15 部电影

電影大師史丹利庫伯力克執導的科幻鉅作,以近二小時半的篇幅,描繪了人類的過去與未來,廣集特殊攝影技巧與精準畫面感拍攝而成,可謂是空前絕後。 為了解開神秘的石柱突然屹立於地面並攻擊人的秘密,原子動力太空般帝斯卡巴里號出發飛往距離八億公里遠的木星。此太空船的成員包括波曼船長、布魯飛行員及三個在圓筒內冬眠的隊員等五人。 途中電腦HAL發生錯亂,破壞了冬眠裝置,布魯被誘出船外,於黑暗的太空中被殺,波曼船長則被困在母船中,與之展開生死格鬥,結果人類終於獲勝。不久太空船在進入木星的軌道後,因船長發現某地有與月球上的石柱一模一樣的東西,就駛向它,卻發生意外。 當他醒來時,看見自已正和太空船在路易十六的臥室中。超越時間與空間,所有的一切東西都消失於白光之中後,飄浮在太空上的綠色地球,由一胎兒看守著,此胎兒正是波曼轉世而成的,正等待著自己出生的日子。 這部內容以不遠的未來為背景,在廣闊的宇宙空間中,人類將面對不可思議之事,廣集特殊攝影技巧與精準畫面感拍攝而成,可謂是空前絕後。

2015 年 02 月 27 日

《駭客任務》導演拉娜華卓斯基、安迪華卓斯基最新編導太空冒險鉅片,由查尼塔圖和蜜拉庫妮絲聯合主演。故事背景所設定的宇宙之中,人類在所謂進化程度的階梯上是屬於比較接近底層的層級。一個貧窮的人類女性並不知道自己竟和高高在上統領宇宙的女王有著相似的基因。女王視她的存在為一種威脅,因此派出了基因改造的賞金獵人前往刺殺她...朱比特瓊斯(蜜拉庫妮絲 飾)在夜幕下誕生,有徵兆預言她注定會有不凡事蹟。如今她已長大,在夢中的她擁抱著星辰,醒來卻只能面對殘忍的現實,每天做著數不清的雜務,倒楣的事總是如影隨形。另一方面,肯恩(查尼塔圖 飾)是基因工程學的退役獵人,當他抵達地球尋找朱比特時,她才開始瞥見長久以來等待著她的命運,她的基因印記顯示她遺傳自偉大的血統,她的出現將改變整個宇宙的平衡與秩序。

1981 年 05 月 22 日

An honest marshal in a corrupt mining colony on Io, Jupiter's sunless third moon, is determined to confront a violent drug ring even though it may cost him his life. After his wife angrily deserts him, he waits alone for the arrival of killers hired by the company to eliminate him.

2013 年 06 月 27 日


2019 年 02 月 08 日

科學家發現太陽膨脹老化,短時間內太陽系包含地球與其他星球都將被太陽吞沒,人類為了避免被滅絕,提出「流浪地球」計畫,以延續人類的存在,地球和人類就此踏上預計長達2,500年的宇宙流浪之旅。全球各國開始執行計畫,期望將地球逃離太陽星系,中國太空人劉培強(吳京 飾演)前往國際太空站,執行相關行動。他的兒子與地面上的人類一起啟動「流浪地球」的計劃,試圖在地球表面建造巨型發動機,推動地球離開太陽系,尋找宇宙中的新家園。後來在多國救援隊的共同努力下,得以成功。

1984 年 12 月 06 日

本片是1968年史丹利·庫柏力克的電影《2001太空漫遊》續集,劇情設定《2001太空漫遊》後9年,前國家航天委員會主任弗洛伊德博士(羅伊‧謝德 Roy Scheider 飾)接受蘇美合作計劃,帶領發現號航天站設計者科腦博士(約翰‧利思戈 John Lithgow 飾)和HAL9000電腦的創始人錢德拉博士(鮑勃‧巴拉班 Bob Balaban 飾)登錄木星附近的蘇聯航空站,與蘇聯宇航員卡布珂(海倫‧米倫 Helen Mirren 飾)等合作,空中接軌美國發現號航天站,調查九年前的事故原因,探索木衛二的神秘黑石,並查明宇航員大衛‧伯曼(凱爾‧杜拉 Keir Dullea 飾)緣何神秘失蹤。然而任務執行尚未過半,美蘇關係愈發緊張,戰爭一觸即發;與此同時,大衛‧伯曼竟突然現身對弗洛伊德博士發出神秘警告。 本片改編自亞瑟‧克拉克的小說《2010太空漫遊》,獲第59界奧斯卡最佳藝術指導—佈景,最佳服裝設計,最佳視覺效果,最佳化妝和最佳聲效五項提名。The Year We Make Contact,2010:威震太陽神,2010 The Year We Make Contact,2010太空漫遊,2010: The Year We Make Contact


2017 年 04 月 20 日

The captivating tales of the people and events behind one of humanity's greatest achievements in exploration: NASA's Voyager mission.

2012 年 04 月 27 日

Jupiter’s famous blemish, the Great Red Spot, has vanished. When massive storms are reported in North America, it quickly becomes apparent that the huge, high storm that has been swirling around Jupiter for hundreds of years has landed on Earth. Swallowing up everything in its path, the Great Red Spot threatens to transform Earth into another Jupiter-like gas giant in just a matter of days! aka Mega Cyclone

In the 22nd century, scientists from an energy-depleted Earth research new fuel sources in the far corners of the solar system, where they discover an ancient alien race from Jupiter as well as the emergence of an apocalyptically dangerous black hole. Koji Hashimoto's 1983 sci-fi adventure was conceived as a Japanese competitor to the upcoming sequel to Stanley Kubrick's classic 2001, titled 2010, and often mirrors the sequel's plot.

1982 年 11 月 19 日

George Kennedy narrates this documentary that examines the theory that the world is doomed due to the influence the planet Jupiter has on the Earth.

2002 年 03 月 28 日

Three astronauts crash land on an Earth-like planet after returning from a 7-year long expedition to Ganymede. The planet however is populated by murderous psychopaths who kill two of the astronauts right away. The third, Roger Corman, flees to the alien countryside where he decides to begin a violent quest to find out the truth behind his mission.

At 4.6 billion years old, the Solar System is our solid, secure home in the Universe. But how did it come to be? In this episode we trace the system's birth from a thin cloud of dust and gas. Shocked by a nearby supernova, the pull of gravity and natural rotation spun it into a flat disc from which the Sun and planets coalesced. It all happened in the space of 700 million years, during which the planets jockeyed for position, dodging the brutal bombardment of deadly asteroids and setting into the neat, stable system that we now realize might be a rarity in the universe.

2012 年 08 月 09 日

A spacecraft lands on Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon, in temperatures of minus 260 degrees and searing radiation. Its mission: to penetrate the surface and send a probe into a watery realm beneath the ice. Meet Bill Stone, a preeminent underwater cave explorer and inventor who is developing robots to carry out that mission one day. Now, he and his team hope to test an autonomous underwater vehicle called Endurance in Antarctica’s icy waters. As we watch Endurance plunge into the depths, CGI animation helps us envision how its descendant would fare on a real mission to Europa. We see it hurtle across the solar system, finally dropping slowly into Europa’s liquid realm, where we follow it through its routines. Getting a robot through the ice and into the oceans of Europa will be an order of magnitude more difficult than anything Stone’s team has done so far.

1997 年 01 月 01 日

Marc Minkowski conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of the Opera National de Lyon in this 1997 production of Offenbach's opera starring Natalie Dessay, Yann Beuron, Jean-Paul Fouchecourt and Laurent Naouri.



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