37 部电影

1987 年 03 月 06 日

Harry Angel, a down-and-out Brooklyn detective, is hired to track down a singer on an odyssey that will take him through the desperate streets of Harlem, the smoke-filled jazz clubs of New Orleans, and the swamps of Louisiana and its seedy underworld of voodoo.


本片曾獲得奧斯卡最佳特效、英國金像獎最佳特效,為哈里遜福特主演的印第安瓊斯系列, 是《法櫃奇兵》的前傳。 故事背景設定在1930年代的亞洲,這次他為了拯救數百名被邪教奴役的幼童,又再一次使出渾身解數展開他精彩的冒險考古之旅!值得一提的是,史蒂芬史匹柏和女主角凱特卡普蕭因為本片相戀而結婚。

傑森史坦森動作片《快克殺手》續集,滿口英國腔粗話的亡命殺手契夫齊力歐(傑森史塔森 飾)又回來了!雖然在《快克殺手》第一集的結尾中從萬丈高空墜落地面,但編導當然不會輕易讓這個為了活命而大鬧整座城市的超屌英雄就這樣掛點…。從直升機上墜落的切弗(傑森•斯達森Jason Statham飾)並沒有死,當他醒來的時候,正躺在一家黑診所,幾個蹩脚的香港醫生正在做心臟移植手術。期間,小混混强尼萬不時在身邊干擾。手術後的切弗擁有了一顆Avicor公司的人造心臟以和一塊腰帶電池。醫生告訴切弗,為了保持心臟的活力,他必須不停給身體充電。切弗認定是强尼萬偷了他的心臟,所以瘋狂追擊。在性愛社交俱樂部,他碰巧搭救了妓女瑞亞(白靈飾),在夜總會,他又見到了跳鋼管舞的女友伊芙(艾米•斯瑪特Amy Smart飾)。夜總會的槍戰,引來了警詧,但是電棍只會給切弗充電。追到跑馬場的切弗,為了摩擦充電,在眾目睽睽之下出盡洋相。直到香港三合會老大唐金出現,切弗才真正瞭解心臟被盜的真正原因……

1983 年 12 月 08 日

自1971年《緊急追捕令》 後,克林伊斯威特(Clint Eastwood )塑造了一個典型的硬派新警察形象,而《撥雲見日》是該片的第三部續集,鐵漢警察哈瑞再度出現在大銀幕上,此片延續一貫的暴力、緊湊,還帶有一點出人意料的詼諧。 珍妮佛(Sondra Locke 飾)與姐姐在多年前曾被一個幫派份子強暴,兩人因此陷入精神崩潰的邊緣,如今事隔多年,珍妮佛決定出面報仇,在舊金山一帶,以相當殘酷的手法,殺害了多名男人。哈瑞警探受命將她追捕到案,但是他一貫的暴躁脾氣,讓週遭的人全都受不了。隨著線索,哈瑞追到了一個沿海的小鎮,當他終於找到兇手珍妮佛時,卻發現了一個驚人的事實…

1984 年 08 月 15 日

美國總統受良心折磨,經常夢到核戰爭之後的慘景,精神壓力極大,以致於想與蘇聯談判廢除核武器。聯邦調查局長鮑勃想暗殺總統,以此來維持美國的核優勢。與此同時,心理學家保羅正在研究一種方法,令治療師進入患者的夢境,引導他們克服噩夢,治療睡眠障礙。這個技術越來越成熟,以至於主人公阿歷克賽可以憑意念就進入他人的夢境。最後,在總統的核戰廢墟夢境裡,總統、刺客托米和主人公阿歷克塞進行激烈搏鬥,當然,最終正義戰勝邪惡。托米和鮑勃都在夢中被殺死。 在這部電影裡,出現了後來虛擬現實題材的一個普遍「法則」:如果一個角色在虛擬世界中被殺死,他在真實中也會死亡。後來的網絡虛擬世界雖然不同於可控夢境,但也繼承了這個「法則」。《夢境》的場面十分宏大,又有著夢本身的荒誕離奇的反邏輯色彩,構成了變幻無常的時空風光。

1966 年 12 月 18 日

Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of a nearby village having a happy time celebrating Christmas. Disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog made to look like a reindeer, he decides to raid the village to steal all the Christmas things.

