47 Serien

17. September 1972

M*A*S*H (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) – ein mobiles Feldlazarett, wenige Kilometer von der koreanischen Front entfernt. Das Hospital gleicht einem Irrenhaus, denn die Ärzte Hawkeye, Duke und Trapper sorgen mit ungewöhnlichen Methoden für die Truppenunterhaltung. Gnadenlos verführen sie Krankenschwestern auf dem OP-Tisch, ziehen mittels Narkose unliebsame Vorgesetzte aus dem Verkehr oder therapieren Potenzprobleme. Hier überleben wirklich nur die Stärksten.

14. September 2016

Hugh Knight (Rodger Corser) genießt den Ruf als Shootingstar der Medizinwelt Sydneys. Er gilt als genialer und charmanter Herzchirurg, aber auch als selbstsüchtiger Hedonist, der sich an keine Spielregeln hält. Nach einer wilden Partynacht wacht er in seiner Hotelsuite neben einem wegen einer Überdosis bewusstlosen Model auf. Dieser Skandal kostet ihn seine Chirurgenlizenz. Fortan bleibt ihm nur, sich als Allgemeinmediziner niederzulassen. Er kehrt zurück in seinen kleinen Heimatort Wyhope, wo er einen klaren Kopf bekommen will. Doch dazu kommt es nicht: Seine chaotische Familiensituation lässt ihn nicht zur Ruhe kommen – erst recht nicht, als er seine Ex-Freundin Charlie (Nicole da Silva) wiedertrifft, die mittlerweile mit seinem Bruder verheiratet ist!

Daimon Michiko is a 37-year-old freelance surgeon who is part of a questionable “doctor placement service” that has her wander from hospital to hospital. The harsh environment at the hospitals led many doctors to retire from their positions, forcing hospitals to make use of said program to fill the empty spots at least temporary. However, Michiko doesn’t look like a doctor at all with her flashy clothes and eccentric attitude. In the first episode she raises objections to a certain operation which is planned to be done by the head of a hospital who hasn’t performed an operation for a very long time. This causes Michiko to incur odium at the hospital, however, everyone becomes frozen when Michiko points out the outdated skills of the director. She also holds a scrupulous compliance when it comes to her working hours, never does any unnecessary chores that don’t require a medical license, and couldn’t care less about the power struggles within the hospitals. Nobody knows how she acquired such a top-level skill that allows her to claim exorbitant sums as reward, but her private life is an even greater mystery to everyone around her. Tanaka plays a rookie surgeon, Uchida an anesthetist, Kishibe the head of the placement service, and Ito the head of the surgical department of this institution.

An eccentric, triple board-certified virtuoso surgeon leaves a top job in Seoul and ends up at a provincial hospital, where he mentors young doctors.

8. August 2014

Das Knickerbocker-Krankenhaus in New York City arbeitet mit innovativen Chirurgen, Krankenschwestern und Mitarbeitern, die medizinische Einschränkungen überwinden müssen, um die hohe Sterblichkeit zu verhindern. Hierbei legt die Serie den Fokus nicht nur auf die tägliche Arbeit im Krankenhaus, sondern auch auf das persönliche Leben des Personals.

Dr. John Thackery (teilweise basierend auf einer historischen Persönlichkeit, William Stewart Halsted[2]), der neu ernannte Chefchirurg, bekämpft seine Kokain- und Opiumsucht mit seinem Ehrgeiz für medizinische Entdeckungen und Ansehen unter seinen Kollegen. Währenddessen muss Dr. Algernon Edwards, ein dunkelhäutiger Harvard-Absolvent, um Respekt in dem vornehmlich von Weißen genutzten Krankenhaus und der rassistisch aufgeladenen Stadt kämpfen.

Um die wirtschaftliche Existenz des Krankenhauses zu sichern, sollen wohlhabende Patienten gewonnen werden, ohne dabei Abstriche in der Qualität der Pflege zu machen.

2. Oktober 1961

Ben Casey is an American medical drama series which ran on ABC from 1961 to 1966. The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols "♂, ♀, ✳, †, ∞" on a chalkboard, as cast member Sam Jaffe intoned, "Man, woman, birth, death, infinity." Neurosurgeon Joseph Ransohoff was a medical consultant for the show and may have influenced the personality of the title character.

Telling powerful stories in hourlong episodes, TLC follows medical journeys of morbidly obese people as they attempt to save their own lives. The featured individuals - each weighing more than 600 pounds confront lifelong emotional and physical struggles as they make the courageous decision to undergo high-risk gastric bypass surgery. In addition to drastically changing their appearances, they hope to reclaim their independence, mend relationships with friends and family, and renew their feelings of self-worth.

11. September 2017

Eine Lehrerin und ein Chirurg werden von skandalösen Anschuldigungen erschüttert, nachdem sie ein scheinbar unschuldiges Date hatten.


