4 Filme

1. November 2010

Some argue that modern graffiti was born in Philadelphia, where the pioneers of wall-writing became citywide celebrities during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Graffiti eventually consumed the city, and a new mayor made it his top priority to fight back. In the process, the city's Mural Arts Program was born. Philadelphia is now a great outdoor museum. Yet graffiti still thrives, with new writers always ready to replace those who are caught or quit.

23. Januar 1999

On The Go Magazine Hip-Hop Graffiti Video

27. Dezember 1999

Kings And Toys is a documentary about graffiti, its culture and living with it. Featuring interviews with tons of writers from the U.K., the U.S and Europe, including graffiti legends like Goldie, Loomit, Seen, Futura 2000, Case 2 and Mode 2. The film originally went out on the U.K’s Channel 4 – in 1999.

23. Januar 1995

Hip-Hop Culture and Graffiti Video Magazine

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