10 Serien

17. September 2021

Hunderte Verschuldete nehmen eine rätselhafte Einladung an, bei einem Wettkampf in Kinderspielen anzutreten. Es winkt ein verlockender Preis – bei tödlichem Einsatz.

9. Oktober 2011

Den Mittelschüler Yukiteru Amano plagt das Gefühl der Einsamkeit. Einzig das imaginäre Wesen Deus Ex Machina leistet Yukiteru Gesellschaft und erklärt diesem, dass er der Gott von Raum und Zeit sei. Deus Ex Machina modifiziert Yukiterus Handy um, so dass es die Zukunft seines Besitzers in einem Handy-Tagebuch voraussagt. Doch nachdem Yukiteru der Besitzer des neuen Handys wird, muss er zusammen mit anderen auserwählten Tagebuchbesitzern an einem Spiel auf Leben und Tod teilnehmen, um am Ende der Nachfolger von Deus Ex Machina zu werden, wobei er von seiner Mitschülerin Yuno Gasai tatkräftig unterstützt wird.

8. April 2007

15 Jugendliche entdecken bei einem Schulausflug am Strand zufällig eine abgelegene Höhle. Sie beschließen diese zu erforschen und entdecken dabei eine Schaltzentrale mit technischen Geräten. Ein Mann namens Kokopelli erscheint. Er erzählt ihnen, dass er ein neues Spiel entwickelt hat. Bei dem vermeintlichen Spaß muss man die Erde mit Hilfe eines riesigen Roboters vor außerirdischen Invasoren retten.

Am selben Abend tauchen zwei riesige Roboter vor der Jugendherberge der Kinder auf. Aus dem vermeintlichen Spiel ist längst Ernst geworden. Die Kämpfe finden in der Realität statt und fordern reale Opfer...

Nana and Shota are a newlywed couple and Nana is 15 years older than Shota. Nana works as a designer and Shota works as a gym trainer. They both enjoy mystery. The newlywed couple then move to an apartment and they attend a resident’s meeting there. Nana and Shota become involved in murder cases that take place at the apartment. Residents get murdered one by one. Some residents have a motive, but those suspects have an alibi. Because of this, an arrest has yet to be made.

Yuichi Katagiri, a high school student, is abducted with four of his friends and forced to participate in a "Friends Game" to pay off a debt he was suddenly saddled with.

The game is supposed to be easy to beat as long as you have friendship, but for some reason Yuichi and his friends are unable to beat the game. They suspect the existence of a traitor, and their friendship gradually begins to crumble.

The ultimate mind game show is about to begin!

Luo Ran has been investigating the death of his wife with his best friend Ning Yu. They end up getting onto a train headed for C City in order to chase female suspect Jiang Xue. The train suddenly derails mid-journey, and the hundred or so survivors find themselves transported to a ruined city with no living soul in sight, cut off from the rest of the world. The city is filled with dangers on all sides and supplies are dwindling. The survivors start dying off or disappearing one by one—a brutal game of survival begins.

6. Dezember 2017

When his girlfriend suddenly disappears, a university student and his friend are pulled into a dangerous alternate gaming universe. They have to use their superior problem-solving skills and intellect to win challenges and advance to the next level. Can they find Qing Zhi in time and make it out alive?

The winner of a secret survival game stands to win a large sum of money. However, one player does not seem to be in the game for the money.

14. Dezember 2023

In the Abyss game, Qiao Jingting allies with Shu Ai and Bai Er against the evil ruler Han Bin and Heart Moon Fox. Amid a seeming victory, they fall into Han Bin's trap, shattering their trust. Zou Yidao's arrival shifts power dynamics, offering hope, but his ambiguous morality and deal with Han Bin create new challenges. Qiao Jingting and team unite with Zou Yidao to defeat Han Bin. Yet, as they leave the novice village, they face unforeseen threats surpassing Han Bin's, bringing an unknown multitude of crises in the outside world.(IQIYI)

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