9 部电影

1998 年 03 月 20 日

這齣駭人聽聞的驚悚劇,發生在佛羅里達州藍灣的上流社會,在他們光鮮亮麗的外表下,卻潛藏著一個報復、性與謀殺糾結的詭異故事。 山姆(麥特狄倫,《哈啦瑪麗》)是藍灣高中性感的輔導員,被兩名女學生凱莉(丹妮絲李察斯,《美麗比一比》)與蘇西(妮芙坎貝兒,電視影集「五口之家」、《驚聲尖叫3》)控告強暴。由於此案相當棘手,於是山姆找上唯一敢接下此案的律師肯(比爾墨瑞)為他辯護,希望能還他清白。 此時私家偵探雷(凱文貝肯,《透明人》)暗中調查,卻發現整個案情簡直就是一件大醜聞,彷彿迷宮般錯綜複雜、撲朔迷離,讓人無法一眼看透。藍灣上流社會與所有警察,似乎都牽連在內,真實與幻像糾纏...真相究竟如何呢?

柔漢·狄娃(亞當·山德勒 Adam Sandler 飾)是一名供職於以色列情報機關摩薩德的特工人員,他身手矯健,力大無窮,而且天賦異秉。閒暇時溝女享樂,優哉游哉;接到任務時,便披掛上陣與來自巴勒斯坦的恐怖分子展開驚險刺激的對決。他乾掉的對手不計其數,儼然一個新時代的救世主。但是誰都想不到,這個陽剛味兒十足的爺們兒心中竟然有著當美髮師的夢想。他早已厭倦了打打殺殺的生活,渴望為了自己的理想而努力。 某天,機會終於降臨。柔漢假裝在執行任務時死亡,從而逃離以色列,來到繁華時尚的美國。在這個完全陌生的國度,柔漢鬧出了不少的笑話。但是,只要心中有夢,他便無所畏懼,勇往直前……

街舞舞者安蒂(布莉安娜艾維根飾),擁有混然天成的舞蹈細胞,但叛逆又離經叛道的個性,讓她備受排擠,她的夢想是巴爾的摩街頭舞者一起跳舞,為了更上一層樓,而來到馬里蘭藝術學院學舞,但很快的安蒂就發現自己對於正統嚴苛的校風無法適應,也無法與同學們好好相處融入校園生活。 另一方面,校園的頂尖舞者風雲人物查斯(羅伯霍夫曼飾演),力求革新想突破舊規,在聽聞「街頭尬舞」大賽後,決心組團參加被列為學校禁忌在巴爾的摩最大規模的比賽。 一個力求突破,一個追求夢想,安蒂與查斯必須攜手合作,一同在與日俱增的壓力中,定要想辦法搭起愛與忠誠、自由與機會、她的真實自我和她眼裡的自己之間的橋樑,為彼此找到實現夢想與融入新環境的辦法,舞出真正的自我…。

1962 年 11 月 08 日

The Bounty leaves Portsmouth in 1787. Its destination: to sail to Tahiti and load bread-fruit. Captain Bligh will do anything to get there as fast as possible, using any means to keep up a strict discipline. When they arrive at Tahiti, it is like a paradise for the crew, something completely different than the living hell aboard the ship. On the way back to England, officer Fletcher Christian becomes the leader of a mutiny.

At Bertrand Morane's burial there are many of the women that the 40-year-old engineer loved. In flashback Bertrand's life and love affairs are told by himself while writing an autobiographical novel.

1977 年 11 月 01 日

In 1926 the tragic and untimely death of a silent screen actor caused female moviegoers to riot in the streets and in some cases to commit suicide...

1998 年 10 月 09 日

In a small farming valley in Austria in the beginning of the 20th century a tyrannical farmer is found dead, and all the farmhands are relieved to be free of their tyrant. But the farmer was childless, so suddenly they all inherit the farm together. Now conflicts begin, as nobody is the boss and nobody has to obey.

2021 年 12 月 25 日

It revolves around the story of four people a streamer, a student, a breadwinner, and a heartthrob who will explore love and friendships online to escape their realities offline.

2018 年 01 月 06 日

The story of teen heartthrobs Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, whose lives were forever changed by the glitz, glamour, and the darker side of show business.



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