53 部电影


名門千金伊莉莎白不幸遭到惡名昭彰的海盜巴伯沙挾持,年輕的鐵匠威爾為拯救女友,不惜與追求寶藏利慾薰心的船長傑克合作,冒險前往海盜出沒的加勒比海域; 不料這群海盜竟然是受到詛咒,到夜晚會化身骷髏僵屍的恐怖軍團,神秘的寶藏、詭譎的海域、神出鬼沒的鬼魅,讓這段汪洋旅途充滿了變數。

1963 年 05 月 08 日


1973 年 06 月 27 日

007系列電影第8集,羅傑摩爾首度接任成為第三代龐德代言人,成功為龐德一角注入風流倜黨的新個人風格,而著名女星的珍西摩兒出任龐德女郎,當時她芳齡才不過廿二,驚艷俏麗,扮演跟龐德對頭的神秘占卜女郎,除了大演塔羅牌占卜神技外,更大展身手,跟鯊魚、蛇群及各種意外搏鬥。 故事講三名英國情報員在美國離奇遇害,007奉令前往查探,先於紐約哈林區追查起,發覺位在加勒比海巫都島上的坎南迦首相牽涉頗深,龐德乃隻身前往,危機處處,敵友難分,幸賴其機智並計誘坎南迦之女羅茜,終於發現坎南迦以荒島和巫術作掩飾,企圖掌握毒品市場的陰謀。

1993 年 10 月 01 日

When a Jamaican sprinter is disqualified from the Olympic Games, he enlists the help of a dishonored coach to start the first Jamaican bobsled team.

1988 年 07 月 29 日

布萊恩(湯姆克魯斯 飾)是一名從軍中退伍青年,一心在紐約這個大城市闖一番事業,無奈到處碰壁,幸得一位師父,道格(布萊恩布朗 飾)相助,最後成為了曼哈頓東區最出色的酒保員,更和一位外表美麗、個性獨立的女藝術家(伊莉莎白蘇)共墮愛河。 布萊恩的師父不但教導他調酒的絕活,也把那一套令女人陶醉的調情技巧也一併傳授給他。漸漸地布萊恩也沈醉於追求女人,玩弄感情的生活,直到女友提出分手之後,才醒然大悟....。

2006 年 05 月 02 日

An American doctor encounters members of a voodoo cult when she is summoned to Jamaica to treat a wealthy man's brother.

1998 年 08 月 14 日

Through good times and bad, Stella and Delilah have always had each other. Now, Stella's so busy building a life that she's forgotten how to really live. But Delilah is about to change all that. What starts as a quick trip to Jamaica, end as an exhilarating voyage of self discovery as Stella learns to open her heart and find love - even if it's with a man 20 years her junior.

1942 年 12 月 04 日

When notorious pirate Henry Morgan is made governor of Jamaica, he enlists the help of some of his former partners in ridding the Caribbean of buccaneers. When one of them apparently abducts the previous governor's pretty daughter and joins up with the rebels, things are set for a fight.

1935 年 12 月 26 日

Dr. Peter Blood, unjustly convicted of treason and exiled from England, becomes a notorious pirate.

2000 年 01 月 13 日

Parallel stories: 18th century Harrison builds the marine chronometer for safe navigation at sea; 20th century Gould is obsessed with restoring it.

2018 年 01 月 20 日

Jamaica, 1973. When a young boy witnesses his brother’s assassination, a powerful Don gives him a home. But 10 years later, when he’s sent to London, his past catches up to him.

1993 年 04 月 16 日

In the wake of Jamaican emancipation, French colonist Annette Cosway falls into poverty and marries racist Englishman Paul Mason. But when Annette's young son dies in a fire started by former slaves, Mason flees to England, leaving his grief-stricken wife and her Creole daughter Antoinette behind. Soon Antoinette learns she must marry to claim her inheritance and sets her sights on Rochester, an Englishman eerily similar to Mason.

1965 年 06 月 16 日

In 1870, a Jamaican colonial family sends its children to Britain for proper schooling, but their ship is taken over by pirates, who become fond of the kids.

1980 年 06 月 27 日

Horsemouth, a drummer living in a ghetto of Kingston, plans to make money selling records. After his prized motorcycle is stolen, his plans fall through and he's forced to adapt.

1973 年 02 月 08 日

Ivanhoe Martin arrives in Kingston, Jamaica, looking for work and, after some initial struggles, lands a recording contract as a reggae singer. He records his first song, "The Harder They Come," but after a bitter dispute with a manipulative producer named Hilton, soon finds himself resorting to petty crime in order to pay the bills. He deals marijuana, kills some abusive cops and earns local folk hero status. Meanwhile, his record is topping the charts.

1987 年 05 月 12 日

In 1747, a handsome but rebellious Scotsman named Richard Abdee is auctioned off as a slave on a Caribbean island controlled by French and British sugar-planters. When caught having sex with his owner's wife, Abdee is given 100 lashes with the dreaded "dragonard" whip. This sentence is meant to be fatal but Abdee survives and later joins in a slave revolt which puts an end to the island's era of savage whippings.

1988 年 10 月 07 日

David is a teenager whose parents are in a deteriorating marriage after their infant daughter dies. Clara is a chambermaid at a Jamaican resort who's hired to be a housekeeper. She and David develop a close bond, opening his eyes and heart to new experiences, and eventually leading to a disturbing secret in Clara's past.

Dramatisation of Jean Rhys's novel set in 19th-century Jamaica. The tragic story of the first Mrs Rochester from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre centres on an arranged marriage between a white Creole heiress and a brooding Englishman, who fall in love only to be torn apart by rumours, paranoia and a cultural divide.

2006 年 11 月 29 日

Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.



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