2002 年 08 月 09 日

近來,令罪犯們聞風喪膽的聯邦調查局探員特瑞(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 飾)正在調查一個名爲“密碼殺手”的神祕人物,就在這個節骨眼上,突發的心臟病讓特瑞不得不提前走下了工作崗位,在接受了心臟移植手術後,退休的特瑞選擇遠離危險的工作,來到了偏僻的鄉下靜養。一轉眼,兩年過去了,一個名叫格萊夏埃拉(旺達·德·傑索斯 Wanda De Jesus 飾)的神祕女子的來訪擾亂了特瑞平靜的生活。原來,爲特瑞提供心臟的是格萊夏埃拉的妹妹,巧合的是,她就是“密碼殺手”手下諸多的受害者之一。以此爲契機,特瑞重新開始了對於兇手的調查和追擊,就在他逐漸接近真相的同時,危險也來到了他的身邊。...

2000 年 08 月 08 日

When Geoff, an orphaned stable boy (Chris Masterson), discovers Drake (voice of Robby Benson), the world's last living dragon, he realizes that his dream of becoming a knight in shining armor can now come true. Together, they soon face challenges that turn them into heroes. But caught up in the excitement of their new lives, Geoff and Drake fail to see the hidden dangers that surround them.


2007 年 10 月 09 日

As a child Jack Brooks witnessed the brutal murder of his family. Now a young man he struggles with a pestering girlfriend, therapy sessions that resolve nothing, and night classes that barely hold his interest. After unleashing an ancient curse, Jack's Professor undergoes a transformation into something not-quite- human, and Jack is forced to confront some old demons... along with a few new ones.

1983 年 01 月 21 日

Celebrated heart surgeon Thomas Vrain supports the research of an offbeat scientist who has invented an artificial heart. Against the advice of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Vrain decides to perform the first artificial heart transplant.

2007 年 11 月 07 日

A who-is-it setting in the claustrophobic corridors of an abandoned and locked-off office building that has several guests invited to a party by their mysterious, unknown host. Only it is they who are the victims of their crimes. Suspense and mistrust are not the only stalker in this cat and mouse game of wits and fear. Who is the stalker? Why is he killing? And what is it exactly that everyone here has in common?

2010 年 05 月 25 日

Even in a postapocalyptic future in which Earth has been colonized by aliens, humans need hearts to live, so when an orphan boy's sister needs a new one, he'll go to just about any length to get it in this "illustrated film" from Matt Pizzolo.

2011 年 10 月 14 日

This ensemble comedy follows the Pullham University Bluecocks, a small liberal arts college with a Division III football program (the lowest division in the NCAA). When the head coach unexpectedly dies, the future of the flailing football program is in jeopardy, as they have not had a winning season in decades. In a desperate attempt to create some media attention for the athletic program and the university, President Georgia Anne Whistler hires known lunatic and felon, Coach Rick Vice, for what could be the football programs final season.

2006 年 10 月 14 日

A robot boy's obsessive quest to make his life better by realizing the way is through following his heart.

2007 年 09 月 27 日

A 12-year-old boy who is yet to feel the first trembles of love. He is shy when a girl calls him for a bike ride and then at the beach it becomes clear that he is a bit embarrassed of his body, as he struggles behind a towel to change into his swimming suit.

2014 年 05 月 22 日

Léo goes on vacation at his cousin's, in a fishing village. There, he meets a girl who goes by the nickname Heartless.

2022 年 04 月 08 日

Rhena's father tells a story about Atlas, a forest entity that whispers stories of the dead to its trees. That same night he disappears into this forest. Rhena does everything she can to get her father back.

1982 年 12 月 17 日

The King Without a Heart is a fairytale about of a happy king who has a young daughter and a lovely wife. After the sudden death of his wife, the king becomes so sad that he wants his heart taken out of his chest. The kingdom is turned into an effective society based on reason, and there is no longer place for emotions. When she grows up, the princess tries to make her father see the importance of play and emotions.



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