforschen, bevor dieser auf der ganzen Welt verheerendes Unheil anrichtet.

2. Dezember 1988

A boy takes in a stray dog, later finding out that its an ultra-intelligent runaway from a genetic research lab. Unbeknownst to him, the dog is being stalked by another escaped creature thats not quite so friendly.

8. April 2008

When a small Colorado town is overrun by the flesh hungry dead, a small group of survivors try to escape in a last ditch effort to stay alive.

6. November 2001

When a series of unexplained vicious animal attacks strikes his community, Sheriff Jim Tanner and his assistant Barbara trace them back to a Dr. Hyde, a former military researcher whose government funding for a dinosaur cloning project was cut. When the Pentagon discovers Hyde obtained foreign backing to continue his experiments, they send in a strike team to save Tanner and Barbara and stop Hyde.

19. Juli 2003

Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.

11. September 2015

For years, we have tried to harness the power of the human mind… and failed. Now, one breakthrough will change everything. Beyond technology. Beyond humanity. Beyond control. David, Ryan, and Jordan hope the telepathy invention will solve all their problems, but the bleeding-edge technology opens a Pandora’s box of new dangers, as the team discovers that when they open their minds, there is nowhere to hide their thoughts.

14. November 2006

After a truck accident, Lab crows escape, and provoke a panic in the neighborhood. Alexandra, a young pregnant lady will go to every length to escape the mayhem and raise her neighbors' awareness about the danger.

1. Januar 1919

In this apparently lost film an inventor uses a strange jewel to bring to life a statue of Lilith, and falls in love with her. Soon, however, she begins to appear on a screen, also developed by the inventor, which reveals her to be a vampire who is slowly sucking his life essence from him, causing him to gradually fade away. He realizes the situation has become even more drastic when he notices his new love, Ly, is being possessed by Lilith and has also begun fading away.

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