5 sarjaa

1 huhtikuu 2022

Nuoresta miehestä tulee onnettomuuden seurauksena puoliksi ihminen ja puoliksi henki. Viikatemiesorganisaatio palkkaa hänet suorittamaan erikoistehtäviä.

A fantasy medical drama about a high-ranking grim reaper named Kkok Du, who is the only being to exist in the underworld. Every 99 years, the cold and cruel Kkok Du must take a break from his job in the underworld and spend 49 days in the mortal realm—and this time, he winds up inhabiting the body of the human Do Jin Woo. While living as Do Jin Woo, he meets Han Gye Jeol, a female doctor who has the mysterious ability to order Kkok Du around.

10 toukokuu 2022

In the economically developed eastern province of Guangdong, Luoyuan County is a county seat with the lowest public security status, and the flood tide of the era of sweeping and eradicating evil has engulfed it. The young criminal policeman Wu Jian encountered the obstruction of the underworld forces on the way to investigate a shooting case, and the evidence he handed back to the police force disappeared. He could not clear the suspicion, only Wen Luyang resolutely chose to believe in Wu Jian and invited him to cooperate Task Force work. Wen Luyang, who doesn't play cards according to the routine, and the upright guy Wu Jian, who is thick and thin, have formed a pair of case-solving combinations with different styles.

A story with fantasy elements revolves around the god of death, the ghost keeper and the judge. In helping save others from death, three ghost keepers learn the value of living.

Xiao Yi, Wu Xin, and Yin Zheng Feng are three people whose names were mistakenly put into the book of death. As a result, they are invited to become ghost keepers and tasked with helping the god of death. Once they restore the system and save everyone who has been erroneously sentenced to die, they can then be reborn.

1 maaliskuu 2022

Bidadari tells the story of Sha'ari, Ariffin and Faizal as they help out in the exhumation of the Bidadari Cemetery between 2001 and 2006. As they work on the graves, they learn stories of those who passed and learn from it to recalibrate their views on life.

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