38 movies

Partha works as a delivery boy for a food delivery company. Partha's friend faces a road accident while rushing to deliver a parcel on time and partha faces some difficulties.

aprīlis 11, 1975

Mohan marries Chitra and they care for Mohan's brother Ramu. Mohan dies and Chitra falls in love with Ramu.

The story of Mukhagni revolves around the life of a school teacher.

Plot Unavailable.

augusts 28, 1984

Plot Unavailable.

Menaka, an Apsari from Swargaloka gets punished for her wrong deeds and had to come to earth as her punishment. While hesitant to come at first, Menaka denies to go back to Swargaloka after she falls in love with an earth boy.

maijs 7, 2023

Plot Unavailable.

A boy lives with his widowed mother. His mother puts pressure on him to marry. But he doesn't want the burden of marriage this fast in his life. He wanted to enjoy life. Because of this he plots a contract marriage with a village girl for one year. But later their relationship develops into love.

janvāris 27, 1984

Chinmay, a young doctor, faces societal resistance when he returns to his village to open a clinic. Despite opposition from the village baidya and sarpanch's son, Chinmay's clinic begins to thrive with the help of Harijan youth Ramu and Sulochana. Anuradha, Chinmay's love interest, supports his efforts, but Gajanan, the sarpanch's son, becomes the main villain and ultimately causes Chinmay's death. Anuradha stays in the village to continue supporting Chinmay's work. The movie explores themes of love and societal challenges.

maijs 25, 2023

Meghna, born as Vishnu, is subjected to abuse for exhibiting feminine behavior. She later turns to sex work in the Kinnar locality to explore her sexuality. After getting a corporate job, Meghna is terminated when her transgender identity is discovered. She undergoes sex reassignment surgery and starts working as India's first transgender taxi driver. Meghna becomes an advocate for the kinnar community and engages in social work to help improve their lives. Despite facing opposition and violence, Meghna remains dedicated to her cause and becomes a leader of her community.

Plot Unavailable.

Plot Unavailable.

aprīlis 24, 1984

Plot Unavailable.

This is a musical movie. It is based on rasa leela of Prabhu SriKrushna. There were total 81 songs in this film. More than hundred child artist worked in the film.

Plot Unavailable.

Mythological movie on Raja Harischandra from Odia Cinema.

In a world where success and betrayal are always lurking, can love still prevail? ‘Happy Ending’ has the Answer…

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