Hauptmann Yoo Si-jin und sein Freund Sergeant Major Seo Dae-young sind Teil einer südkoreanischen Spezialeinheit. Yoo Si-jin verliebt sich in die Ärztin Dr. Kang Mo-yeon. Doch ist die Liebe schwierig, da sie nie weiß, ob er wieder lebendig zurück kommt. Als teil eines Ärzteteam, das im ehemaligen Yugoslawien Hilfe leisten soll, trifft sie dort wieder auf die Spezialeinheit. Auch Terroristen versuchen die unruhige Lage in Yugoslawien für Waffengeschäfte zu nutzen und unsere Helden geraten zwischen die Fronten.

Nachdem eine Assistenzärztin in die von ihrem Vater geschaffene Webtoon-Welt hineingezogen wurde, wird sie in einen Mordfall um den Helden der Geschichte verwickelt.

2. April 2010

A team of expert surgeons thrive on the adrenaline rush of working at one of the premiere trauma facilities in the country while drawing upon their wit and irreverence to survive on the edge.

17. April 2017

Renhe Hospital nurse Zhang Shumei is forced to resign after being suspected of accidentally killing a patient. Zhang Shumei’s 4 year old daughter is abducted, and she herself dies in a car accident a couple of years later. 30 years later, Zhang Shumei’s son Zhuang Shu returns to the hospital as a surgeon who is intent on unraveling the secret behind his family’s misfortune.

15. Juli 2021

Dr. Christopher Duntsch galt als das neue Talent in den Medizinerkreisen von Dallas. Diesen Ruf verdankte er vielleicht mehr seinem Charisma denn seinen medizinischen Fähigkeiten: Die Vorschusslorbeeren wurden erst angezweifelt, als zahlreiche seiner Patienten nach vermeintlichen „Routineeingriffen“ starben oder bleibende Schäden zurückbehielten. Der Neurochirurg Robert Henderson und der Gefäßchirurg Randall Kirby machen es sich schließlich zur Aufgabe Dr. Duntsch zu stoppen.

18. Juni 2007

Dr. Nathaniel Grant is a pioneering organ-transplant surgeon who takes risks that other doctors would not in order to save the lives of his patients. He works closely with his ex-wife, Kate Armstrong, an organ-donor coordinator with whom he has a volatile relationship. Grant's arrogance and willingness to perform risky procedures causes him to butt heads with the hospital administration. But his main focus is on his intense relationship with his job and his patients, often at the expense of his family.

Minato Shindo has savant syndrome. His memory is amazing, but he has difficulty communicating with other people. When Minato was little, he dreamed of becoming a doctor. He met Doctor Akira Shiga and he wanted to become a pediatric surgeon. Akira was surprised by the 7-year-old's memory of the human organs and he decided to support Minato in achieving his dream. Eventually, Minato graduated from medical school and passed the national exam for medical practitioners. Now, Akira works as a director at a large hospital. He suggests to Minato to work in the pediatric surgery department at the hospital where he works.

13. September 2019

Im Zentrum der Serie steht der Chirurg Daniel, der in Tunneln unter London eine illegale Klinik betreibt, in der Patienten gegen den richtigen Preis jede erdenkliche OP bekommen können. Unterstützt wird er bei seinem finsteren Vorhaben von Fahrer Lee und Forscherin Anna.

The drama tells the story of Tang Jiayu, a female cardiac surgeon who has been practicing medicine abroad for many years. She was invited by Vice President Liu Feng to return to China to serve as the director of the Heart Center at Beijing Anhe Jisheng Hospital. From just being acquainted with Ouyang Zhenyu, the director of the medical department, to gradually developing into a confidant with Ye Yiming, an anesthesiologist. At the same time, she led five members of the ICU team: Jiang Bailie, Long Xiangdong, Qin Dazhong, Zhou Da, and Liao Xiaobo to jointly treat 28 rare heart disease cases, and in the continuous growth boosted the successful development of the domestic "full magnetic levitation artificial heart," rewriting the history of cardiac surgery in China, and at the same time realize self-redemption and harvest happiness.

14. November 2006

3 lbs is a drama that aired on CBS from November 14 to 28, 2006, replacing the cancelled series Smith. The show itself was then canceled three weeks later due to poor ratings. The title refers to the fact that the average human brain weighs approximately three pounds. The show follows the medical careers of prominent brain surgeon Doctor Douglas Hanson and his protégé, Jonathan Seger.

The show was promoted as, "The next great medical drama." The theme song is "Calling All Angels" by Train. Eight episodes were made, and the five episodes that did not originally air in the United States are available on Amazon Unbox.

The program filmed in New York City at the request of Tucci, who didn't want to be away from home to make the series.

When the pilot was originally filmed Dylan McDermott played Dr. Doug Hanson, and Reiko Aylesworth played Dr. Adrienne Holland.

The story of a mother who died and begins a 49-day long project of reincarnation, and a husband who has barely begun to live a new life after overcoming the pain of losing his wife.

Jo Kang Hwa is a skilled thoracic surgeon. After losing his wife four years ago, he had been working as a single father until he got married again two years ago. While he seems like a caring person, he does not offer a hand nor intervene when needed.

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