13 syyskuu 2024

A boy notices that his dog has disappeared, and wandering around the streets he notices that everyone else has disappeared too.

31 maaliskuu 2024

Vic, a mischievous high school student, flushes the pet fish of one of his hated teachers down the toilet, but soon, people begin to go missing.

A radio show discussing “The Castle Of Otranto” by Horace Walpole takes an unexpected twist when a doppelgänger of the host joins in as a guest.

22 elokuu 2019

Four teens get stuck in a bathroom during a lockdown.

22 huhtikuu 2024

Three students are working on a short film for a school project, but they can’t find any ideas, so they start seeking for inspiration by working on a completely different short film: a fake documentary about a mysterious object found in the school’s basement.

6 kesäkuu 2004

A feature film created by Piedmont High School students in 2004. Three hundred years ago, the land of OT was taken over by the dark god, Sirus. However, there was a prophecy that a warrior would be born who would lead the forces of New Hachemeg against the Sirus legion. The five adventurers created to seek out and retrieve this warrior were titled the Ruash Warriors. This is story of their quest.

2 joulukuu 2023

An aloof son is gobsmacked after his father shows him the film "Night Of The Living Dead". So in an attempt to re-capture the magic of the night, he starts production on a homemade zombie movie.

5 kesäkuu 2024

Dani gets left by her friend left at a high school party. Surrounded by strangers that she does not like, among the crowd, she spots Julia, loudly fighting with her boyfriend Paul.

The story of a young girl who explores the outside neighborhood in an attempt to escape her family's problems.

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