145 elokuvaa

Omituinen, mutta varakas asiakas palkkaa harvinaisiin kirjoihin erikoistuneen Dean Corson etsimään erään ikivanhan kirjan kaikki olemassa olevat kappaleet. Pian Corso huomaa, että kirjan perässä on muitakin. Ja he ovat valmiita mihin tahansa, sillä sanotaan, että kirjan avulla on mahdollista saada yhteys Saatanaan.


2 lokakuu 2019

Khalid, entrusted with the task of eliminating former soldier turned rogue Kabir, engages in an epic battle with his mentor who taught him everything.

29 syyskuu 2013
23 joulukuu 2015

Oscar-palkittu ohjaaja Michael Moore lähtee valloitusretkelle ympäri maailmaa löytääkseen keinoja, joilla Yhdysvaltojen pahimmat ongelmat saataisiin selvitettyä. Ratkaisun avaimet odottavat ottajaansa maailman eri kolkissa. Mooren ”yhden miehen armeija” perehtyy ristiretkellään mm. italialaisten työaikoihin, norjalaisiin vankiloihin, portugalilaiseen huumepolitiikkaan sekä tietysti myös suomalaisiin kouluihin.

Kuvittele kivenjärkäleiden reunustama ranta, syrjäiset vuorenhuiput ja kullanhohtoiset preeriat. Täällä susilaumat väijyvät mustangeja ja puissa kiipeilevät lihansyöjät pitävät koko metsää varuillaan. Korkealla aaltojen yllä kattohaikarapariskunta koettaa kasvattaa perhettään kapean jyrkänteen reunalla.

Story of the 1974 coup that overthrew the right-wing Portuguese dictatorship--which continued the fascist policies of long-time dictator Antonio Salazar--and of two young army captains who were involved in it.

24 joulukuu 1948

Spanish Lothario Don Juan, the legendary lover and adventurer returns to Spain following a scandal and comes to the aid of his queen, who is under threat from sinister forces.

In 1975, Ryszard Kapuściński, a veteran Polish journalist, embarked on a seemingly suicidal road trip into the heart of the Angola's civil war. There, he witnessed once again the dirty reality of war and discovered a sense of helplessness previously unknown to him. Angola changed him forever: it was a reporter who left Poland, but it was a writer who returned…

Lisbon, 1938. Mr. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of an evening paper. Although fascism is on the rise in Europe, like in nearby civil war Spain or even inside Portugal itself in the form of Salazar's regime, Pereira only concerns himself with writing bios and translating French novels. Things change after he hires a young writer as his assistant, getting to know also his girlfriend – both opponents to the regime – and reluctantly helps them when they begin to get in trouble for subversive activities. Eventually, he's forced to take a stand...

Donato fails in his attempt to save a drowning man, and meets one of the man's friends. He decides to start his life over, but pieces of his past keep coming after him.

The first journey around the world began under the command of Ferdinand Magellan and was concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano. Five boats left Seville on September 20, 1519. Storms, famine, tribes… Three years later, only one made it back. An incredible adventure around the planet whose roundness was finally proven.

4 kesäkuu 2009

Follows the fictional rivalry between two of Portugal's most prominent football teams - Invicta e Castelo and how their mutual disdain has spread further than the pitch.

500 years after they were blinded and executed for committing human sacrifices, a band of Templar knights returns from the grave to terrorize a rural Portuguese village during it's centennial celebration. Being blind, the Templars find their victims through sound, usually the screams of their victims. Taking refuge in a deserted cathedral, a small group of people must find a way to escape from the creatures.

Clara and Hans are left-wing terrorists who have been sought by police for almost fifteen years. Their increasingly rebellious daughter Jeanne begins to pose a threat to their security when she falls in love with a boy she meets on the beach.

15 heinäkuu 2020

Professional photographer Jamie's quantum physicist boyfriend Isaac has gone missing, and is presumed dead. Haunted by his disappearance while attempting to continue with life as normal, Jamie gets more and more wrapped up in figuring out exactly what happened, and is convinced that his disappearance has something to do with Isaac’s research into parallel dimensions. She continues to pursue him until she collides with a shattering revelation.

24 toukokuu 2022

Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.

17 elokuu 1956

For Capt. Robert John Evans, smuggling black-market goods is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day he's hired by Aristides Mavros for a more involved assignment -- sneaking an imprisoned American out of communist-controlled territory. The job seems challenging enough, but when he meets the prisoner's sultry wife, Sylvia, he realizes his mission comes with a startling catch: Not only must he rescue this man, he must bring him back from the dead.

Hakim, 35, a friendly neighborhood cop, must infiltrate the Portuguese community for the purpose of an investigation. But can one become Portuguese in three days? Especially when we know that Hakim is a walking disaster at undercover operations. His clumsiness and bad luck turn his many infiltrations into cataclysms. The case is clearly too big for him. Quickly trapped between his feelings and his mission, Hakim, who lives alone with his mother, will discover a community, but also a family.

2 maaliskuu 2006

An urban family inherits an old country house located in a small village. Upon their arrival they try to adapt to the new lifestyle, but they soon learn that the village is overshadowed by superstition and mysterious folklore. As they are plagued by strange events, they learn more about the history of their family, and slowly begin to believe by inheriting the house, they also inherited a curse.

Crustacés et coquillages is a fresh French comedy film with numerous surprise turnarounds and about the tolerance of a family of four. The family spend an idealistic summer vacation together where each of the family members gets involved in a new or old relationship.

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