6 Filme

1. Januar 2022

Video art of sculpture is the real life story of Rumi (Mevlana) and Shams Tabrizi. Rumi and Shams are well known international poets of Persian language. One day, Rumi invites Shams Tabrizi to his house, Shams throws the book into the pool of water and Rumi is worried and Shams returns the book to Rumi without any trace of water. The lost half of the sculpture in the film is a representation of the same concept, in which the dance of Sama, the sculptor's mind and the role of the face are visible.

"Sculpture" has won more than 54 international awards From Vegas Movie Awards,Global Shorts( Los Angeles),Best Film Awards (US),Gold Star Movie Awards (US),LA Sun Film Fest,International Short Film Awards (US),One-Reeler Short Film Competition (US),Global Music Awards (GMA),Accolade Competition (US), Berlin International Art Film Festival and many other events.

11. Juli 2024

Dave is a professional internet troll who lies for a living. Candace works in human resources at a blood lab with a bipolar boss. In this modern spin on the romantic comedy, they meet online and circle the airport of their relationship refusing to land. Together they discover it's hard to hug someone when you're keeping them at arm's length.

13. Oktober 2023

500 years into the future, the earth is a dry wasteland destroyed by humans. Doctor Alma, a fluffy, brilliant Vulkeet (a cross between a parakeet and vulture) who drives a Vespa, must cure the only creatures left who can save the world by bringing back the rain - the bizarre and loveable Homeys who have fallen ill with a mysterious sickness.

Just like our memories, the stories we honor tonight were immortalized through a very unique vision of its creators. The winner takes it all.

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