4 movies

A rare clip from 1994 warning of the dangers that lurk in America: homosexuals and Satanists.

janvāris 1, 2000

Satan in the Suburbs tells the shocking story of a grisly ritualistic murder in the quiet bedroom community of Northport, Long Island in the summer of 1984. The killing, it soon emerged, was linked to a teen satanic cult. Perhaps more disturbing than the details of the murder itself was the revelation of a conspiracy of silence among the town's teenagers, many of whom had been aware of the, e killing in the two weeks before an anonymous call finally tipped off local police. 17- year-old Ricky Kasso was arrested and confessed to the crime; five days later, he hung himself in his holding cell. Kasso's friend Jimmy Troiano also. confessed, but was acquitted after jurors learned that he was beaten by local police.

The murder shocked the local community and reverberated nationally, with some uninformed observers rushing to scapegoat rock music as the cause.

janvāris 23, 1990

Ian Leslie (The Aussie Geraldo Rivera) focuses on well known cases of Satanic killings in the United States and England. It gathers a group of victims, heavy metal singers, clergymen, experts and Satanic leaders for a lively studio debate.

The Australian counterpart to Exposing Satan's Underground.

novembris 5, 1989

The Queensland country town of Warwick was shocked when a flock of sheep was brutally massacred on a local property. They were even more shocked when they discovered the killings were, in fact, a sacrificial offering to Satan. For the first time, John Burdoe, the teenager who started this satanic cult, tells how he planned and executed the bloody ceremony. He also tells how he came close to stabbing one of his followers, a young man who later died in mysterious circumstances.

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