31 juillet 2014

One man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as 'healthy'. Through this entertaining and informative journey, Damon highlights some of the issues that plague the sugar industry, and where sugar lurks on supermarket shelves.

6 mai 2011

Examines the profound claim that most; if not all; of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled; or even reversed; by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Cameras follow "reality patients" who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole-foods, plant-based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments - while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed.

A food-loving and scientific tribute to the Mediterranean diet and, not least, the liquid gold: olive oil.

9 janvier 2011

Explores the challenges of converting to a vegan diet. It "follows three meat-and-cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks.

4 avril 2015

Three people try to start a pilot program to document the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

16 octobre 2007

Raw For Life is the Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle and perfect for beginners and Raw Food enthusiasts. This documentary inspires people with the Raw Food philosophy, the wisdom of eating a raw food diet, important medical facts and nutritional information. We have combined the knowledge and expertise of doctors and nutritionists with testimonials from celebrities, athletes, professionals, and chefs who champion the amazing benefits of raw, vegan living foods. In Raw For Life, you will find everything you need to transition to a healthier state of being.

26 octobre 2021
8 avril 2020

Scientists are coming to understand fat as a dynamic organ—one whose size may have more to do with biological processes than personal choices. Explore the mysteries of fat and its role in hormone production, hunger, and even pregnancy.

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